9 / 22
May 2021

I didn't. I am not very active on there and don't have a following at all. But you can feel free to share it there for sure!

Where are you trying to put a message? Did you do the thumbs up react in the rules and about channel? That needs to be done before you can unlock the other channels.

Right now it shows that only 5 have done the thumbs react but there are 7 members. So just make sure you do that.

yeah, u have to wait like 10 minutes before u can press :thumbsup: on it

What do you mean by level? All you should have to do is join and then press the thumbs up react in the rules and about section, then everything else will unlock.

you need to be 10 minutes on that server to click thumb up I think its not so restricted, just be patient

Hi, I'm new here and am looking to connect with other artists, but when I click the link it says the invite is invalid. Are you still accepting people ?

I am, it is just an expired link. Let me update it. One minute.

I just joined. :sweat_smile::+1:

Wondering what to put in the intro bit. I’m not very exciting lol :joy:

We aren't too judgy on there. Put anything you want! Lol