5 / 54
Sep 2023

So I'm doing up the image for Chapter 36 of Finding Daecon's Way. This chapter features a big fight between two of the characters (the characters are shapeshifters and are fighting in their wolf forms), and this fight happens in front of a crowd of people. This is going to be one of my most ambitious drawings yet, literally dozens of people in the scene. I had started drawing the crowd doing just generic people but decided to do something different: Post your OC here and I will (try to) include your character in the crowd. I need about 25-30 characters.

Some caveats: All characters must be male. This is because my shapeshifter characters are all male (the biology of it is actually explained in the story). All of my shapeshifters have "elf ears", so if your character is going to be in the crowd he will have "elf ears". Children are welcome additions as well, but I would prefer to keep the crowd mostly adult. And, since they are shapeshifters, Anything goes for skin or hair colours, as my shapeshifters can have colours that would be considered unnatural in regular humans. I would not object to including an animal or two as well, but not anthro characters - an animal walking on his hind legs is fine, but no "human body/animal head" type characters because these shapeshifters do not have the ability to shift into hybrid human/animal forms (this is actually a plot point as well, because one special shapeshifter actually does have this ability). And finally (and most importantly) these characters will all be drawn in my style.

This is the scene that I am drawing:

And this is the actual crowd, which I started inking before having the idea for cameos.

So post 'em up if you wanna see 'em watching the big fight!

Hi! New here, but I would love to see my OC! Libum with white hair, on the right. Thanks :smiley: He has a burn scar across his face, as well. (Also subscribed to your work, looks super interesting. Can't wait to read!)

Your comic takes place in the 1980s right?

A young Wellington would do!

OOOOOH! Okay! I would love it if Otto made a cameo...and you can put him in his modern AU clothes if you like. And, thanks again!

These are my OCs from my webcomic Saiwalo. From left up we have: Noah, Anna, Marika, Schön.

Ooh this is cool! I love how the art is coming along so far. That’s definitely an ambitious crowd, but it looks great, I subscribed!
Here’s my OC Felix if you want to add him in, either outfit is fine

Hiiii! This is my OC Taiyang! He has a pet chicken! Do whatever you want with him lmaoooooo

...And of course the very first person submits an OC that would break canon in my story (in my shapeshifter world white hair is a symbol of royalty, only those with royal lineage have white hair). Oh well, it's my fault for not mentioning that. I'll include your character, but we'll just say he's a second cousin twice removed or something.

Otto will definitely be there. I wish I could include Crystal too, but so far the only female character is Lucinda the Hecate (woods witch). All Hecates are female, so perhaps further on in the story when the Hecates become more involved she will have her day.

Felix definitely shall have a place. He actually looks just like a character in my other story, Wild Nights, Hot & Crazy Days. The similarities are uncanny, right down to the round glasses and hair colour. My character is named Darryl, and he is based on a real person:

Wellington as an older man will work too because Cracking Eggs also takes place in modern times (mid- 2010s; pre- pandemic)

He’s so freaking tall! 🤣

How about Zack from my series Trespasser. A more aged up version because you prefer adult characters.
(Also, you can obviously forego the mechanical arm if it doesn't fit the setting.)