139 / 149
Mar 2019

Hello. I would like to get a review, if you still doing them, please.
I know beforehand that my banes are human anatomy, text translation and speed of the updates. =D

Would love a review on our prologue

2 months later

Hey there ,
Can you review my story? Tell me your honest opinions. Thanks in advance.

my comic, i don't know if im outting my comic in right sorry.

1 month later

I'd really love to hear your opinions about my webcomic, yours would be the first review I ever had!

16 days later

Here's my comic. It's still quite short so there's not much to review but I'll return the favor to anyone that wants to give it a go. It's a sci-fi psychological thriller.

1 month later
9 months later

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

5 months later

i would like to know if you could look over by comic the art gets better each chapter thanks for your help

Is it okay if I dropped my novel here, take a look​:point_down: it's something like that

● Name: Age of Magic

● Genre: Fantasy, Action, Mystery, Magic

● Summary:
500 years ago, people believed that a great earthquake divided a huge continent into three ones . These three lived in peace until the day when a village got destroyed leaving one survivor. A boy named Leo, but little did he know of the adventure that awaited him.

● Why should you read it ?
Hmmm, If you like elves and demons or dragons, it's gonna be here, if you wanna see the journey of boy who lost everything and wants to get stronger in order to get his revenge, it's also gonna be here, if you like magical stuff, and how it works ( There're available episodes that explain magic how it works " The origin of magic " check them out if you wanna know how, and let me know ur opinion about it )

● Hopefully you check it out


If your still interested in reviewing here is my webcomic. Thank you for offering your time to review other people's work.

Hope you like all of mine:
Genre: High Fantasy Medical Drama

Genre: High Fantasy Graphic Horror

Genre: High Fantasy LGBT Romance

Genre: Low Fantasy Magic College Slice of Life + POC LGBT MC

Genre: Low Fantasy Dark Comedy

Genre: Science Fiction Futurism Romance

Hello, i just posted a new chapter of my comic today, there is a lot of good comics in here. I hope you enjoy mine :slight_smile:

sorry for my poor english tho