10 / 17
Apr 2020

So like the title says do you Answer your commenters questions on webtoon when they ask a question that will spoil the plot in the future?

I'm unsure of whether or not I should be like ‘idk we'll have to wait and find out’ or just ignore them and let the story develop?
I’m leaning more towards the latter option tbh.

  • created

    Apr '20
  • last reply

    Apr '20
  • 16


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I think it's good to acknowledge your readers in the comments, even if they guess a plot point in the future. You just don't have to confirm nor deny what they say. I don't recommend ignoring comments unless you really don't know how to respond.

Does webtoons show you when a comment is added? Or do you have to look at every page?

You have to look through them all...over and over again...

I pretty much always answer comments as to create a fun dialogue with my readers. I think the webcomic format is cool in that it allows for such interaction pretty easily :smiley: (rather than print comics where you may never meet or interact with the author). That said I've found it easy enough to dance around spoilery questions or respond with hypothetical answers lol. Like "ooo I wonder! That'd be pretty neat :D" regardless of whether it's correct or not xD

@writercynknapp - sadly it doesn't :X I think I've rarely seen an email notification or something when a comment of mine got responded to, but it doesn't let you know when new comments are added to your series. Which is a bummer because it means that a lot of new comments on older episodes likely get lost.

Tapas... usually... shows comments and I try to go out of my way to answer them all - if I haven't seen one, then unfortunately it was an earlier episode that Tapas just forgets to notify about. Even if they ask potential spoilers, I try to say at least something constructive, even if dodging facts or giving other information that might or might not be a red herring despite true.

This all the way :3c that's because that's what's the answer I'd prefer to be given.

I love making guesses and all that jazz in the comments, they're fun to make and fun to read for the creator. Being met with silence is kinda disheartening sometimes (unless it's a super big comic and the author can't answer all the comments / you know the author doesn't usually answer to comments because they just prefer it that way), when an author answers me with something like "we'll see!" Or whatever I feel like it's kind of like a small highfive amongst the two of us, if that makes any sense. That way I know the author is cool with people theorising in the comments as well c:

As a creator I do the same :3c I don't answer, but I appreciate the fact that they take their time to comment and guess.

I'd answer but not spoil them. Especially not on important story-stuff.
If they ask you about something that would make you spoil it's fun to just answer with a lennyface of "mmmmaybe? ;D" or something.
Answering in SOME way should be a given so the readers know they don't comment into a void. (Also it's fun for you as the author to see them actually THINKING about your comic.)

Of course, I love it when people take the time to comment. I haven't had to deal with any major plot-spoiling questions because I'm so early on in the story, but whenever I do get questions like that I'll definitely tease the asker with my answers lol! My plot is highly twisty. They can try but they won't be able to guess everything.

After mentioning Shilo's other form, one of the commenters on my Webtoon asked if they could lure out the form with a chicken nugget and honestly I laughed so hard. Shilo is a vegan character, but it hasn't been brought up yet. But yes anywho I love receiving and/or answering questions.

I answer the more inoccuos questions, but wrap the more in-depth stuff into Q&A's.

Anything too spoilery I ignore.

Webtoons Dashboard is super limited though so I put aside a weekend a month to flick trhough the comments on each of my updates.(Cause no notifications and such)

I think when you search your pages, it bumps up the views count for each page you visit.

100 chapter checked every day would be 36500 views in one year, just because we checked our own chapters.

I usually do some variation of "maybe", an emoji, or "that's an interesting question/theory". Sometimes I also just tell them I can't answer cause spoilers.but thanks for leaving a comment!

Like several of the creators above, I like to engage with my readers in the comment section, but I never reveal any spoilers. It's fun reading what they come up with for guesses, though. You can keep it light by using an emoji or answer in a way that shows interest in what they're asking without revealing anything. I think it adds to everyone's experience and makes readers feel invested in the story if they feel welcome to comment.

As a reader, I've commented before on where I think the plot of a story is headed for fun, but I don't expect the creator to actually give away anything.