23 / 26
Sep 2020

Hello there, I have two series I'm working on here on the site.
One a kind of Urban Fantasy inspired by Tokusatsu, and the other a Fantasy story inspired by JRPGs.

I'm looking for more indie artists/authors to follow. I mainly like and tweet/retweet about fandom, writing, songs, LGBT+ topics and art/aesthetics I love. I talk about my projects but try to only self-promote once a week or so.


Edit: I write/like Paranormal/Urban/Dark Fantasy and Mystery.

I don't publish it (yet), but I love reading dark/low fantasy and horror. I'm writing a dark, vaguely spooky romance rn, and I'd love to actually use twitter to interact more (I just don't know how :sob:)

ps. I keep following more artists, so expect that to get retweeted (i need to save myself by following more writers before I become an 'other people's art aesthetics' twitter)


I'm on Twitter. I mostly write mysteries; one of my more recent ones was a more horror take on a "And Then There Were None" situation. My actual series on Tapas is paranormal/sci-fi/low-fantasy, I'd say.

The twitter itself is 20% of me posting updates for my stories and 80% shitposting.


Science Fantasy (Magitech) myself but yeah I'm on Twitter with the same name. Can't drop the link as I'm at work but I'm JC_Mraz everywhere