213 / 245
Jul 2019

I don't really think about getting featured because I'd turn into Ahab trying to hunt his whale. I don't even think my kinda comic really has much of a chance to be featured as it's more of a hobby for me and gains steam slowly - tbh I much prefer it that way.

I genuinely think more linear narrative based stories with a more Manga based art are favoured more but not to say other artists work don't shine through, it's only what I have seen consistently for a time.

Going all the way back to the main source question; I think when it comes to gaining a following it really comes down to managing your expectations and doing what you can at a manageable level to put it out there so as not to consume your life, if that makes sense. I've been on and off Tapas and barely broke 100 but have increases in subs by 10 each month on average since january

Don't obsess over growth and enjoy the work you do and relish in the ones who appreciate it.

Don't obsess over getting featured. What you get out of the experience of producing work and the engagement from those who do appreciate it is what matters more than numbers and a digital spotlight (even though yes it would be a marvellous thing I won't deny). Hope this helps somewhat

Okay, I finally updated my comic, and it now has three episodes. I think that's a good number for a critique, yea?

I'd really love some thoughts, this is my first comic!

I was wondering how genre specific your work has to be/how closely does your story have to fit into the genre category you've chosen? What if you have a work that has multiple genres and doesn't neatly fit into a box?

How your story fits into a genre is irrelevant. They want good, original stories above all else. There is just a trend for certain genres not only having really similar elements among stories but having far more competition combined with far less demand from WT.

My story didnt fit into any genre well. They just picked one for me that kind of encompassed one of the themes and rolled with it.

Well, though i want to make the corrections of my webcomic, I will feel bad for my followers with a new reupload ( this is my second upload). They have been supportive in these difficult moments I'm going through . And erasing everything so webtoon can see me again? I guess I'll still make my corrections on the next chapters.

Maybe you could just finish it out with the improvements so you get really good practice with them. Then just come when better with your next story

Naw. I think "reimagined public domain superheroes" is a bit too weird for a Tapas plug. Especially once Stardust starts making with the surreal horror.

Sorry for the wait.

Since you said you're not aiming to get featured I won't critique from that angle, just in general. Also, might I say, 94 updates in the scroll format is incredibly impressive.

My first suggestion would be to use a different font-

You are bubbling great, and the font is in a fine size, but this font has some weird spacing which caught me off guard. It's a tiny detail though.

So I think your coloring is great. The backgrounds are also great. You have good paneling (though I think all the spaces in between the panels could be decreased by about 100 pixels) .. I'd say the thing I am taking the most issue with is the expressions.

Like in this scene, the zoomlines and text make this seem like it's a really dramatic moment. But the character is looking to the side, with a half-smug mostly normal face? For this kind of shot, if you want an impact you should almost always use a face-on shot (it's very intense), and make sure the expression is clear. I can't redraw it because I have no clue how to mask my style drawing faces lol, so here is an anime screenshot with a really exaggerated expression that I think has a similar tone:

Note how even the shading works to enhance the expression. putting shadows over the top of a face always will give the character a "dark" expression.

The expressions being so mild lead to a lot of confusion for me, since the main character never looks alarmed, and none of the "enemies" look like they're on a mission. It looks like this is a daily occurrence to them, as mild as getting milk from the grocery store. I kind of thought the setup was that she is constantly being hunted down, and when the enemies broke in it was like a "Lol, here we go again!" kind of thing where she cheekily taunts them and escapes easily (Like Ash and Team Rocket), but it ended up kind of being a big dramatic thing and she got captured. Making sure the characters faces, expressions, and body language match the tone you're trying to portray will go a long way.

I'm going to go ahead and skip to the latest episodes since IMO art needs the most work here, not that your art is bad at all... I think you just need to zero in on some stuff and work on improving it.

So what I think your STRONGEST thing is your coloring. Your coloring is at a very proficient level (featured level, definitely), I don't have much critique for it. But your anatomy is very off sometimes, which kind of defeats the really nice coloring. I recommend taking some life drawing, or just going outside and doing quick sketches of people walking around. Try to do some detailed muscle-maps of the body. Doing the really complicated stuff I think will help you sort of morph the skills you already have into a more proper understanding of the human body.
Good luck!

So first off, I want to say that I personally think the premise and style of this comic is quite cute. It feel like it has a lot of motivation/passion behind it. Something about the art style that is reminiscent of the cartoons I'd watch on Saturday mornings. This is just my personal opinion though haha, so I'll be getting into the more objective critique.

So right now from the first page I think there is a big issue with readability. Three things

-The gutter space is the same blue as one of your characters, which leads to confusion for a reader. Try making it white or black. I think white and black should be used for 95% of comics, I haven't really seen a comic that pulls off an oddly colored gutter well but I'm sure one is out there so I leave that 5%.

-The text is in a saturated color. I think you should make the bubbles not have any transparency and leave the text as black. Right now the text color is just blending in and I'm having a hard time reading. Readability is super important.

-The panels are quite confusing. When paneling, you have to make it very clear to the reader which panel is 1, 2, 3, 4... Or else a reader will give up quickly since understanding the comic is too much trouble. To do this, try to refrain from having panels that sit on top of each other (your first two here) being completely parallel to another panel. In general, I recommend checking out some american comics or manga and basically copying their layouts.

Here's a random page I just yoinked from BLEACH. See how all the panels stay on the same line horizontally? We know which is first and which is second (noting that japan reads right to left) because we naturally read from the top to bottom. The panels also have tilted "action" lines during fast/tense scenes to get the reader to understand something is going on. But the panels are very neat, clean, and even.

Here's a really quick reformatting I did of the panels. It's not perfect, but if you wanted to keep your original page layout, this would be extremely easy to read for any viewers.

Anyway, I think the biggest improvement that can be made, reading the rest of the pages, is the three points I listed above. All which point back to readability. Text color, bubble color, and paneling. I notice your panels often have inconsistencies like this:

Consider perhaps getting Clip Studio Paint if your budget can afford it. It's about 20$ whenever it's on sale. It has a paneling tool that makes paneling incredibly easy (its what I used to make the panel fix above)

Anyway, good luck ~

Ah, thank you so much! Thankfully, the reboot of DRGN is coming in a few weeks, so I'll be sure to take that feedback to heart! (This comic was mostly just a proof-of-conept/learning exercise more or less.) I've definitely decided to work more on readability in the future. (I ditched the color coded text in favor of color coded speech bubbles instead.)

I can't wait to share the reboot with you when it comes out!

I don't think so. I really need to work on everything especially anatomy, and a schedule.


..................... maaaaaaaan....
... I dunno. Far flung future, maybe? It's pretty early right now and I'm just average skill artistically. But... the folks who have read my comic have been really intrigued... and that sure does fill my head with some silly notion of hope...

I'm not really looking to get featured either, but you seem to give really good advice. If you fell like it, I'd like to hear your critique.

One thing I'm worried about is the color, but if you see any other larger issues you think need addressing I'd love to hear them!

29 days later

My numbers of subs/likes/comments is far too low for that.

The best i could hope is that somehow my comic end in the front page, but those seem to be promoted at random.

I would love it if my WebNovel got featured but I doubt it. It's a WebNovel and I think WebComics are more likely to be featured (maybe, I could be very wrong).

Also, my story is unusual and definitely not for the young'uns or easily marketable. So while I think my art is pretty good (doing Insert Art to give my WebNovel a light novel feel) I doubt it'll reach Staff Picks.

But hey, as long as people like it, I don't mind XD

I don't think I'll get featured. I'm too inconsistent. Still, working and doing my best as if I could get featured is fun


I'm months late coming into this thread and every tips of yours has been really helpful!!! I'd love to have some pointers on my series if you've got some free time? Honestly, this is my 3rd comic series that I've tried to get featured and still no luck. A harsher critique would be great, I'm looking for ways to grow.

Sorry guys, I got way busy and lost track of time. I did promise I'd review everyone, but I won't have time to go in-depth, so here's some rapid fire stuff.

@Buurd As you already know, the biggest thing holding you back is the competition in Originals already and your genres. This is like 70% of the battle imo :confused: For some critiques regarding the story: You tell us a lot, and don't let us see through the story. I'll repeat this a lot, but narration explaining things is generally unfavorable to showing them. Like, IMO just remove the first episode. In episode 00 you start showing us the soulmate thing without specifically saying it. never just give the reader information, this makes the information worthless in the eyes of the reader since you're just forcing it to them. Make them work for that information by reading the story. Think about it- You have a chocolate bar. If some guy walks up to you on the street and shoves the chocolate bar in your face you're going to see it as a very undesirable chocolate bar. But if that very same chocolate bar is kept under lock and key, and when you ask security why they act dodgy and say they cant talk about it, you're going to be MUCH more interested in that chocolate bar. And when the audience finally gets that chocolate bar, it's going to taste good. Almost all "exposition" can be shown through story, but if there's really some information that just can't be explained, you need it delivered through a character conversation or something. Almost always avoid the omniscient voice. You have a good, appealing style though. No issue with the art.

@Zugaikotsu Reading through the first ep I think my biggest issues is the speech bubbles. The art is really nice and you are showing expression and stuff, but a bubble either 1. will get cropped 2. the words will be off-center inside or 3. the bubble's tail won't be long enough so I don't know who is speaking. Also I know this isn't your fault, but boy, I wish the webcomics watermark wouldn't fall on top of the text. I don't read much BL so I don't know if stories have a certain fashion they follow, but I generally found the setup fine, and was interested in the main character by chapter 3 or so. I thought the setting was also unique, and made the children's homophobic behavior actually believable rather than just thrown in for conflict.

@liamnaughton7 If you want commentary on the future of the medium, I don't think page format comics will die out as long as manga is a thing. However scroll comics are much easier to break into professionally and are constantly growing. Webtoon is #1 on the app store for comics, so in a way, it's already the king of the (mobile) digital world for comics. However, page comics will likely never die out. As for your story, I have no critique. The art is very good and the storytelling is good, and it's not far enough in for me to make any more observations. I think, if you're wondering about the lack of readership, is because this type of comic is unfortunately not popular on tapas/webtoon. You have a very nice art style but it isn't appealing to a lot of younger readers. Readers are able to accept things like the main character being a father (which is unusual in the popular webcomics space) but usually the ones I see where people are okay with it they're like a hot anime dad. I think your comic is honestly quite good, very professionally done, but I think you'll struggle to find readership for this particular kind of thing online. Maybe, if you haven't already, have it printed and reach out to local comic book stores. I think that will be easier to find fans.

@Kelheor Right away, I think you could benefit from making the text bubbles smaller and the text a little smaller as well. I'm kind of getting the "text wall" feel, which should be avoided in comics. If your characters have a lot to say, draw multiple panels with them talking rather than stuffing it all into one panel. Also I dont know if you wanted a review for Originals or just in general, but I'm sure you're aware already that the episodes being quite short is a big wall towards getting chosen to be an Original. But I do like the art quite a bit, I think maybe choosing more adventurous shading colors could go a long way in setting the atmosphere. And I like that you start it off with conversation rather than exposition.

@azzy-m My first observation is you crop your panels a little too much. When possible, show us the FULL entire scene. Not just the character on the bed, but the character in the bed and the entire room. You need to establish the scene, or else the reader will feel like they're kind of in a void and become disconnected from the story. The first shots are the character sleeping and their phone ringing, and you have a lot of crops and the phone and their hand. What this should be like is "Full scene of the character on their bed and the room" > "Closer shot of the character on their bed with the phone visible next to their hand" > "Closer shot of the hand AND phone in the same panel" > "Phone ringing"

@akitsukino so your observation about the color is correct, this IMO is the biggest issue. You have a established style and can draw characters in a pleasing way, but the color kind of throws things off. I would do some studies perhaps of maybe animated 2D disney films and their color choices. You want something nice and carefree, like your art style. I don't have much critique outside that since you only have three episodes.

@antimekii First episode, I think that your first shot is a good shot, but not a good shot for the first shot. Remember first panels are super important. I think a birds eye-level view of the setting would be strong- Like the shot you have in the 8th panel. That should have been first, IMO, maybe with it a bit more zoomed out. Also try out some more SFX, like the first action scene seems oddly... silent. Adding in some SMACK, TOSS, SLIDE, etc would go a looong way. You have SFX but its small and hand written, try out a more violent font and make it much larger. Action is such a large part of your comic (from what i've read) that it feeling generally silent is a huge detriment. Make it LOUD , lots of crazy angles, dynamic perspectives. Also I recommend trying to go deeper with your colors, the sort of muted palette isn't helping the silent feeling of the comic. Your art is very good, it just needs to be pumped up to the max. You have the panel count, the color. The update schedule isn't there, but at your chapter count they understand you can't do it for free forever. Also though you have the description on the sidebar, by episode 3 I'm still completely confused as to what the comic is about. Establish quick, right away, with some kind of "hook" what your comic is.

Okay, no more reviews for me. If I missed someone I'll cover them, but no more new ones haha. Questions are fine though.