60 / 87
Apr 2020

Not at the moment, but keep an eye out for whenever i start a draw your oc thread or something similar! I do them occasionally (mostly whenever i have extra amounts of time)

These characters are suppose to be introduced in Chapter 10.

A 7.5 ft tall "Angel" who inherited a butt load of money but is too selfless to spend it on himself.

Nu-Mun's adopted son who has been mentioned in passing. He is a grumpy wannabe magician who claims he can pull anything out of a hat.

@AbelDraws NO! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW SO I CAN KNOW MORE ABOUT DEAL!! I need to interrogate her for more theories development :'D (all of them are babies tho :yellow_heart:)
@snowy Definitely that's not how I pictured Jeremy's dad, though I really love his design! He seems like a nice fella who just wants the best for his boy :cry_01:

I don't have a proper reference for most of them, but here we go!
First we have this trio of asters that soon will join the party, I jokingly call them the Dumbass Trinity, but they are loveable dorks.

First we have Dafirah (Adaferah), an aster priestest of some sort that has some divination powers up her sleeve. She's arrogant, harsh and very hot headed, but she is extremely loyal and fierce. Her devotion to her deities doesn't stop her from hitting on girls from time to time.

Azha is a kind soul that decided to step out of the army to work as a healer in the capital. Coming from a noble lineage of knights this choice ended up damaging her relationships with her family. She will lend a helping hand to everyone, and also an ear so she can gossip about everything within her reach.

And then there's Minelauva aka Min. He's a guy with a heart of gold that wants to do something great with his life, though the fact that he's a scaredy cat doesn't help much to it. He joined the army to become a great knight to be respected.

And then there's this BIG BOY. He actually has appeared in the comic, but not much.

Meet Khaus, the sassy old dragon who is probably regretting his recent life choices, as well as the fact that there aren't dragon sized bottles of wine. He is a true gentleman that will teach you manners, wether you like it or not. Never swear before him. Ever.

Of the 3 main characters that haven't been introduced, 2 don't even have concept art yet because I don't think we'll even get to them until sometime next year, and one of them has appeared in the comic in a few panels but has pretty much been set up as just another government suit in the background instead of the industrial strength can of Patriotic Whoop-Ass he really is.

Agent Mann: A former army ranger turned impromptu Superhuman Containment Specialist for the DHS. I think it's about four more issues before he's given the go ahead to take the kid's gloves off and our comic then gains a B-Side, following his and his team's, attempts at keeping the original main character's under control.

The other characters are:
Michael Stockton: A former member of the DHS, and close friend of Mann, whose powers came with a violent psychosis that means he isn't always in control of his actions.


Tiffany:A former petty thief that grows increasingly monstrous and sadistic as she realizes just how untouchable her powers have made her.

Asters seem like a race entirely made up of loveable dorks so far. :smiley:
But omg, your dragon design is something else. It's so hard to draw an original dragon these days, but yours is almost cat-like and looks like it was drawn in one single brushstroke. It's magnificent.

I just love making dorky characters XD
Also thank you so much! I just love drawing dragons, they're so cute. And about the cat likeness, I'm glad you said that cause dragons in my comic basicaly act like massive scaly cats XD

OKAY. I actually have some characters later on that haven't shown yet and I have drawings of some of them.

So I don't have better art of this guy at the moment, but that's okay because he's a little sh*t.

This lady here will end up being helpful to other characters with her knowledge.

This guy looks awful lot like Sakari, but he's in no way related to him, lol. Maybe he won't be shown a lot, but he's very important to the plot.

Also can't wait to show pretty much the whole cast of another comic I'm working on. xD

Would LOVE to but cant...all the new characters I have planned I cant reveal yet.

I have so many character reveals, it would fill up this entire thread. Here's just a few:

Hazmat Creeper, a plant based Superhero.

Ratman. A very troubled, yet intelligent Superhero with a dark past from Japan.

Chalk Dust. Superheroine from Ukraine.

Eagleman (middle) a Canadian Superhero and his Eagle family(not related; left to right).

Elliott won't show up until chapter 3. I don't have a drawing of him yet, but he's an imaginary friend that my character Jung, creates to cope with his anxiety and depression. Also, to remind him how lonely and strange he is, and that he has no friends.

This guy will take some time to show up:

His name's Haruo, and he's one of the gangsters in my story. He kills a lot of people, but he kills them because he has no choice. Haruo is a victim of the gang as well, he does not fit in because everything that's given to him (love, gifts) is always in exchange for something else. He's in my story because he's gonna find his comeuppance at the end.

Here's my comic if you're interested:

She's a walking mystery, you can interrogate her if you catch her, but that won't happen huehuehue.

But ÂŞÂŞÂŞÂŞÂŞÂŞÂŞ my BABY BOY. Khaus how in the world are you so pretty ;; I love himmmmmmmm. In a polite way (?). Also I can't WAIT for the dumbass trio to appear :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::sparkles::sparkles:

The rest of the Seasons, so far only Winter, Autumn and Spring has appeared.

The red haired spikey character of the group. Very hot headed with a penchant for trouble. He should appear in an episode or two.

Summer Who's very athletic and acts as the leader of the sisters.

And then Rainy Who's moody but still up for some fun and the more responsible brother.

Ah looks like we found the missing member of team Red and Spiky! :tapa_pop:

HAHAHAHAHA, I just love them so much :cry_01:. And I think that first line is the best description of Khaus that I've ever writen XD

@Chita more asters???!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I thought they were extinct!! Introduce them right now!!!!!Dafirah looks like the type who would try to boss Flare around and make her spit fire. :joy:

Well, we have not met at least 3 extremely important characters but my readers have seen them before, a lot of times:

my avatar:
Lucis Nocte: a little immortal who temporarily owns The Amorte book.

The first cover:
Judex Maximo(this is his official title) : He is the savior and judge of the world. Literally the apocalypse starter.

The banner:
I can't say much...this is NOT Lucien...or is he? he is imprisoned in the original Paradiso Thorns.

And I will love to reveal why all of them look alike. :sweat_smile:

I'll forever be excited to introduce this little shithead to my readers. Sadly it'll take a long while yet until he comes up in the story. TwT
He'll bring some nice plot-twists with him as well as some fierce attitude that shakes the main character to his core. XD

He's from my current comic FOCUS 10

Wait, are you telling me this is a character from your comic and not how you look in real life? I think this is the only avatar I've seen you use, so to me this is how you look :sweat_smile:

Sorry, I shouldn't have posed as a 10-year-old pink-haired girl. :joy::joy::joy:
I will show you all my real face (I'm a 90-year-old man) when I make my announcement inviting everyone to my Instagram! :smile:

I'll wait for the Instagram in that case, sir :sweat_smile:

These 2 haven't been introduced in my comic yet.

Although technically they already appeared, only they looked very different.
They are not siblings.

These characters are from a short comic I drew last year to practice digital coloring. It started as a series of images, and I still have to finish a few connecting images and format it, before I upload it on Tapas. The characters are from a novel a friend and I have been writing at a super slow pace over the past... decade (oh gosh it has been that long D:)
They are adults in the novel, but I drew them as kids for these images.

Oh yes I remember that series of illustrations! I loved them, but I'm not sure I followed the whole story they narrate. I'm very happy they'll be on Tapas one day.


Ramzy: xenor’s older cousin/half sister/it’s complicated. she’s a former queen of xenor’s home dimension who took his place but like him, ditched the throne soon after and went into hiding

Beetsie: from the same world as xenor and ramzy, an old friend(?)/assistant of xenor’s

king of flames/Zorren: from the same dimension as the others, new ruler of said land after ramzy

there’s more, these are just some prominent future characters that I happen to have relatively new art of

Y'all have such nice concept art, lol, mine is like...sketches still until I get them to the page (like Silvia especially may change to be shorter and heavier set, this art is a little old). But, I'm excited about these two girls:

One on the left is Amelia Peck, who is Daniel Peck's twin sister and who is too busy trying to sidestep her Father's magic footsteps to currently get involved, and the other on the right is Silvia Thornhill who left the main cast before the story ever started in order to make out with every guy in Indiana (and power to her).

@amortelito Don't worry, Dafirah is a ray of sunshine (not really XD). Let's make a deal, I'll introduce the squad soon if you introduce Lucis y Judex soon as well :sip:

I am actually cutting a lot of the story to be able to introduce everyone sooner!!! The longer it takes for me to draw the chapters the more I fear I won't be able to end the story at all. So I think I will make the intense condensed version of the comic and the shorter casual stories can be extras.
The current chapter (Hero) was supposed to be 4 different adventures but it is better to have a Frah-centric chapter that truly develops her. Lucis and The Amorte are next though! :sweat_smile:

I will be waiting for those asters babes. :heart_eyes: