4 / 6
Jul 2017

As the title suggests, I was wondering if was against the TOS or not if it was possible to do just text based literature (with occasional illustrations like in a light novel) in the format of Tapas' comics. As we can't submit anything through the official books section yet, I was just curious. I occasionally get ideas for stories that I just don't feel like turning them into a comic, but would like some way to receive monetization for them. As I do not wish to post on wattpad or fiction.net... Has anyone else tried this yet?

  • created

    Jul '17
  • last reply

    Jul '17
  • 5


  • 992


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I've tried it before—by accident, naturally—but I don't actually think it's against the TOS in any way. I've seen comics that toe the line between being illustrated stories. So I don't see why you can't!

I mean, you can upload Novels through your dashboard now.

Unless you're referring to the Premium books section? In which case, no, regular users can't submit to that because that's for paid, contracted writers only.

You should be able to upload your own novels now if that's what you are looking for.

If you hold your mouse over the new series icon, it will give you a drop down to choose between comic or novel.

You can't add pictures to novels unfortunately, the bet you can do upload them somewhere else and put a link in the description or something.

(sorry if I read your question wrong, I'm not 100% understanding it)

Hi Amayan,

It's fine to create a light novel in the comics section but I would highly suggest writing this in the novel section. As Kura has touched on, you cannot insert images into the text editor right now, unfortunately. However, it is a feature that we'd like to work on once a few higher-priority features are completed.

Omg we can upload novels now? I thought we could only view them. That's good to know, I'll have to check that out later today. Thanks everyone!