13 / 30
Jul 2021

Just went through from the beginning up to chapter 4 and I have to say your art is absolutely beautiful! Wishing you the best of luck in fulfilling your dream :blush:

Thank you so much! :cry_01: I just went through viewing/liking yours too!(dropped a 10 star as well!) Your art style is super cute and fun, awesome work! :heart:

Thanks. That really means a lot to me. :smiley: I'll give your series a little boost as well.

Damn, congrats on the feature! I remember doing a Read for Read with you back at the end of last year. Happy to see things are going well!

I'm actually really liking your prose/story so far! I've actually subbed so I can go through and read it carefully too, it's quite good so far! :heart:

Thank you so much, that's really nice of you to say! :cry_02::heart:

I'm heading over to check yours out/drops some likes now too, the premise sounds interesting! Thanks again! ^-^

Congrats!!!! I hope you’ll unlock Ad Rev soon! (Please update us when you do if you want).

Your comic looks super cool! I read through and liked a bunch of episodes, and gave you a 10/10 rating (cause you deserve it). : D

Keep up the great work. I hope your dream will come true and you can make a living off of your webcomic :blush:

Here’s mine, feel free to check it out (but no pressure either!)

Thank you so much, that's really kind of you to say and I'm glad you like my art! :cry_02::heart:
Just went through and checked out/liked boosted yours, best of luck to you as well! :heart:

Thank you so much! :cry_02::heart:I just did the same for yours, all the likes, 10 stars, and a sub(I think yours is actually really entertaining and you've got cool art so I'm definitely sticking around for more!:hype_01:)

Congrats on your feature :slight_smile:
You have an amazing art style and story :slight_smile:
I really like your work :grin:
If you have time,
Here's mine :slight_smile: hope you'll enjoy :slight_smile:

Thanks man, I really appreciate that! :heart: I remember reading "Rewritten" too, it was really well done, I need to catch up with it still!

Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out! :heart:

I just checked yours out(you have such a cute art style!), made sure to leave likes on both, plus a 10 star over on webtoon! Keep up the great work! ^-^

11 days later

Giving this a bump because I'm ready to check out some more series and could still use a little bit of a push to hit the ad revenue threshold(It's gonna be REAL close!)

:eyes: click! subbed. checking on! Keep the good work! good luck!

Thank you so much, I greatly appreciate it! I just got done reading yours and WOW was it amazing! Excellent work on the art, characters, and story so far. I definitely subbed and am excited to read more! :heart:

Thank you! Im enjoyed my lunch break reading the much I could yours! I really feel deep in the story
! Im loving Willow and Austin x3