23 / 23
Nov 2016

Exactly when I should be doing something else, like job work.

But nah for real I have the easiest time working on my comic in the middle of the day because that's when there's the least distractions around my house.

Well I have a lot of classes at different times so my schedule changes each day, but I tend to work at night. Don't know why but I just seem to gravitate towards late hours, but I have work in the middle of the day before.

I think for me at least, the day tends to be more distracting because there's more going on, where as at night it's just me.

Hahaha that's so true! Nothing better to make you wish you were drawing than your "real" job!
I prefer to start early in the day. My mind is clear from distractions and it's easier to just power through. Weekends are better because I have all day to focus on my webcomic, instead of managing both work and comic.

Usually I'll work on my comics from 11am to whenever I finish what needs finishing that day so around 4 to 5 pm. Illustrations are reserved for late day or late night work if I'm feeling particularly inspired.

After dinner till 3AM for me. Toobad I have to wake at 7:30 again joy

whenever I have free time and never past 10 pm. I try my best to not screw up my sleep cycle because it'll make me lose my mind but everyone I know never sleeps at night except me.

oh no! lol I've done that before, spent the whole day at work feeling a strange mix of regret and satisfaction. joy

When I'm at my day gig, I find that during some of the lull time that I get I can effectively work on pages...when I get home in the eve/night, the energy is usually gone unless it's a page that I'm really hyped about.

On the weekends, I dont usually hit a nice groove until late afternoon/evening/night- and work til the wee hours of the morning.

It varies. Sometimes I like to work in the morning and noon hours, particularly after my usual computer time. Sometimes I just work after 6pm instead as well.

With a full time job I usually work a bit over lunch and then after work. I prefer working over lunch, I feel more productive.

preferably in the middle of the day, especially since i have a large gap between classes and need some way to pass the time.

but usually it ends up being me drawing at 1am until i'm shivering with fatigue.

I prefer drawing in the morning because everything is just peaceful and then you match it with relaxing music and a coffee on the side. *sigh Peaceful working.

I'm off sick at the moment so it's whenever there are lucid moments, but I did a 7 hour slog today in the morning when people aren't prodding me online smiley

I never can start drawing before at least 10 am, i HATE mornings... usually I would start around 11 am in my days off, and keep going til 3 or 4 in the afternoon. That being said, my favorite time is the night, starting at midnight and beyond, but it's aluxury i can rarely afford...

There really is something nice about working in the nighttime. 11 is about the time I start on my days off as well. Unless I got to sleep early the night before, then 8 or 9 isn't out of the question.