11 / 78
Feb 2021

Hey there, I'm sure everyone has had really wild concepts thrown at them with terrible asking prices, and we could always use a space to vent them. Some rules first:

This is a vent thread please just go if you wanna argue about why bad pricing is ethical bc ill just ignore you
Ignore any comments about the above topic. do not even breathe on them. This is for fun.

I'll start.

So on a freelance website someone invited me to draw a 30 page childrens book about their wife and dog, full color, AND do the layout for the writing for them....for 300 dollars.

For the record, that maths out to 2 dollars an hour.


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There are 77 replies with an estimated read time of 9 minutes.

Someone once offered a gig of drawing a full comic for 2.50 dollars aday

pretty wild

I put my prices out up front, so I've never had issue with it yet...
but I once got a DM on my dead DeviantArt account asking for someone to draw a stock image of a ballerina on her hands and toes like a dog??? It was obviously fetish bait, which was rather disturbing thing that people do to unsuspecting artists, and isn't talked about enough, imo.

God i feel that i had an friend get commissions for characters like....about to sneeze....and one drawing of that was kinda like "oh okau funny haha bc shes a dragon and she sneezes fire" but then....it was like....lots of characters. like a lot of them.

One of my friends kept asking me to make her BakuDeku art + a kinky ass fanfic for free-
She knew I was taking commissions at the time (I'm not now because of Covid)
It was very weird, and now we don't talk due to the fact that she romanticizes toxicity in relationships and has a weird thing for gay anime boys.

Years ago, I offered commissions on Facebook. (I want to be clear, this is not an instance where I was mad, angry, or frustrated. I don’t think this person was stupid for requesting this, but it wasn’t something I was expecting.) They said they’d been creating a manga and they wanted me to draw it. They sent me pictures of the characters - but they were already established characters. The potential client wanted these to be the characters, and for me to make the characters similar to the already established ones. I understand that they probably couldn’t draw and stuff, and we all get inspiration from other things, but I was genuinely worried that, following what they’d asked of me, I may have gotten sued. I was flattered that they saw my art as good enough for me to want to draw a manga for them, though. Pretty good dude, if I might say so myself. While the request wasn’t wild, and it didn’t make me mad, I realize now, after being more experienced with manga and art - this undertaking would have taken a lot of work.

Someone asked me to draw a comic of Tigress from Kung Fu Panda farting ._.

I'm sorry but that really caught me off guard :joy: lol whoever that was they have an interesting way of imagining certain characters doing weird things

LMAO Kung Fu Panda is one of those fandoms that has... interesting art on deviantART.

...who am I kidding. Every fandom has interesting art on deviantART

I don't have any stories to share, I'm just taking my seat to wait for someone to mention the wonder bread guy :scream:

Seriously, those supposedly innocent requests that are actually kinks are the worst thing.

And here I thought Kung Fu Panda wouldn't have that until I saw some art a few years ago :weary:

It seems that in every fandom even though with the most Pgish shows or movies there will always be interesting fan art of that :tired_face:

A few years ago ****! Studios wanted me to draw a [redacted] comic for $30 a page. And when I told them I was too busy they asked if I’d draw a cover for $200 and I ended up saying no just because I was angry about their page rates.

Not the worst offer in the whole world but definitely the worst offer from an established company. 🤢

I spend way more time on flighty/eccentric client behavior than I do Rule 34 stuff.

One of the constant banes of my existence are NDAs. They're just not needed most the time...but this one particular time, the owner of a wig shop wanted me to paint a mural on her shop window and wanted me to sign an NDA... for a window facing a busy street.

Not sure if this is allowed per the purview of the topic, but this was a ridiculous request that I actually ended up doing, so if you are only looking for unfulfilled requests, feel free to skip :100:


A recent acquaintance (at the time, we're pretty good friends now) asked me to draw "Bidoof (from Pokemon) committing Tax Fraud", for free. I told him that I didn't do free work. He offered $1, I countered with $10, we met in the middle at $5 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here was the piece. It wasn't originally supposed to be colored but I was jut getting into digital water color brushes so I added it of my own volition

A guy asked me to do all the pixel art for his indie game, along with digital full renderings of each character, all for the price of $40. I said no. He asked if doing it in black and white would make it cheaper. I said no. I imagine he still wanders the art forums looking for someone to draw for peanuts.

Hmm, probably wasn't really that wild(?) But More than a year ago I replied to a looking for commission comment on twitter (ahahaha) and then a few months back they finally reached out to me. IDK why that took them a year. So anyway, we talked, and the most weird thing is that they keep on emphasizing on their disability and How they're still a student of some great computer related uni and stuff and they keep on talking of how they love their fiancee. That emphasizes makes me feels weird, but we talked for some hours and I don't think much about it.

They want me to draw something with with him and his supposed 'fiancee' and I even got a pic of the fiancee. I still feels weird But at the end of the conversation we ain't going nowhere and since they hadn't contacted me since I don't think much about it since I thought they bailed, until they reached out to me again a month later.

So we talked again, discussing
this and that for the drawing they want, and they still emphasized about their disability, their education status and how they loves their fiancee. We still going nowhere after some hours like before, so the convo ended and I haven't heard from them since.

So I continued my life for some days and I suddenly thought, "hey, is this guy probs a scammer?" It took me that long to thought of it. (:з」∠)

So I guess to their twitter account and... Up, that's some weird statement they've been writing, but at least they're still gushing about their love to the fiancee.

...Yeah, well, I did reverse image search on that one pic they gave me and found out that it was a pic of a porn star. And they're married. So, uh. Yeah. I don't know just got creeped out. If they came to me and say, ey, draw me romantically with this porn star! I probably wont think much.

At this point I don't even know if they're a troll or someone with a disturbed mind.

(my memory wasn't the greatest so some some details might be wrong lol. I did post some sort of thread on twitter about this)

And anyway, I already have my price list presented to my possible clients most of the time and some that came to me with fetish comm were most of the nicest and polite person I get to talk to so I don't really have anything bad to say about it. XD

I was once offered to draw a tarot deck...for less than $100...with a two-month deadline.

Same. I have no clue who this/thing is

"Wonder Bread Man" who is this mysterious foe :thinking:

YOOO I don't know how to feel about clicking that link when you said that, is it anything that's like "What In The-." or " This Should Not Be On The Internet" ?

That’s what I’m thinking. I want to click on it out of curiosity, but I don’t want to see any NSFW stuff.

Yeah, my friend sent me a video about him once and she got a kick out of my reaction.

The fetish is weird as it is but....why WonderBread? It's not even good bread!

No, it was some goofy thing she copied off the internet... If I had signed it, it said I wouldn't be allowed to reveal it's existence for two years...a window that could easily be seen from a busy street. Lol.

I've had multiple people ask me to illustrate children's books about talking animals for them. Which in itself is fine, but I draw adult comics with a specific focus on horror and erotic art. Like, that's what my portfolio focuses on.

I don't know why people can't understand that artists have different specialties. Anyone who's had someone ask them to draw a logo can understand. It's like asking a plumber if they can repaint the house while they're at it.