22 / 74
Aug 2021

I mean you know, what I mean with the solid gender of the protagonist in the point of view of a healthy boy. I know you can make your protagonist a cute man in an action fantasy, there's no limit to what creators can make.

Yo, if anybody wants to read a story with a nonbinary main character, my novel has action and adventure without weird gender stereotypes :kissing_heart:

I believe in well written characters, gender should follow the well written characters story.

You can’t make the main character in Kill Bill or Aliens a male.

But if you give me two visual characters with no story. Then I prefer to look at the female

@crowstories is totally worth recommending, and on the comic side, my manga has a nonbinary character and somehow has been recommended by Tapas staff 3 times since I started publishing this January, so it seems like nonbinary characters are interesting after all? :neutral_face: And uh, let's say gender stereotypes bore me to death...

jesus this post turned into a shit storm just from one comment by OP

honestly, stereotypes are cringe and unbased.

Both characters look like they would work fine, my biggest advice is going to be the same I give anyone working out their MC's design and it's "Do you want to draw this character well over 1000 times?" so go with which character you would prefer drawing over the other if you can't decide.

As for an androgynous main, it's really not big a deal, there are lots of straight androgynous men irl (not that being straight matters but for some reason people think that only queer people can be androgynous), probably more in irl than you see showing up in comics and other media because they're not as common for character design choices. As an example my dad also prefers androgynous leads because not only are they easier to relate to, but because 'they look like they take care of themselves, I don't like when they look like they don't bath or wash their hair'

Welll....I'm a dude and I have to say, I've never been into harem stories. In my opinion they are some of the most, unrealistic and misogynistic stories ever.

And I also don't believe a female main character has to beat down all the male characters for herself to be a good character. I also think it's kinda close minded to assume that the only way a guy will pay attention to a female lead is if she gets into lesbian situations.

I think you should reevaluate some of your ideas on "what male readers" want. It feels like your ideas are more in line with corporate or mainstream media, but far from the nuances of actual people.

As far as the characters themselves, I don't really have an opinion any which way. The male and female look so alike, they don't really give me anything to work with mentally. I think they're designs could be a little more creative over all. Right now the body suits look pretty generic, and their silhouettes aren't special either. I will say, they are well drawn, but I probably won't remember either of them after looking away for 5 minutes.

thanks for telling me I am a comedy for being androgynous (I'm a man, not gender fluid, but this was still disrespectful to all androgynous and non-binary people)

Samesies!! ^^
My MC is also genderfluid!! Also it's a Fantasy/Action comic hehhe
I'm currently injured but I'll continue updating KMO as soon as I recover ^^

can i request a third option on the poll that says "who gives a shit about gender as long as the character is interesting and well written?"

if not that, then maybe a disclaimer at the top that says "the author really only cares about cis men's opinions on this, as evidenced by the barely there, back-handed invitations for 'female creators and readers' to poll."

edit what's up, I'm an adult trans dude and consider myself very pretty so maybe stop trying to force certain concepts of gender on strangers.

Wow, you’re not even trying to hide how much you’re an awful person, are you? If you’re gonna do nothing except disrespect every single nonbinary person you may as well just leave.

Soo.... frat bros that only watch currant iskeai cus its popular to like and never venture out to anything else of fear of being made fun of by other frat bros?

I personally think that the female harem trope is objectifying and misogynist. It's hideously dehumanising to have a bunch of female characters who only exist to swoon over the male lead, as if they're nothing but brainless objects designed for pleasure.