35 / 74
Aug 2021

Soo.... frat bros that only watch currant iskeai cus its popular to like and never venture out to anything else of fear of being made fun of by other frat bros?

I personally think that the female harem trope is objectifying and misogynist. It's hideously dehumanising to have a bunch of female characters who only exist to swoon over the male lead, as if they're nothing but brainless objects designed for pleasure.

Yeeeaaah this guy's just digging himself deeper and deeper at this point, lol. I'm out.

I'm Cis, Male, Hetero and not even through half of my 20's, so I guess I can "fit well" for the public you are aiming for.

After reading everything so far, and because I think my immature 14's self would have share some similar ideas, I'd like to give some honest advice:

  • I'll play the devil's advocate and say that there may be a place for harem to show in a healthy way, but all the examples of harem I've seen are just unhealthy fantasies for horny teenagers on the internet. It's not like some power fantasies that inspire you to do more, to persist and believe in yourself, but rather something more harmful and egoistic, and that makes an action story dull.

  • About the GL, assuming from the other comments you've posted, it seems you are just putting it there for mere fetish. Not that only us cis or men or heteros or all the latter are to blame of fetishizing relationships, but neither an excuse to do so, even more when it isn't the main story focus.

  • I can understand that dealing with all of the LGBT+ ideas and concepts at once may be hard to digest and even understand (more if you come from a somewhat conservative background like in my case), but at least there should be respect in disagreement. What's comedic of a genderfluid character? Or an androgynous one? You could just say you are not comfortable drawing gf or andro characters, or prefer to keep it either male or female because you still don't know how to handle other characters, or even that you fear it wouldn't be as accepted and it'd be a better response than what you said.

  • By no means a male looking female or vice-versa is an actual reason as to why someone on the internet would not read your story, even ignoring the people with the femboy/trap fetish, there are those who don't care as long as the story is good, or the scenes look great, or the characters are engaging.

The gender of the character doesn't matter as long as you can write a character well......

I don't think OP is american, you guys... you might be barking up the wrong tree here

What exactly does being American have to do with what they said about genderfluid people being “jokes”????

I don't even know if this person knows anything about lgbt people :expressionless: this is mostly discussion that's more common in western politics. I'm assuming they have no idea what people are talking about. At least i'm assuming why this happening.

Even if they have no idea what they’re talking about (even though they most likely do know), that doesn’t make all of what they said perfectly fine all of a sudden, and they should have made sure they do know what they’re talking about.

I never said it was dude, chill. jesus christ. I'm just pointing out you guys are going nuclear over someone probably not familiar with anything you're saying.

maybe you could educate them rather than scream at them, I think they muted this thread anyway because its hell