50 / 54
Feb 2022

hmph? interesting... that was just my perspective of it when I was a child... I mean, I think I was 4 or 5 when I first saw it... and I remember I was crying and hug my mother. While my mother was like... "You are a strange child"

The point of this topic is that I am looking for child-friendly things that teens and adults find creepy. Not what scared people as a young child.

Right! and as an ADULT I still find this creepy, It is a child-friendly Movie that Indicates DEATH and the possibility of necrophilia. I understood the topic

For the most part I'm not very upset by this kind of thing (I have a lot of uncanny valley tolerance)
But once I saw my little cousins watching this cartoon and... I dunno man, this just doesn't sit well with me:

It's animated like an adult web cartoon (especially the way the moon lady's eyes move) and the character designs just feel weirdly off. Like I keep expecting a gross-up or cursing or something disturbing to happen but it never does because it's a preschool cartoon so the tension just keeps going and going. Am I weird? Does anyone else see this?

puppets, porcelain dolls and those flappy things in front of car dealerships tho the last ones more when i was a kid but i still hate em...

also most loud toys like i don't think i've ever minded musical things but the talking/crying/"i go potty" type baby dolls make me unsettled as hell. i still have a very specific memory of walking down a toy aisle filled with the crybaby ones with the motion sensors(?) and the whole row was just screaming toy babies...i dont visit the doll aisle much anymore...

pullstring toys or jack in the boxes also count in the above category for me too especially jack in the boxes. coz like i get the whole set up and anticipation but i don't like the surprise part even if it's meant to be harmless and cute

Seconding VibrantFox on this one, I've always found those talking dolls, and just talking toys in general really unnerving. I used to freak out whenever I had to go to a toy store to buy a gift or something, because it was just so loud and bright and there were like 50 shelves of screeching things... ugh (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Anyways rant over haha
TL;DR is basically just talking toys are creepy idk

Wallace and Gromit
At least I used to find them creepy. Gents, I implore you: look at Wallace’s face and tell me you don’t find it the least bit frightening.

I remember seeing drawings of exaggerated faces at school. It's the half realistic half cartoony ones that are the worst for me like caricatures.

certain cartoons for kids, i remember watching few when i was kid and i liked them but now when i see it....it creeps me out . they aren't scary, story isn't scary, nothing about them is meant to be scary....but they are creepy

Mascots. It's a big no thanks from me. similarly, those animatronic things they used to have in the 90's--I loved it as a kid, Bullwinkles would play music for me and there'd be like a little water show it'd do as well--but as an adult no thanks I don't like the animatronic robot.

TBH my dislike of mascots is probably because of all the animatronic robots from the 90's.

Yeah I remember watching the Chuck E Cheese shows as a young kid. But watching videos of them now is a bit frightening.

I am probably not going to use them in my project due to Five Nights At Freddys being a thing.

Puppets freaked me the f out. I'm writing a story based on the experiences I had a kid, so I won't go too deep into it because I'm afraid people will take the idea; but to sum it up they're the uncanny valley for me. The very idea that they can come in all shapes and sizes scares me.

Same goes with dolls. My sister had a doll and it scared me the f out when I was sleeping because it would always stare at me. I didn't want to move it because of that DAMN Twilight Zone episode where this guy was being haunted by his daughter's doll and him dying by falling down the stares in the end. I was like "nuh-uh... I'm respecting its resting place, I don't care if it's checking me out while I sleep".

For me, it's ancient 3D animation. You know, the type that people use in vaporwave art? It didn't mind them at all when I was a kid, but nowadays I think I overanalyze the thing and I realize the uncanny valley.

Stuff like that:

Did reboot have that kid with the fire hair or am I thinking of something that looked similar?

I do remember when it was on TV as a young child, I did not like it.

EDIT: OH GOD! It was called Shadow Raiders and I just looked it up. It did not age well.

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closed Mar 19, '22

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