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Mar 2018

My favourite thing about a comic is the world it is set up in. My comic is not a continuous narrative but I've always wanted to tell a good story and sometimes I struggle to structure up a good setting. Can you describe the world your comic is set in, what inspired it and how you made your imagination into reality?

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There are 89 replies with an estimated read time of 19 minutes.

My comic is set in LA but more animal focused :smiley: so gonna be places for elephant sorts and hippos, given they are larger and bulkier. Also rodent folk. Gonna be interesting how this society will work! PlayFur (Mature Content)1

My comic All Broken Gods1 is set in a fantasy universe where majority of the world is trapped in a feudal era outside of a tiny city on the shore of an island. Most building expansion can't happen due to the island's powerful magic causing outer structures to be abandoned and overgrown leaving the city confined to one size. Many different creatures inhabit this place, including demons which have been causing problems with residents; kidnapping them and causing other strange occurrences. They are mostly confined to a town further inside the island but have been expanding further out to find more victims and where the beginning of the comic starts out.

My take place in Sweden. Outside a small town (that exist irl) in the woods.
Then with help with google maps I make a layout were all the locations exist.

My comic Low-Tier Jane1 is set primarily in the quiet suburbs just outside Hebron, Wisconsin in America. It also takes place in a vague, 1940-1970's time period, never really getting more modern then that. There is a big ol' forest just short of the suburbs, and the main point of returning is specifically just outside where the strings of houses end and large fields for farming begin. There's one big abandoned mansion cresting the edge of the forest, and it's the old sidewalk that crests the last road to this mansion that usually the main characters interact.
Interestingly, Hebron is a real town not far from where I live, I've just never been there. I just really liked it's name, and according to my brother, it is in fact a fairly nice, quiet, and small town.

the world of Kao1 is more or less set in a fantasy continent with three different species, who where at war for millennia until a bigger foe appeared and forced the three species to work together, the foe being a Magical Forest who feeds of the dead bodies of all who it can get dead or otherwise, thanks to the massive quantity of dead bodies and the slow growth of the forest the three species are now stuck with less than 1/3 of liveable space, which isn't really ideal.

my comic begins in a far corner of the continent, in a seemingly abandoned tower on a cliff above the forest, why nothing grows there is a mystery yet to have and answer, and the whole story is a trek of three individuals through the forest

the world was mostly just me playing with some ideas and wanting to get my characters as far away from civilisation, also my thoughts on what could make people band together and stop fighting themselves also a lot of inuyasha, digimon and isekai animes/mangas set in magical forests =P

Rethe takes place on an isolationist island called Jikesk.

Magic is tied to magma, and its power is in flux with the activity of the island's central volcano, and more powerful close to it. Around 300 years ago invaders tried to take Jikesk, and were told they could not return to their homeland with news of magic and would not be welcome back until use of magic had been eliminated.

The war has not been easily won. Close to the volcano, magic users can crush a tank, further from it, guns and numbers have the advantage. Because of this, the conflict has been locked in place, borders shifting slightly with the strength of the volcano.

I love developing my world. I have lots of useless information about it now, that the readers will never get to experience, but it is just so much fun to think about which parts of the world would influence each other! I want to draw a map, when I find the time, to at least give a little bit of understanding of the surrounding world, since my story takes place in one city for the most part.

My comic The Machinist takes place in a Land called "Robigo", a desert like country with a lot of valuable minerals. The country got rich due to the abundance of rare metals. But it is also under an oppressive regime. You see, in the world of my comic more and more people are being born with deformities and other mutations and the government of this place tries to separate them form the healthy population as far as possible. This lead to the country being torn apart by war. The story focus lies on the capital of Robigo, which is called Rust City in the slang of the locals. A city that got rich through mining, which I try to reflect in the architecture. The infected population is not allowed inside the inner rings, which is guarded by a special police force. A little outside the city a huge slum has formed, because of people searching refuge from the wars on the countryside. It formed out of a small community of salvagers, building little shacks around the garbage dump and just grew bigger and bigger.

I recently did a comic page illustrating some of the city districts.

The overall time period of this world is roughly the same as ours, with different countries developing faster or slower. Robigo is a bit more advanced than we are right now.

That being said I am already looking forward to exploring the rest of the world in my second comic, which will take place on another continent. There is some mystery to why Robigo has so much more mutated people, than the rest of the world and there are some fantasy elements I want to explore later. Hehe, so many plans. :slight_smile: But for now I am fine with my little dusty world.

My series The Stone Gods1 takes place between two major settings:
The small town of Mission (based off of a town in southern BC), and a fantasy world in the Empire of Aenea.
Mission is pretty much the definition of small town. It's rural, wooded, and the people are often bored (it's a bedroom community).
As for Aenea, it's a Romaneske Empire, filled with all sorts of magical beings, and encompasses several smaller vassal states. At the centre of the empire is the holy Mount Nubos where the gods are said to reside.

My comic Angel's Code1 is set in a fictional city floating over Naples, in south Italy. The rest of the world is basically the 2018 world we live in, but Antèita (the city in which my story is set) has a type of advanced technology that's present in shows like Ghost in the Shell and Code Geass.

My comic called, "ANATOMY'S ACTION," is about a guy named Coccyx (yes, Coccyx) who exists in the before life. A place where you sell your body or gain it. It's also a place that exists before the living life, has people that feel no pain, and also people who are lacking in limbs and other parts.

The first story takes place in a futuristic coliseum.

X21E4 (A.K.A North America) 2155.


My comic, Alansbeeville, takes place in a town in the Midwestern United States (because that's where I live, and they say to write what you know), but in a world where aliens are common knowledge. I wanted to subvert what most sci-fi stories do, in which aliens are a closely guarded secret or we just don't know about them, and if we do know about them it's usually in the distant future, whereas my comic is in the present day. I also like alternate timeline stories, so that also provided some inspiration.

My main novel is set in 1860s London. I had to do a lot of research to get the setting right, as I want it to be historically accurate. Yet it is hard to convey a time era proper without falling into a more modern flavoured variant. You have so many social conventions, technology you took for granted you can't use, and it is hard to make characters intriguing without making them complete social pariahs.
That said, it is wonderful to reconstruct the times and uncover the layers and layers of history. The stately manors of royalty, the stately houses of London business men, the rises of academia and the people that serve those upper layers who scrape by in what amounts to servitude. There's excesses and absolute poverty and it provides this web you can weave your story in, which is hard, but incredibly rewarding

There's a little more to it in terms of paranormal events and my attempt to portray the unspoken taboos (repression, the dark excesses below all the riches, the people who fail to deal with the restrictive society, and the false ideologies the world based itself on to name a few). England in that time was basically a vile political beast kept in a social straight jacket. A very sparkly, religious one.

But I've rambled enough :sweat_smile:

Alien Fiction has a universe-wide scope. The important characters of this novella are aliens who travel around the galaxies to abduct humans to add to their collections. Although they visit many variations on earth, most of the story takes place onboard their space ships. Yep, there are lots of earths and they are all populated by humans. We've got Firefighter Earth and Ninja Earth and Musician Earth and Superhero Earth. The question you should be asking is this -- which is the earth on which you live?