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Dec 2024

I feel like this is one of my biggest fears as a creative person, that someone else could release a story that's EXTREMELY simillar to mine, except with more quality and professionality put into it than mine could ever convey, to the point where it gets far more popular and mine would be labeled as a "cheap ripoff" even though it came first. Is it selfish to think this way? Do any of you deal with this as well, or is it just me being paranoid?

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I did at first, but once you realize there is no such thing as a new idea, only a new execution, you will feel extremely liberated.

My own work is far from original or even that creative imo. But the way it's executed, from artstyle to the way the story is told, the specific dialogue choices, that's something that's uniquely me.

So instead of focusing on finding that super special, unique, once in a lifetime idea. Focus instead on executing the ideas you having in a way that's 100% true to you. You will find that to be a more fulfilling and rewarding experience. And your story will be all the better for it.

Not really. I think everything in the world is pretty similar at this point so stories like mine probably already exist. The difference is in HOW we tell the stories and I know no one can write exactly the same way I do.

I often wondered bc of the punny title, if the concept of a "Friar Chicken" was actually used in a funnies comic. 100% certain it has, like, once. But despite that, I'm positive the premise of my story is WAY different than what I imagine others would make of it from the title/premise, if they tried to make it, that is.

So, nah. I doubt anyone has the exact story as you, maybe a vague premise of "a bunch of animals getting into trouble for social media fame" may have been done a few times before. but readers will see your take and spin on the idea and also see yours as a unique story and style and appreciate it as it is.

(PS, I had this story in my teens about this team of soldiers who hunted supernatural beings from various myths, and the two main protags of the team were brothers. Sound familiar? It's (somewhat) similar to the Supernatural TV series XD

I actually abandoned the story when I learned this show existed with a similar(but actually very different) premise, but looking back I know the story would've been different in a number of ways and would have probably been good had I executed on it and ignored that fear of copying, cause it's really hard to do that in detail.)

Guess bottom line is, don't worry about it or it will stunt your creative growth and story. You'll be fine!

Nah. As they say, there’s no such thing as original ideas anymore. There are only different ways of telling them.

That said, I haven’t come across another slice-of-life comedy about a tomboy and a femboy.

I feel this, except I don’t really worry about someone having the “exact same story” I know that’s not possible. But I do often worry if my stories (mostly just one in particular) are too similar to others. The one that worries me, it feels like a mix of Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch man. I didn’t realize that until months after I made it up. And the MC- I can think of four characters that look extraordinarily similar to him and two of them share his name :sob:
But then I realized that as long as I wasn’t blatantly copying it’s fine. It’s still a new and unique story even if it has similar themes.

I do but I'm like oh well... there's nothing new under the sun. Every comic or movie or anime out there has borrowed similarities to others like it lol

On a basic level, kind of (and probably more so when I was younger) but not really generally speaking. In my case though, I feel like the circumstances and inspirations behind my comic are so hyper specific and niche that its hard for me to see a series coming along that's exactly like it. Unless there's another creator who felt like combining DBZ and Lady and the Tramp 2 just because when they were 13 :rofl:

It's inevitable. It's not bad because it helps to compare my story to others and see how good it is. The only thing I'm really worried about is that I'd be blamed of plagiarizing others.

I think about the possibility sometimes but it doesn't turn into a worry, just a curiosity. After all, chances are I'm without noticing copying stuff from series and books I've watched/read as a kid but forgot about :sweat_smile:

Been writing short stories since highschool in the 90s. But I have noticed, that some recently created manga that turned into anime. Has had something a tad similar in sub plots for some characters of mine.
But I'm not gonna change my story in any way.

I am personally not worried of an exact copy of my work. It would seem like a huge coincidence if they were so similar that there is a debate if one or the other is a knockoff.

Stories with similar concepts has always been a thing. There are tropes and common motifs. It's like the whole Simba vs Kimba thing. If you create a story in Africa with animals, of course there is going to be a lion.

I would only worry about the other person being a drama-mongering popular artist who make a big deal out of it.
People having the same ideas out of vacuum and making interpretation of a preexisting concept is normal and okay. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants in our creative thoughts. But some people somehow got their ego bruised that their idea is actually inspired by something else, or offended if a person dare to have a similar idea with their unique and special self.

I have seen a person I know getting accused for similarity in theme (historical people with dogs?), but luckily it didn't escalate.

Another example I have seen is where two characters have the same name, and the other person fuss about it. If my characters have the same name with someone else's, that means they're friends. Let's arrange a playdate.

But yeah, other than that I don't worry at all. It is inevitable, after all.

Not really. Everything is not created in a vacuum. Ideas are built upon other ideas or improving things.

I used to, all the time, until I realized that I was hoarding stories, fearful that someone might come up with the same idea as me. As it turns out, there isn't a new idea under the sun, but I can do my own personal take on a premise. :wink:

I´m always surprised how different stories are, even with the same plot idea, genre etc
and I don´t know many examples where I think it´s exactly the same story idea.
Some are very similiar and sometimes you can see where the writer got their inspiration
or copied parts, but that doesn´t make it the exact same story idea imo

It probably sucks when you write 8 show and then Squid Game comes out and everyone
says it´s the same idea but those stories are completely different. Just as an example

Honestly, exact opposite. I feel kind of weird when I have a story idea and can’t find anyone doing something similar. I totally get the feeling though, I used to spend so much time worrying about originality. Now though I actively search for stories with similar premises, just to compare and contrast. You can give the exact same general outline to different storytellers and you’ll get wildly different stories.

We all have similar damn stories, but it’s how we tell them that makes them unique. That’s why I’m not worried if someone has the same idea as me. In the end, it’s the way we tell our stories that truly makes the difference.