There is no shame in taking a break. I stopped drawing for nearly thirty years. Don’t know why I stopped. I guess I just didn’t find much joy in it anymore. Then in 2022 I started drawing again and have been enjoying if immensely.
I can only offer this advice: do not base your worth on how many “likes” or followers you get. Becoming a popular artist or writer on the internet is about 5% art (or writing), 5% marketing, and 90% pure luck. It is all about having the correct pair of eyeballs landing on your stuff at the correct time. If you’re only making art in the hopes to become famous then I’m sad to say the odds are very much against you. Do not take a lack of fame to mean a lack of talent. You should be creating for the joy of creating.
Or, in simpler terms, you should be making art for the fun of it
Ars gratia artis. Art for art’s sake.