5 / 5
Nov 2017

Hello! I'm an artist looking to collaborate with a writer on a hopefully short story (spanning perhaps ~ 30-40 pages). I've been looking to improve my skills by working on a different kind of project. I have some experience on writing and drawing webtoons but for this collaboration, I'm looking to take on an approach dealing more with the art aspect rather than the actual writing. For samples of my work, here's some webtoons I drew ; Set to Zero27 and Moon River10.

I must admit that I'm a bit picky with what and who I'll work with. I'll also admit that I'm not a very fast artist at making pages / panels so I hope that anyone who's willing to collab will be patient with me. As for the actual kind of story I'd like to collab with, well, there are a couple of things I wouldn't be willing to draw / things that are beyond my skill level :

  • Mecha
  • Furry
  • Excessively complicated machinery
  • Detailed animals

As for genres I'm looking for, I'm not particularly picky but I'm more likely to collab on a story I find interesting. Horror, Mystery, Sci-fi, Slice of Life, Comedy and Romance are definitely up my alley but I would be willing to draw other genres as well of course! There isn't a limit to the rating of the comic , and I'm perfectly willing to draw NSFW content!

If there's anything unclear or you'd like to ask, please leave a comment below! :grin:

  • created

    Nov '17
  • last reply

    Nov '17
  • 4


  • 918


  • 4


  • 1


  • 2


Hi! Please, contact me at andresshizou@gmail.com so I can send you some ideas and scripts. I have tons of short stories already written ^^ .

Sent you a PM. If you're interested contact me at prophetdee226@gmail.com that's also my Skype username

Hi there! I'm interested since I have a lot of short stories on mind (mostly horror stories), and I'm perfectly willing to do unpaid work. I've already sent you a PM :)!

Closing this thread down as I've already found a writer to work with. Thank you very much to everyone who expressed an interest in collaborating with me!