
Akemi Kae


Oh hey, it's me, lurking the forums instead of drawing my comic like I should be.

Oct 9, '16
Last Post
May 23, '21
Sep 17, '22
Trust Level

This is easily one of the most haunting and depressing songs I've ever heard. It's also beautiful. Hollywood Undead has an astonishing amount of very heartfelt music, and this is one of my favorites. It's sort of uplifting, but it's also very much singing about grief. ... I for some reaso…

Working on a non-cannon shipping drawing from my own comic instead of actually...working on my comic lol [:sweat_02:] [image]

My boys Nathanial and Tory bein' cute. [image]

I don't feel like I've really made any big strides this year art quality/style wise. But I've definitely gotten faster and smarter with how I draw. So that's good. This was technically started in 2019 but finished in 2020 so it counts. [:sweat_02:] [image] This was done in the middle of Novembe…

It depends on how much work I lose, but if I lose a lot of a drawing, it can be bad enough to make me stop drawing for the rest of the day or even a couple of days. My CSP lately has been crashing while auto-saving, so I turned that feature off, so hopefully that won't happen anymore. I can't stand …

Most of my characters formed from a random sketch or doodle, and a personality kinda just grew on them. Their fashion taste tends to grow with the character as I get to know them better (at least that's how it's been with my main comic, since it's my first serious comic). Though as of late I try …

Some recent favorites. I'm obsessed with smirks of sorts and one eye squinting XD [image][image][image] [image]

I find that readability is far more important than making it interesting. Sure, they can intersect well if you know what you're doing, but if you're still fresh and just want to tell your story, then I'd be more concerned about people being able to follow. I know you've probably been told before, bu…

I don't actually get comments like that pretty much ever...So I can't say if it bothers me or not. What does bother me is when people comment to say that your character is basically a character from something else, and they're very rarely even that similar. "Hey they look this person!" and then y…

Dialogue has always been on of my strong suits when it comes to writing anything, so I've never really thought too hard about it. However, I found that after a while, you just start to get to know your characters well enough that you know how they'd respond to certain things. I'm also not afraid of …

This was supposed to be a sketch... [image]

Magazine cover concept for my WIP comic. This was soooooomuch fun! [image]

I primarily use my desktop. I usually read in between working on my own comic, so I'm already on PC anyway.

Working on a bit of a redraw, and this panel is always fun for me just because of the dialogue. lol. [image] (The original version of my comic didn't get very many pages done, so don't worry, it's not like I just sit there redrawing my entire comic all the time lol)

Main girl from a WIP series. May make it a canon magazine cover since she is a star <3 [image]

There's also cases of people finding your comic through google and not having a Tapas account and not necessarily wanting one. I know back in the day I would just bookmark things in my browser. Though who knows if people still do that these days. goes back to my grave

Did a meet the artist thing. I like it a bunch actually! Was very fun! [image]

Because it's "childish", I think most people think anything that's fun most of the time, is childish. :I It's dumb really.

I'm still arguably an amateur, and surely, people take blushing to only mean they're blushing from their crush. (when in reality, people blush from all sorts of stuff. Like I blush from...living. lol) There are quite a few moments with blushing in my comic, but it really isn't me trying to take a s…

"You know there's 16 year old's that draw better than you." (I'm 26) "When are you going to start drawing something better than that cartoon stuff?" And a billion other versions of the same question asking when I'll start doing "real" art. It doesn't bother me all the time, but a lot of the time…

Drew my boy Krisle in a mask months after I said I would. xD I had a lot of fun with this one! [image]

Workin on some fanart of V from DMC5. Pretty convinced his tattoos will kill me once I get to them. ^^; [image]

Been drawing lots of pages, but also getting used to characters I haven't drawn in about a year. haha. [image]

This was extremely fun and relaxing to draw. <3 [image]

This song is pretty much always in the back of my head, and just pops in my brain constantly.

So this happened. [image] Also this! Idk what possessed me to go all ham on it lol (click for full image, it's tall) [image]

I mostly draw comics for fun, but also to get stories out of my head and share them with people. Ever since I was young I had very vivid stories in my mind, and I want to be able to share them with people as best I can! Honestly, my biggest goal I have set is to eventually get my dream comic out in …

Rock covers of pop songs will never get old to me.

Really rough, but it's due time to draw a cliche laying on the grass anime type drawing. With the addition of some delicious pining lol [image]

A week seems to be my limit before I start to swear every second as I work on the page. Or cry. Though, lately I've been going back to bigger batch work, so at least my crying and swearing can turn into multiple updates sometimes...