18 / 58
Jul 2021

Well, I guess I would mostly just use it to not have to worry so much anymore. No more time wasted on trying to earn money somehow and just continue writing. And depending on how much money I really make, I'd start giving out to others who need it. I've got a bunch of friends who could use some help. There are also some local charities that I'd look at and see how much sense they seem to make.
But "living the good life" isn't really my thing :sweat_smile: All the things I really want aren't that expensive, I don't need a private jet (because I'm scared of flying) or anything. I'd just need someone to help me figure out how much money I'll need and then I'd look into ways to give the rest to others slowly, not all at once.

I'd buy the farm of my family, as of now I wouldn't been able to buy it even with bank loans (without getting me into depth i never could pay back)

Then I'd fix all the broken stuff and reset the whole production to Biological-farming. Of course I need some cows :smiley: Also I just need to make a nice appletree garden for people to relax in with a little coffe shop :slight_smile:

So after all this work I'd have a small but pretty farm I tend to while keeping on drawing as much as I like. And in the evening I sit in my garden and enjoy the sundown... :slight_smile:

Get a tiny house, buy some forest acres, and then start buying empty train cars, and abandoned storage bins (like those really big ones) and convert them into living spaces for the homeless, and as a "home base" for my businesses and my non-profit I'm trying to get started up. The non-profit is called To Be Honest, and it's all about homeless rehabilitation and therapy.

After settling any debt/mortgage/other payments and finding a house to settle into, if there is enough money afterward, I might hire actors and a production crew to make test reels of my story. It might not ever be a full movie, but even having a fake trailer would please me immensely.

I'd get 346 dogs, one for each room in my mansion. Each dog would have two butlers and a diamond studded collar. Then I shall travel around the world alongside my chimpanzee named Pickles, collecting one dog from each country. A simple dream for a simple human.

Edit: this is serious. no joking.

First things first, hire assistants to help us realize all the projects we want to make, which includes at least like six comics and two games (and maybe 10 other things I haven't heard about yet) xD
I'd buy a nice place for my mom, travel to other countries (haven't been...in a lot of places), try to establish a mysterious inn based on one of our comics in Ireland, that would be perfect; buy a small house on the Spanish seaside and traditional house in Japan... and then spend my time creating all those projects anywhere I want, Asia or Europe, surrounded by a few cuddly dogs and helping small creators and artisans of various talents all over the world :smug_01:

@jkb4753 @sorible you guys. You are the chosen ones.

I'll buy a comfy small house in a rural area in maybe some country in western Europe.
Hire professionals to do my projects and travel around the world in my free time.

quit my job and go full time art....About it lol, I don't really have any big buys in mind at the moment... maybe buy/ pay off a house and a car so that I have no worries...I am a simple being.

It's good to daydream about good things that will never happen, but I feel sad whenever I do so.

Make sure all my bills & debts are taken care of, buy some land in the mountains, and seclude myself away from society. I'd go into town once a month to shop for food & essentials, and probably eat at a restaurant...

I'd tell him to stop using the "n-word" in all his movies...:joy:

I'm getting my own island. It'll be big enough for me and each of my team members to have their own house.

Where have I seen this concept before..? Lol

I don't care about money as much as I care about sharing my franchise with the whole world but... well I guess if I were rich I'd buy myself a very nice house (not necessarily a big one) and I'd also probably start collecting old videogames, comics, books, etc. :joy:

First, I'd spend some time writing letters. I'd put the letters in a safe deposit box in San Francisco, then taking the time to settle on a farm in the Midwest.

After getting married and having kids, I'd start telling them stories about the letters, but I would stop telling them the stories once they became teenagers. Once I'm old and on my death bed, surrounded by my descendants, I'd tell them that hidden within my novels are the secret to finding the letters, along with the key to my fortune.

I'd make sure to leak the existence of the letters and my impending death to the media, causing my book sales to skyrocket and for the value of my estate to increase in value as well.

Then I'd die with a smile knowing that within those letters are nothing more than the words, "Now people will remember me."

Give me like a hundred thousand bucks, and after debt and moving, I'd put half into investment, and the other half right back into the Quinlan Circle, which is in desperate need of good website design, artwork, and an actual social media presence. And I'd pay a year's salary to myself and just go ham on writing, like a book every month or something, just to beef up the Quinlan Circle's library bigtime.

I've lived for a few months writing full-time before, in between jobs. I was actually making a plan of how to make a living from that when I got accepted into the JET Program unexpectedly and moved to Japan. But in those months, I really did write tens of thousands of words a week across several projects. It was sort of wonderful, but I didn't have any income or savings to support myself, so it wasn't going to last much longer if I didn't run into a windfall. If I ever get that chance again, I'd really like to take it. $100,000 sure sounds like the right number to do that for me.

Wow, the world really would be a mess if the crap I created got super popular.

I would pay off all my bills, get a medical and mental health check-up, then put the rest in savings. Every month or so I would donate some to charities I like, and leave 200% tips to really good waiters/waitresses. If I was really well off I may sell my current place after fixing it up, then move out of the US to some place more quiet. Like the woods or a field with no neighbors somewhere in Europe. Help fund indie projects, buy stuff at artist alleys, maybe even go back to school and not worry about being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

I say all this but in reality I would probably just give it all to my mom, we live together because I can't afford to be out on my own, and she has a lot of health issues. So her happiness is my happiness, if you know what I'm saying.