90 / 136
Nov 2020

Absolutely. But I would also hope it goes to a studio that doesn't emphasize on 3D graphics.

I'd be cool with it.

Mostly because it'll give me something to live forward to. So yeah ^^'

Oh yes.

Now contrary to other people, I wouldn't mind if they change stuff from my source material. I'll look it as an improvement, and well people would have two different things or a multiverse of my characters.

I'm sure for many of us comic creators, an anime of our work is like the end-all, be-all of dreams to come true! Count me in that list. Of course, the most realistic wayfor me to realize that dream would be to learn animation and devote the rest of my free time to that, slowly bringing my characters to life.

I think it would be cool to see my work adapted into another medium, but I feel like I have to finish telling my grand epic story first. I don't want what happened to the last few seasons of game of thrones to happen to my story.

4 months later

Now that is the dream of every comic maker out there. I would love to see Capture the Flag as like a short on some sketch show or even as a commercial bumper for the next cartoon. I especially want to see Guild of the Maltese Falcon turn into a show. But that is just it. A dream.

Honestly, not anymore.

First, because i already quit comics, so all my stuff is incomplete. And second, I don't think what i did is good enough to deserve that. Like i feel it would make the studio lost money and then people will blame me lol.

I would like an animated adaption, as long as it was accurate. And not a "teen titans Go" style adaption!

The evolution:

“Inspired by the original webcomic..”
“Based on the work fom Tapas...”
“Stolen from a successful thing on the internet...”
“Netflix ORIGINAL”
“Created by NETFLIX only”

I would be ecstatic. That’s somewhat a goal of mine.

I think you have a better chance getting this to happen if you show your comic in-person at conventions and especially at Comic Con (if you can get in). They legitimately have Netflix, Crunchyroll etc, reps that walk around the floor and talk to artists. If they pick up your book and they are interested, you have a real shot of being adapted into a real series (animated or even live action).

Keep your chin up friends! It might not be as much of a long shot as you think it is.

This is definitely accurate. I have a few friends with shows based on their work and its almost always a connection made at a con. Heck, all my connections I’ve made were at cons too.

not maybe an anime, but animated for sure, I'm hoping I got the time to make a little animated trailer for my comic one day, sketching out a storyboard when I got some time over (which is not much sadly) :sweat_smile:


You just gotta get out there people! Don’t think that everything happens on the internet. Make connections with real people. Make your dreams come true!

I would love to see an animated movie for my comic.

I mean, even if its not realistic at all but Im free to dream, right? I would only be afraid of bad adaptations or that a studio I dont like pitch it or that they take an unfinished story and change stuff.
But first of all, I must work and finish my stuff
so Im winking at you Studio Pierrot, or Mappa or IG :wink:

I am in the process of turning my novel into a comic and honestly, if I were to be approached by one of those companies to turn it into an anime I would most likely say "yes". I've always loved the idea of my story becoming an animation (I don't have the skills for it at this time) and if it were to get big enough to catch the attention of these companies, that would be like the "hey look ma I made it" feeling.

I know it could potentially be drug through the mud, so if that ever happens I will be sure that my contract or whatever states something along the lines of "the story/characters cannot be changed and the original creator has final say on any changes...etc" and have a good lawyer to make sure things run smoothly. I wouldn't sign anything unless my lawyer has read through the contracts, explains everything to me, and is sure I won't be getting scammed or lose the rights to my story.