26 / 78
Feb 2021

YOOO I don't know how to feel about clicking that link when you said that, is it anything that's like "What In The-." or " This Should Not Be On The Internet" ?

That’s what I’m thinking. I want to click on it out of curiosity, but I don’t want to see any NSFW stuff.

Yeah, my friend sent me a video about him once and she got a kick out of my reaction.

The fetish is weird as it is but....why WonderBread? It's not even good bread!

I never ran into anything NSFW when it came to seeing stuff about this...individual. If it were NSFW I would have put a warning :slight_smile:

Ah ok that's good :relieved:

My curiosity has been bugging me even since you've dropped that link in lol

Yeah, I'll edit my post and put that it's SFW lol I'll be mindful of that in the future.

How could someone have a fetish of that and for white bread especially out of all the breads that guy could of chosen it was that kind of bread ... :tired_face:

That person has no taste in bread NO TASTE

The weirdest and creepiest I ever got was some dude messaging for a commission... But he wanted the commission to be selfies instead of my actual art. I had done one of those year-end art vs. artist things. Well, yeah. That made me never want to do it again lol.

Every time someone tells me they're writing a children's book, my spidey senses go off--evvvveryone who has seen a baby assumes they're easy to write and make which like...no man.

It's always hella dense with text too and it's like--this is for BABIES, man. BABIES.

That and when I'm like "no publisher will accept your manuscript if you are an unpublished author who's already "found" an illustrator. Your art director will find your illustrator." and they're like...yeah but won't the art help it stand out? and it's like "No! I literally majored in this, that's now how this works!"

My weirdest commission though was a hella great guy, and it was a masssive oil painting of him shirtless holding his mother's dog. It hangs above her fireplace.

@GamerPrincessXI So saddest story ever told, I lost my photo of the final product, but this is the part product

It is based on a photo, (the dog is fine, kinda looks like he's being choked out, but he was just being a wiggly weirdo) but maybe I'll find the final one day.

Also he is not nacked, he is wearing pants. Hard to tell in this picture hahaha

No, it was some goofy thing she copied off the internet... If I had signed it, it said I wouldn't be allowed to reveal it's existence for two years...a window that could easily be seen from a busy street. Lol.

I've had multiple people ask me to illustrate children's books about talking animals for them. Which in itself is fine, but I draw adult comics with a specific focus on horror and erotic art. Like, that's what my portfolio focuses on.

I don't know why people can't understand that artists have different specialties. Anyone who's had someone ask them to draw a logo can understand. It's like asking a plumber if they can repaint the house while they're at it.

omg i get so many people asking if ill design their tattoo for them or make a logo and i???

i draw furries, ma'am.