20 / 21
May 2015

I have 3 cats: Tomo, Destiny, and Oliver.

It's been a while since I've had a dog and I'd definitely would want one again. The only time I get to play with some dogs nowadays are when I'm volunteering at my local animal rescue center. Haha.

My roommate and I have two ferrets. Their names are Jackson and Annabelle I don't have any pictures of Jackson on my kindle but I do have one of Annabelle falling asleep in my arms, she likes to cuddle up to us and loves having her back scratched in the morning. She also has a habit of chewing on velcro and stealing shoes. Jackson loves to eat, his favorite snacks are peanut butter and dried cranberries. When it comes to food he'll try anything at least once which scares us, so we will leave things far from his reach. He's also vary temperamental, he loves having attention and will follow you until you pick him up and give it to him, but if you're in the kitchen specifically and not pay attention to him he will pee on the floor right in front of you and look at you while doing it...hes a brat but hey we love him anyway.

I have two kitties - one old and grumpy and fat, and one young and super-friendly and fluffy one. XD

This is grumpy kitty, Ilsa, being held by my mom - and looking suitably grumpy about it. She will growl if you try to pick her up, but her bark is worse than her bite, and if you sit still on the couch for long enough, she will sleep on you for hours on end.

And this is my friendly, fluffy cloud of a cat, Moses. He will cuddle anyone who stands still for long enough, and will crawl into your lap no matter what you're doing. He's been known to just floof down on top of my hands whenever I'm doing something - like drawing, or typing, or reading a book, or eating.

... he has also been known to eat waffles, biscuits, green peas and white chocolate, though not all at the same time.

Wow, a cat seems to be a real comic-creator-pet! Would love to have a cat one day. Me and my girlfriend have a bunny called BRAM. He loves to wake us up in the morning by running to our bedroom. Has a thing for bananas and old socks. Hates his fur being brushed but loves to make bunny-hops on the carpet.

Oh and he's two years old. smile

I used to have a bird when i was a child... i'd like to have one again in the future, when i get my own place. But for now i'm settling for sea monkeys. :B
in my wildest fantasies, though, i'd be a beekeeper.

My piggies smile Anybody else into guinea pigs?

Right now I have 3 dogs, 4 cats, 1 bird and 1 bearded dragon in this house. I live with my family though so not all are mine.

Though I don't own them now I love them~~ Used to have them when I was a kid, they were adorable. (The boy kept escaping and getting to the female though, so they had a good amount of babies x.x though baby guinea piggies are fricken adorable)

I want a cat. I grew up with cats and I absolutely love them!
Unfortunately my wife can't stand animals. So if wifey doesn't want, Carlos doesn't get. Bum.

I had a cat, but he passed away 6 years ago. He was a sweetheart. I'd really like to have a cat once, because I really like cats.

There is a tons of cat owners here ! smiley

everyone has such cute pets!! As many have said, it does seem like there are a lot of cats haha. A fair number of rabbits too!

I have a dog and 2 cats smile The husky we adopted from a shelter and the tabby was a stray and we took her into our home several years back. The tuxedo cat was my first pet as an adult. Being raised on a farm, it's no surprise that I want a farm of my own someday with many animals; cows, horses, chickens, goats. For domesticated pets, I want more cats and dogs, rats, hedgehogs, rabbits and maybe a small snake :3

I have a dog named Madeirinha (something like "little piece of wood"). Tho he's only 4 years old he acts like a puppy all the time. He has a thing for cookies and snails, and sometimes he likes to sleep under the chairs in the kitchen.

And to you all, cat lovers, Madeirinha says "Hi"! XD

Nah, just kidding, he's just trying to make friends =D