13 / 23
May 2021

I understand that but I'm also looking for new reads to get addicted to. That's why I have no mention of me subscribing to people or saying that people must subscribe to me. 'Cause if I like your story, I'm going to like chapters and subscribe to it so that I can keep reading without obligation. Sometimes people don't give stories a chance and I want to give them a change while hoping they give mine a chance.

Also, I never said everyone had to do it. It's their choice to share it or not, that's all.

I understand. I don't know what I might suggest to you from the 8 stories I have so far. None are alike.... I think. <3

Thank you for reading, and thank you sooo much for a new story! The concept is so intriguing that by the time I finished chapter three, I was hooked.

Seems fun and after having just read the first one, I’m definitely going to continue reading.

My series is The Sons of Adam, with a boy named Nod who can make dreams and nightmares become real, set in the last human city on Earth.

Wicked, thanks. I just ask that there be a comment on the chapter you read and then I know to start reading your. I leave comments too, don't worry.

Edit: Whoops. Just rechecked and for some reason the comment notifications weren't showing up at new. Thank you though. Reading now.

Cool. Honestly, anything except cliché romance or generic fantasy. I don't mind romance if it's something different, and I like dark fantasy, so long as it's not supernatural.

I have a romance between a vampire & a suicidal human.
I have a romance between a transmogrifying dragon and a human, or two.
I have a romance between an illegally intelligent catgirl and a human.
So, I think they may fall into some clichés, fantasy and supernatural.

They all may, although this one does sound interesting.

Im in! (and very happy to be going first, I save reading novels for when I'm going to bed and working out so sorry if my comments are weirdly timed)

Okeydoke. My first published story. Here 'tis.

PS - Read your episodes 1, 2, and 8. Good writing & imagination but they felt finding torn pages from three novels. The story or stories, how the people got to that point or where they go next, is missing. Perhaps this is a genre that I don't understand?

Yeah, not too bad. I read four chapters and comments (even though you only left three comments), not too bad. If I get time then I'll probably read some more later on my own accord.

Very dark, I enjoyed the three chapters I read (after your two comments and subscription). Cheers. :wink:

If you're still reading Nicolle, I would take it as a great favor if you can be harshly critical wherever it seems called for. :slight_smile: