Urien, Ambrosius and Lacey are all kind of awful people I wouldn't enjoy being around for different reasons. I have good reasons for how they ended up that way, but that doesn't mean I'd want to be around them.
Ambrosius is somebody rejected by the human world who has taken on a very, "It's okay for me to do anything to survive and thrive, including screw people over because they'd do the same to me" mentality. He's ready and willing to lie, and even to humiliate himself to ultimately get what he wants. You can't trust him. At all.
Urien is like a crappy entrepreneur and your classic narcissistic sociopath. He does whatever suits him in the moment, then says, "The secret to my success? Other people just don't have the brains or guts to do what I did", when actually other people just don't have the lack of consideration for others or consequences. He does care about those close to him, though it's in the sense of them being part of "his" world. I think he could have been a decent person and maybe could be one with extensive therapy instead of everyone validating his bad behaviour.
Lacey is one of those online activists. The kind who loves being part of a righteous cause because it gives her a reason to be extremely nasty, but then to frame it as simply protecting herself from the bad people on the other side or reacting to how awful they are. You can't talk about a single thing around her; any show you like is problematic, anything you eat or wear is unethical... but of course, things she watches, eats or wears are fine because what's she meant to do? "What am I meant to do, I'm broke!!!" etc. etc. She's not an antagonist, and she's not evil, and she won't literally try to hurt you; she basically has no power at all; she's a powerless person who lashes out at the world by shaming, bullying and gatekeeping progressive spaces. I know a bunch of people like that, and they can be very hard to be around if you're trying to have a nuanced discussion or tackle a large issue that may require compromise. She exists in the story largely to put a name and face to people online generally who will judge the characters, especially Sarin Aoki, for how they deal with the sticky political situation they're in and emphasise that theme of "power and responsibility". I'm sure she has friends who she enjoys having a good moan with over drinks, but I wouldn't be friends with her (I wouldn't say that though, she'd cancel me on social media).
Like if they were real actual people? I could be friends with both Alya and Rahat. But they would be pretty shit friends. Rahats pretty self absorbed and emotionally unintelligent and blunt, they're generally optimistic and perky which means they can come off incredibly callous to the horrors around them, it takes a conscious effort to relate to other people and their hardships.
This all can be very unlikable but then again Rahat is based pretty heavily off myself and attributes of people I like. As much as Rahat can be an asshole, they also can be a deeply caring and kind person. The love that they have for the beauty of the world easily extends to the people they care about (the select few).
Alya is most of the time a great person and great friends. They are endlessly generous, endlessly forgiving and endlessly kind, they do not hesitate to show the people they love that they are loved. They are also a little tone deaf and overzealous. But their main problem is that they can't stand doing anything that makes them a burden, they can't set boundaries, they can't have any problems, they don't need anything from anyone, they're fine.
Now obviously because they don't set boundaries, and they never ask for anything. They're never 100% happy, and because they never reflect on their problems -because they don't have any problems- it's always the other person. They gradually become distant and resentful to the person they previously cared about, which can flare up in arguments and their relationships falling apart. Alya as a person, is pretty good. They just need to go to therapy. But because they are untreated so far in the story, they'd be a person I'd have difficult feelings about in real life.
Then there's Leopold, who's named after Leopold II (Google at your own discretion, he is genuinely disgusting, and theres still people in belgium that defend him and that makes it more disgusting) and is basically space Elon musk on steroids. He is kinda fun in a Disney evil aspect, but frankly we're getting to close to Disney evil in real life for it to be fun anymore. I'm gonna have fun killing him.
Is there I regret writing? No. How I wrote them? Yes.
The only exception to a character I actually despise is a character I created named Knox Omega. He was a cyborg character and the more I look back on the story I wrote for him, the more I realized he was a terrible protagonist and a jerk. I mean that can be a character flaw but the further I look back the more I just don’t like the character.
As a character that I actually like and would hate in real life, I think I would really not like Mrs. Evans. She’s just so mean to everyone and only cares about herself. Sure she loved her husband and was heartbroken when he died, but she just became even more bitter and angry about everything after that. It’s not an excuse to be mean and take your pain on others, including her children. This lady has issues.
My MC chicken, Friar, is a bit of a prude, so at the current moment, I do dislike him, only because a lot of us may know a person like this.
Alec the human may come off as a hypocrite (genuinely nice guy but runs a animal-killing business for bad reasons), so you can either like or dislike him.
Either way works for these guys, and I wouldn't like them upon first impressions, but after hanging around them for a while, I may begin to understand that they're not what they appear to be. But that's just me and my "Scorpio" thinking-curious of the darker nature of people, though their darkness hasn't yet been fully explored. There's other characters that deserve more 'hate' perhaps, but they hadn't really appeared yet (there's not yet a true villain, though you could technically say Alec is one). We'll see...
Not any that I’ve already introduced into my comics proper no. What I think some people often forget when looking at superhero comics is that there are gray characters. People like to assume that superhero stories are often drab because there’s a clear good and bad guy. Which turns some people off from those types of stories. But I like to think that over time, you’ll start to see more nuanced with certain characters as long you are intentional about learning about their motivations.
For example, the main villain in TAFS is Destructo. Is he a bad guy? Absolutely. But I don’t hate him. By design, he’s meant to be an outcast so to speak. From the way he dresses his hair like a DBZ character, to his minions ranging from a talking peach to a man snake. He was orphaned as a young boy and felt overshadowed by his adopted family who were very successful. When he didn’t get the type of praise for his talents he thought he was owed, well jealousy turned to bitterness and with that a poisonous determination to establish dominance over New York. He’s a bad pet sure, but there’s nuance.
I cannot give names out of spoilers, but yes. I hate the villains of my story because they truly are awful people who had chance after chance to repent and/or go on the right path, but actively choose not to again and again. They lie, cheat, use and even have no qualms about turning on each other to get what they want.
I wanted my villains to be the kind of villains who are genuinely evil and the audience would love to hate. I am pleased that I can say that even I hate them because it means I did them right.
This little jackal right here. Ricardo (Ricky) the Rat.
I have characters that want to enslave and destroy the world, some that will gaslight you into believing that you are the one to blame for people's deaths, other characters that bully innocent ones relentlessly and others that kill without hesitation.
But this background rat character... literally the worst character in the comic. No comparison to any villain I will ever write will be as bad as him. No joke.
Do I hate any of my characters? Well, that's a difficult question. I of course hate the supposed villains in my novel, as I created them to be super hateable.
But strangely enough, there's this one character that a lot of my readers seem to adore that I just... don't like. Honestly, she was meant to be killed off or sent to live with some background characters super early in the story, but because she has become somewhat of a fan favorite, I'd feel awful about killing her off now.
This doesn't mean I like her, though if we met in real life, we would likely get along pretty well. I generally get along with kids pretty well, so we would probably go play Fairy Princess Spy Mission together. Yet, I find myself annoyed with this mere child just because she is annoying. She would be the kind of person I would kick out of my house if I was in a bad mood or hadn't had coffee yet.
Yet, of course, the readers think she's adorable and funny, so she is fully protected by fan-armor.
Hmm yeah - some of them would be bad which would annoy me so much but at the same time, I know the reason behind their personality or actions, it would make me emphasize with them more haha so at the end of the day I wouldn't hate at all. I would love to meet all of my characters , I would be so happy.
That´s an interesting question
I write different kind of stories. The characters in my realistic stories have flaws,
they do immoral things, they hurt people and they lie. Just like every human being
in real life. This means every character has the potential of not being liked.
I think this gives depths to characters and makes them interesting and it makes
the story a story
The characters in my funny comic stories are supposed to be cute and funny,
easy to understand in one second. They have flaws but they are likeable
Oh yes. I draw to cope with quite some frustration and fear. So I hate the politicians I draw, because they foster their ignorance, just like the real people they mirror. I abhor the policepersons if they act like the faceless zombies I draw. Still, do I like the policemen I draw? Hopefully they are too ridiculous to be hated. And, of course, judge Ninkompoop. Isn't he a villain? Honestly? Dooming Mahatma Ghandi and Mother Theresa, before he meets his match in Chuck Norris? See also my previous website, www.faltercomix.de, some stuff ist published there but not yet on Tapas.
Yes. I am a certified Silas hater. He’s not even the antagonist, he’s literally the driving force of my entire series. But. I hate him LOL. If I ever met him in real life i’d probably side eye him the entire time because he’s so full of himself.
I have a weird relationship with his character. I hate him, but I love the way i’ve written him. He’s cocky, a bit self centered, full of himself, and sometimes just straight up rude, but he technically has every right to be. He’s a genius. Like literally. He’s created machines that alter time and works for the government, he got an internship at nasa as an 18 year old. He’s very well spoken but not in a pretentious way. Everyone around him admires him, except for those closest to him. He’s been right about basically everything in his life, so right that when he finally does start messing up he just can’t admit to it because he’s “never been wrong about anything”. His personality and inability to admit he’s done something stupid tends to drive a wedge between them, even forcing his work partner to try and KILL HIM because he’s so convinced he’s right all the time that when he makes the biggest mistake that could destroy humanity, he doesn’t even believe he’s doing anything wrong and his partner believes that was the only way to stop him.
But despite me disliking him, i’m also a sucker for his character because there on aspect about him I deeply admire, and that’s the care he has for his younger brother, the 2nd mc in my story. In a way I think that’s why I can’t fully hate him because as an older sibling myself, I understand and empathize with this part of him. He will go to ANY lengths to protect his brother and care for him, to the point he offers basically his entire life just so that his brother can be happy for a little bit. But even with him, Silas’s inability to admit to his wrongdoing still sticks, which pushes him and his brother so far apart that at some point they aren’t even on speaking terms, which kills Silas.
I love his character arc, but I hate him as a character. I like the antagonist more than him LOL
I don't like Timothy for his role in the story. He is a gossiper and he is the one who can rat out Anna's presence in Bosco Gurin or ruin all the efforts Noah and Marika are making to stop the evil corporation.
It's not his fault if he wants to know all the gossips, but he doesn't understand some infos need to stay hidden and not be spread everywhere.