4 / 19
Dec 2024

So I don't know but when I was very young I used to write short stories my friends were very impressed with my talent

And not before a year i came across bl and I was so impressed with the series and novels that I decided to write ffs but later i was bullied on that app i decided to quit and started writing originals... I hope to see my novels being adapted into a series as I eventually grow (I'm so delulus but I hope so )

You guys can write your stories too

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    Dec '24
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    Dec '24
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Idk mine isn't anything too noteworthy but my sister wanted me to try writing diary like pages into a notebook (and against my protests) I did it. I decided that writing about myself was boring and being an artist I had ocs that I can visualize for others to see I started writing about them. This soon led to my first novel which is discontinued as I work on my current comic.

I started as a kid and my first story was a Star Wars fanfic.
It was really bad. I gave up on writing and only focused on drawing.
After looking for a writer to collaborate with and after talking to 100 (?)
writers I realised that I have to start writing stories again. I´m still pretty
bad at it. I write good dialogues and scenes but my stories suck

I´m a song writer, I write lyrics and music, I write for other musicians

I grew up reading fantasy books, HP, Narnia, Artemis Fowl, and so on, but then when I was 15 I read Eragon, and the story of the author being my age when he wrote really got to me, and made me think I could do it. :muscle:🏽

Didn’t found until much later that said author was self published by his parents who had their own publisher and contacts in the business that got him where he is, the first book was very flawed but to be fair, he did get much better after that. And still, the inspiration hit then, so I’m grateful all the same lol.

I would only add that I no longer have any professional aspirations to writing. For me it’s a hobby now. I very much love doing it, and always will, but I think I reached that point where I knew I had to focus on my life more, and I can live with that. Honestly, too many of us see writing as a make it or nothing deal, where if you aren’t successful is like why bother and I find that unhealthy. Writing should be the point.

I've been writing pretty much since the moment I was able to hold a pencil, lol. Some of my earliest memories involve making "books" with help from my mom.

I think I started writing fanfics at around 6 or 7, some of which were eventually adapted into original stories that I still write about to this day.

I started with a Pokémon fan fic, then I wrote some Disney channel theme fan fics. Then I wrote a few comic scripts , a zombie apocalypse one, the other was another fantasy story and I worked on a comic about a serial killer. Then for a year or two I took a break until I joined a writers group from one of my favorite YouTube channels. I wrote a short story for the group which turned into the current novel that I’m working on now.

Started writing because I had issues and needed to cope hard. The alternative would have been much uglier. For me and a few others.

I had always RP'ed on and off, earliest I can recall doing so was when I was 8. I did not bother writing on my own until I was 12; we had a short story project in school. I hammered out 20 pages and the teacher expressed to me I had a real talent I should harness. Thus, I tried to.

You're a song writer I'm sure you must be writing good songs ..
Kudos to you ... All the best love :gift_heart:

Awww that's too inspiring... You're indeed a beautiful writer and I like your optimistic views on writing I'll read your books .. all the best love :kissing_heart:

Ohhh sorry to hear that dear
I hope you're doing well now if you feel like talking some day you can always reach out to me I'll listen to you without judging :ribbon::two_hearts:

I got started on my writing journey when I was fifteen because I wanted a job of some kind and my parents wouldn't let me get a "real" part time job. I got published by a women's lifestyle magazine for the first time that same year. By the time I was 17 I realized I really needed to go all in with my writing because I didn't really have a "proper" education, and I needed to have something I could sow for myself by the time I was 18 to prove I was qualified to work a job etc. I decided I needed to stock up as many writing credits as possible to prove I wasn't stupid just because I don't have a diploma. And I've kind of succeeded? I mean I'm now a Turnill-prize winning author, and I have a certificate that proves it, but unfortunately most jobs still want you to have a college degree.

when i was a child, I used to play a lot of Sonic games. And what I would do, was replay the games and add my own stories to them in my head. As I grew, i started playing with toys like webkinz and making stories from them. I kind of jumped around in a bit, then in 5th grade, I had a dream. It was my first real story, so I ran with it. I then ran it into the ground, then in 10th grade I came up with a story at random, loved it, and went back and forth on it ever since until today

I've always been a writer, the type of things I write have just changed througout the years.

When I was young, I used to write superhero and fantasy stories. I would print them out and make a library of my stories for my parents and grandparents.

Then I spent a few years writing a full fantasy story on Wattpad as well as some other projects during middle and highschool.

After that, I stopped writing fiction for a while but I wrote lots and lots of blogs on my favourite topics like cartoons and art on Amino.

Then I discovered Tapas and that helped me rediscover my passion for writing fiction. I spent some time as a reader but wanted to base a story on a very fun RP I had done for a while and that's how Fair, no Fair was born.

Currently, I'm going full circle. I'm currently wrapping up Fair, no Fair, have written a novella in the meantime and have two other projects running on Tapas. I've started world-building on a fantasy story that I'll write once I wrap up Fair, no Fair that is based on a story I wrote in middle school. I'm really hoping I get to publish that one traditionally but who knows? Either way I'm excited to start on it.