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May 2017

I'm a little insecure about my comic being in B&W, could this turn into as big as a problem as I think, or am I just overreacting?

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    May '17
  • last reply

    Jun '17
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Well, I'd rather read a clear black and white comic than a badly colored one.

I'm quite a fan of black and white when it's pulled off well. And I think most people tolerate it at least; I mean, most manga have no color.

I like b/w comics as much as colored ones. They have to look finished though, and not as if they're just lineart waiting to be colored.
Edit: As Joannekwan said, sloppily coloring your comic won't make it better. It's better to own the b/w than throwing in color out of a sense of obligation.

u should do what u image your work.
to me it feel more natural as B/W, color mean a special page or illustration/cover and so on.


I think there are enough people on the site that are used to Manga that black and white isn't a deal breaker. Ultimately, clarity is key, can people tell what is going on? is the storytelling done well? then it is fine. I would make sure to look at some black and white series and see what works and what doesn't and bring that into your own work.

Totally agree. If the comic is good, it will be good either if it's black and white or in color.

Also, take to consideration your times of production, Would you be able to stick to your schedule if you do it in color?


Black and White Comic are great! To feel like black&white it's worst then colored doesn't make sense because they are good in different ways.

Different types of comic, with different styles and stories will stand out better in Black&White or in color it depends.

You need to think about what do you feel it's better to show you story!

Having color doesn't mean automatically it's a good comic! A comic has a lot of factors for making it great! Story, style, illustration and more!

You can start to make it black&white, if you feel in the future give a bit of color could emphasize some episode or moment try giving it a bit of color! But you don't need too smiley !

Don't be afraid of trying new things!



I don't care if a comic is black and white. All I care is the story. And the character. Also, too many colors is actually hurting my eyes, I can't even look at GIF that flashing without getting headache, so black and white actually goes well for me.

Good luck with your comic smile

I read both color and black & white comics, but I'll be the first to tell anyone that I prefer full color comics always! It's good bait for getting me to want to read a comic :].

I'd probably say you're worrying. Black and white comics are popular if done right. Also, it can look good with the odd dash of colour somewhere. Really stands out. Most people just want a comic that's good, in terms of story and art. Besides if it's what you want to do then do it. smile

21 days later

My comic is B/W too, but mostly because I don't have the time to color it. XD
However so far I never received any bad criticism due to that, neither on Tapas nor on any other platform I publish on :slight_smile:
I think as long as the artwork/lineart looks good and the story is great, the color doesn't matter. Although it's a neat gimmick and I certainly enjoy seeing some well done color pages. But it's not a must imo :slight_smile: