74 / 76
Nov 2022

Here is my playlist of all Time-lapse drawing. It has videos both my webcomics KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1 and Geeking Around: The Webcomic

11 months later

Bump this cos' I want to see some new comic timelapses. It's been a long while.

Here are some.

I originally don't post much on my YouTube channel, there are In Real Time videos too

28 days later

My artist actually has a channel here where he draws "That Stick Figure Isekai". He had to put a video on private because it revealed too much, but he'll start putting out more.

I found it really interesting to see how much effort goes into every episode:

It's not showing, his profile name is "burdlady". He's on Twitch.

I have some timelapse videos from 2 years ago
ive been wanting to make more and do art streams too but my video recording software kinda broke on me lmao
so this ones kinda old =m=
the page doesnt even look like this anymore

16 days later
23 days later

I have some speedpaints on my youtube channel.

Heere is mine and I also have some more on my channel!
My channel is quite dead atm since I don't even have time to really draw but I'll probably post some more speedpaints/timelapses this year !!ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ

Finally remembered to use clip studio's speedpaint feature! :sob::sob:

26 days later

My channel has some speedpaint music videos showing how I draw my digital comics using Clip Studio Paint EX, and some cosplay music vidoes.

5 months later