13 / 14
Jun 2024

Does anyone else have a playlist they make specifically for each comic they create? I even have some for specific characters lol. it doesn't have to represent the comics in detail but more vibes or the songs that would play in the comic if it were a movie. anyone else? please share your playlists!

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    Jun '24
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    Jun '24
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I’ve got a playlist for Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the song by Judas Priest called Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days represents my series the most.

Here are tye songs on the playlist. I’m at work and using my phone RN so I don’t know how to post the actual Spotify link.

You just press the 3 dots on the playlist and then the share button, those are good songs tho!

I do! but it is so random that I don't listen to it very often myself hahaha :smiley: Some songs are there because they match the vibes I wanted for specific scenes, some are for just one character, and for some there was one verse in the lyrics that made me think of a character/scene. So very mixed vibes.

I love having a playlist with songs that differ greatly from each other lol. it adds "texture" lmao. my liked playlists goes from Gospel to fnaf fan songs to emo trash lmao i love it

haha I usually need to have a VERY specific playlist :joy: to the point I create 1-4 playlists daily just to match my specific mood that I have at the moment, and they might be different from the previous one by just few songs :joy:
...and then I go about once per month or two and delete some of them so my spotify is not too cluttered. It still is, but at least in a managable chaos

It's slightly out of date, but this thread has reminded me to go back and see what I can add to my Pizza Time playlist! music plays an important part of my comic, though it can be a challenge to convey music in a visual medium.

I have playlists for specific characters and one playlist for my whole comic. Ian’s playlist is over 7 hours long :skull:

I don’t know if I should share it because if anyone bothered to listen to it, it would give massive spoilers. :no_mouth: I have the whole thing organized in plot order.

I looked through the other playlists shared here and I’ve seen a few songs that are in my comic’s playlist too.

A song that represents two of my characters but doesn’t really give spoilers is Something that I Want, by Grace Potter (the credits song from Tangled). It fits Mev and Ian perfectly.

oh dude don't worry, i dont think we'd be able to tell unless the songs were made specifically for your comic, you should totally post it

True. I’m probably the only one who can decipher it XD might as well post it
If Spotify links work for me this time…

OK I finally did it it works :sob:
:worried: it doesn’t show the last five songs. I guess it only goes up to 100.

I've been building (and rebuilding coz my god does youtube like to disappear videos to the ether) a playlist for my main project h+h for a good while now [couple years?] and it's a combination of songs that would be suitable as bgm for certain scenes, songs relating to specific characters or overall themes or just stuff that fits the general vibe or could easily be on a given characters own playlist if they existed in our world

i will add that it's ever changing at times so some songs that absolutely nailed the vibe even a few days ago can get the axe if it doesn't "click" anymore but i live for it's chaos and tonal whiplash because even if it's jarring to other listeners i know exactly what i was going for in the moment and could be given a song name and describe exactly what or who i had in mind (its funny :stuck_out_tongue: )

it did used to kind of be in order but now it's just various chunks dedicated to certain character arcs or scenes and mvs that play in my head while daydreaming/writing and listening

This one for AngHell Dela Blackpill

This one for MAG-ISA

This one for Brood Knight

Yes! I've never been the best at finding songs to represent my comic, a lot of the stuff that plays in my head is made-up bologna, but I've done my best over the years. The playlist is a mix of songs that represent characters and ones for the story itself, a lot of it is a bit angsty, ngl. Lmao!