8 / 13
Jun 2022

No reincarnation technically but I have a transmogrifying dragon who eventually marries the grandson of the first human she ever trusted & fell in love with. It's possible it could be revised to be his reincarnation.

Hello. I have a story in hand that's exactly what you are looking for. If interested then contact me on discord: adifferentway#0281

I have a story about the prince saving the princess but with a twist that I would love to do im not much of an artist but im able to do enough for the storyboarding phase , id love to collaborate , and if you wanma know more of the details your more than welcome to message me here or on discord its Ellis420#8341

I tried messaging you on Discord but it didn't work, are you still looking for a writer ?

Romance, reincarnation and fantasy.
You could clear several hurdles with this and be extremely successful with these elements.
Personally though, you should have your own story in mind too.
If you'd like to collaborate, let us know. Start by private messaging us and letting us know your ideas too.
All the best,
Paula and Paul

Have a look at my fantasy, sci-fi, action story that includes dragons, demons, angels, wizards, vampires, etc!

Down the line, it will developed a romance sub-plot between the main character and someone else.

Check it out, and let me know. I was also looking for an artist in case a collaboration for a webtoon was possible... email me at wilfredgail289@yahoo.com or discord AG#0549

Hi, there! I'm an writer (or working) and always striving to become stronger, I have several Ideas for webtoon series, if you one is interested, please do contact me.

Hi there! I noticed that you responded to a topic, I commented on, out of curious were you responding to me or the topic creator?

1 month later

closed Jul 9, '22

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