6 / 6
Nov 6

Today I made a commission thought that I would be able to afford one but life came up and I had to cancel on the same day thirty minutes in.

I’ve politely told the person that I had to cancel,didn’t wait days to let this person know that I wouldn’t be able to afford this.

The person then proceeds to act highly immature and complain that they have bills to pay how could you do this to me. I told them I too also have bills and apologized for inconvenience.

We had everything planned out and I told them that I could pay Friday but as I said something came up and l had to cancel thirty minutes on the same day.

The person then asked me if I was going to continue and after seeing how they reacted I’ve decided not to do any future business with them.

However I could be missing something and wanted to ask could I have handled this better

My first instinct is to say that it's not your fault that life circumstances rendered you unable to afford the commission, and while I can understand this person's frustration with the situation, it was pretty unfair of them to take it out on you.

However, I'm curious about the "same day thirty minutes in" detail. Are you saying that you made the commission, then immediately cancelled it 30 minutes later? If that's the case, maybe you should have double-checked your finances before making the commission.

I did check but during that time frame I found out that I wasn’t going to be able to afford it so instead of wasting their time and giving them false hope I canceled on the same day.

So yeah I told the person the character art details and said that Friday would be good but I had to cancel.

Like as soon as I got done I gotten a text from my husband saying that he needed my help with insurance Friday. It’s not like I wanted to waste this person’s time but as I said life came up and insurance is more important at the moment.

Plus I could I see if the person already started and I waited until last minute to cancel

Things happen. But I think in the future you should not make a commission unless you have the money for it plus a cushion for unseen circumstances. This is of course, just my opinion, but it’s the best way to avoid a repeat.

While I wouldn’t have complained, I can also see why having an order cancelled so suddenly would be jarring. While yes, it’s better than last minute, it would be very unexpected just 30 minutes later. So maybe give yourself and this person grace. 🤷‍♀️

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