Deanna Brigman
San Diego, California obscurato.com
Illustrator and eLearning developer. I'm always striving to improve my work and push myself creatively. I just launched a webcomic that I am really excited to share with everyone. Find it on tapastic: https://tapastic.com/series/Obscurato
- Joined
- Mar 6, '16
- Last Post
- Feb 5, '18
- Seen
- Aug 15, '18
- Views
- 104
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I'm currently in the middle of one long escape action scene right now:
The main character Dionisia takes a breather in the middle of her fight scene in this week's update:
If you have a limited amount of pages to tell a story and are having pacing problems, then it would be better if the writer at least broke down action by page. That way that artist doesn't have to figure this stuff out and the pacing can be figured out before the long laborious art process has begun…
I've also had LASIK and was back to work pretty quickly. I did experience dry eyes, so I would suggest packing eye drops and wetting your eyes on a schedule. Also, make sure to take regular breaks and close your eyes or look at something far away.
Kathoom! Knight mom/warrior grandma is tearing up the place in this week's page:
Some action and violence in this week's update!
Dionisia suits up in this new page. Time to go with Plan Z!
The plan is ruined in this week's update:
I love seeing people's process! Here is my layout stage: [image] And the page when it is all done (minus letters) [image] The complete page is here:
Subbed to your comic so I can check it out later. Art looks great so far. I have a fantasy adventrue starring a warrior grandmother:
There's sneaking around in this week's page.
I think you could push the posing more. The impacts don't really feel like impacts to me. They sort of look like they are "going through" the motions, and there isn't a sense of weight or speed. This is also due in part to the far away camera. Don't be afraid to crop in close and focus on the impact…
Here's my latest page for my fantasy adventure.
I tend to prefer the cylinder method as well. I would also suggest making use of exaggeration, when you do foreshortening. There is a tendency to draw exactly what one sees in the reference photo, but you have to remember that drawings tend to look flat even if they are "perfect" representations. W…
My latest page is up, cue the Kill Bill sirens!
I have a fantasy adventure long form comic, that has been on tapas for a year and a half I think. I personally prefer reading long form comics, because I love getting into characters and stories. If it has very few pages it really has to grab me right away so I'll hit the subscribe button. For works…
People read stuff across different sites. I would definitely promote whenever you have an update regardless of where it is hosted. You want to drive people to check out your comic in whatever way is most convenient.
The art is good and clear, I can tell what is going on. Already, the pacing seems a bit slow. The most recent pages could have been combined, as they are just reaction shots, etc. and aren't progressing the story forward. I think as you have more pages for people to look through and that give more…
The latest page is up:
Here is my character-driven fantasy adventure series.
This week's page for: [image]
A domain can point anywhere including a Tumblr blog if you like. Some artists have luck just hosting there. Depending upon the suffix (.com, .org, .blog) purchasing a domain can be fairly inexpensive. Google has a domain purchasing option and you can actually use Google Play credit to purchase one. …
Latest page is a night scene! The rescue mission has begun. [image]
It is a tough one. I am resigned to the fact that it is going to take me forever to tell my story at a page a week, but I can't work any faster than that. You may be seeing that there is a lull in your story and you need to edit. I honestly try to have something important happen on each page, and …
Who we are, our life experiences, and our political views all inform the art we create, and we can't really separate ourselves from what we make. That said you can curate an online presence that shows different sides of you. I personally take the mindset of: if I wouldn't discuss it in my office, …
Latest page for https://tapas.io/series/Obscurato The rescue mission has started. [image]
I think you have a good start. I would say be mindful of the panel background color vs the page background color. Being the same color everything kind of meshed together, especially with thin panel borders. Your style is really cute. It could benefit from some thicker outlines around the charact…
You can also look in the #indiecomics #makecomics #webcomics tags, as well as follow creators who will often retweet webcomics they like. As well as accounts like ArtofWebcomics and WebComicNetwork. There is also a webcomic super fan mkinyon who has made a giant list of actively tweeting webcomic …
Chapter 5 has started! The rescue mission has commenced, hope the plan stays on track! [image]
I have a fantasy adventure, that just started a new chapter so now is an excellent time to jump in: But here are some I'm reading that fit into your preferred genres: