

Jun 8, '16
Last Post
Aug 31, '18
Apr 24, '20
Trust Level

Hi everyone! Dropping in to say that we really appreciate your patience and winners and runners-up should be hearing from us soon. As you can imagine, we received a ton of submissions on the last day, so we've been spending the last few weeks looking at each one very carefully. I do wonder, tho…

Hi @RonuCreative! I can answer this one. You don't need to write three paragraphs, but if you want to, you're totally fine communicating the themes in any way you want (bullet points, short phrases, sentences, etc.) Just make sure you tell us exactly what kind of message you want to tell your read…

Absolutely love collab projects like this, especially between Premium and Community creators! Thanks TurtleMe for starting it up and allowing Tapas to get in on the love :slight_smile: If anyone has questions about the featuring part, feel free to @ me!

Hmm, I'm not sure about that one. It's best to contact support at to explain the issue, providing your username and phone model. Though also keep in mind that with the Thanksgiving holiday, we'll be a little slower than usual to respond.

Hey there! I'm far from tech support but I think what might be happening is they're clicking the "Tip" button before inputting an amount. What they'll want to do is click the arrow next to it first, choose an amount, then click the big yellow button. [image]

@stnmaren That's what I like to hear haha (also the sad cat broke my heart :cry: ) @GoldenPlume We're super excited to start working with them and showing everyone what a huge success the incubator will be :slight_smile:

@PyroToaster & @KayLynn: If anyone is not contacted by the end of this week, it's safe to assume they won't be part of the program this time. I don't want to commit absolutely to this though, as there are always exceptions (i.e. if someone drops out, another person may be contacted late, etc.) We al…

We are in the process of contacting creators chosen for this round! As for the public announcement -- we are working on a large announcement both on-site and outside Tapas. I'm not certain what date that will be; of course we want to announce as soon as possible, but this depends on how quickly we…

Haha looking back I realize I might've sounded a little harsh X: But in reality it's because I was replying while in transit (sorry @Leohma!!) Though I don't know if it'd be possible to reply to everyone, we are aiming to make an announcement within the next week or so! We really got a ton of fant…

We are not so heartless as to not consider "late" submissions sent in a few hours late under the assumption of local time zone if we received any (which we didn't, by the way. Central Time is actually 2 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.) That being said, it's true we should've specified in th…

Hi lefrafra, We'd really prefer original stories that aren't published yet, but since your story sounds relatively new, I don't think it would hurt to send it in. You can absolutely submit multiple ideas, just keep them all in a single email!

The incubator is for comic creators/writer + comic duos, not necessarily already publishing on Tapas. The novels chosen to adapt into comics are chosen only from our pool of premium authors by Tapas staff.

Oh yes, the auto-response was meant for normal submissions and was never de-activated until a while into the incubator submissions. Sorry about that! Whether or not a creator is available in our preferred time frame, we'll try to be flexible if their work is strong!

Oh no, that's boxheadstudio, I just helped with Fashionstar. He's an amazing artist :slight_smile:

Hi there! To clarify, there's no ability to "earn" quite yet, though you CAN buy and unlock on the web. But just like with the app, dev team is working on new ways to make coins accessible to more people :slight_smile:

@craftynessi: This depends on a number of factors including contract negotiation + creator availability + logistics. Ideally, the program would start end of September or early October for most people, but we are flexible. Uprooting is also not necessary if you are unable to. Regarding number of c…

@cronasonlyfriend Hi! No, you do not! @eggshellglasses Hi! As far as I know, it still is. It wouldn't hurt to shoot Jessica a message :slight_smile: Just be sure to mention what position you're interested in.

@Hyakupasaurus: 18 or older @wonpei: This is mostly editorial feedback in terms of art, storyline, dialogue, pacing, etc. You should have a general idea of where you want to go with the first season, at least. The more clear and cohesive the idea, the better. If you submit with a general ide…

I'm not sure what you mean by "skipping out" but we are definitely not getting rid of the desktop site.

Hi there! I don't have the final say or anything when it comes to hiring, but there's no harm in your friend applying, especially if he has experience in a role like this.

Hi Masterman, We understand that a lot of work goes into making a story pitch into an actual, cohesive story. That's why we're providing the finances and editorial feedback throughout to help you do this, in a team effort, and also why we request shared ownership. We understand that this program m…

The story pitch should include the synopsis. The entire thing should be 2-3 paragraphs (try to be as succinct as possible!)

There is no rule on seasons -- You may pitch a longer story, with the understanding that if it is accepted, the program only covers the first season (unless you're really really fast at drawing and can create multiple seasons over the span of several months!) Once the program is complete, if your …

Sorry, we're mostly looking for artists/comic creators right now! However, if you can team up with an artist to send an original story pitch together, we may consider it.

@Akaluv89 is correct. The locked Premium novels (and comics) have been around for a little over a year, but this Novel Platform announcement was for open publishing of free novels through our online editor. The community is doing a fantastic job growing out the free novel database, so there is pl…

Ah, sorry for the confusion! As @bilvyy mentioned, we will work with creators to come up with realistic deadlines within the time frame during contract and schedule negotiations. Once these are set, we would need to consider them fairly "strict," otherwise nothing would get done! :wink:

Unfortunately, we're not currently looking for writers in this first program, but artists/creators who would like to adapt premium novels on Tapas. However, we may consider extending the program to writers in the future.

You must be 18 years or older to apply.

It's certainly on the list. Unfortunately, there are quite a bit of items ahead that are a higher priority for the site and app. For now, please bear with us! We will let everyone know once this feature is available.

Hi Amayan, It's fine to create a light novel in the comics section but I would highly suggest writing this in the novel section. As Kura has touched on, you cannot insert images into the text editor right now, unfortunately. However, it is a feature that we'd like to work on once a few higher-prio…