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Mar 7

I'm thinking that my subscriber numbers had reached the final ending.
well.. I do planning to make a youtube channel and I just made my tumblr blog, but I don't have time, so, how does authors advertising their webcomics if they're busy with their work?
I'm dying to know because, I don't see how I'm going to do that unless I've finished my story.. I'm working alone, so, yes, I don't have time

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nah, mine is still ongoing, as I think are most folk's stories on here at least

Most people tend to do ongoing works here.

I think if I was going to do a novel, I'd finish it first, so that I could then go and revise the beginning. I'd probably go through 2 or 3 full drafts, and then publish the chapters on some schedule. You'll definitely want to start advertising shortly before it comes out though.

It's a good practice when working creatively to tell nobody about what you're doing until you're just about done. Telling others just lets the energy out of it! Think of the many people who tell people they're working on their novel for years, but they've only written 1.5 chapters at the end of 5 years.

My comics take too long to finish the whole story before coming out, but I had 72 complete pages (3 chapters) before I started posting them publicly online. Most webcomic artists don't build that kind of a buffer, and would consider that excessive.

Learning to advertise without compromising your work schedule is just part of the gig for webcomic creators. It's easier if you already have established your production schedule as a habit so you can work around that. That's one benefit I had from building that large buffer prior to going live.

When I was working on my first comic here, I thought it would be a good idea to have a buffer of my project. For personal reasons, I decided to take a hiatus of about 6 months to draw the first part of my story before publishing it and continue like that until the last chapter. That helped me not to feel overwhelmed, that's why (this is a completely personal opinion and I think it's the most obvious one) when writing a novel or working on a comic, it's better to have a good percentage of your series ready beforehand. :slight_smile:

I say this from personal experience, when I was younger I was one of those who would draw the first chapter and publish it without thinking about what would happen with the second and third chapters and finally I gave up on working on that project.