6 / 11
Feb 18

Hi everyone! I have a little thing I'd like to say. While I've been sick for the past...3 days (been that long, huh? End me now :thermometer_face:) anyway, I've had the opportunity to catch up on some series and it made me realize something.

I don't like leaving a chapter or comic episode (that previously didn't have any comments) without a nice comment or even just a little joke. Cause I know I don't like seeing empty comments on my own stuff but I'm not gonna force it either :sweat_smile:

What I'm trying to ask (say? Idk, I've had a fever for three days so sorry if this doesn't make sense) is, does anyone else do this or is it just me?

I'm not even sure why I'm asking, honestly, but it'd be nice to know, I guess? :joy:

  • created

    Feb 17
  • last reply

    Feb 17
  • 10


  • 215


  • 1


  • 32


Hey, everyone appreciates comments! 1 comment is worth 10 likes, right?

I used to only comment if I had something significant to say, but I've gotten more relaxed about it lately and comment more.

I definitely appreciate your comments on my work and intend to return the favor! It's a lot harder for me to read webnovels than comics just due to time.

It was a pleasure! I'd been meaning to read it earlier but my eyes were burning so bad for two days straight... I just couldn't do anything :thermometer_face: and you don't have to do that! I appreciate the gesture though :blush:

It would be nice if more people did... For me it really depends on the platform, like on tapas I'll try and comment as much as I can (I have to have something to say more than "yaay drawings" TwT) and like at least, but on stuff like youtube i very rarely comment because it so easily becomes a debate and I don't want that.

Also get well soon, being sick sucks 🥲

I like to leave comments on people's stories, but I try to only leave them when I have something i'm genuinely inspired to say. otherwise, I sometimes try looking for something encouraging to say

I hope you get well soon!

Every now and then I'll do it. It depends on what I'm reading.

I'm very bad at commenting tbh. And liking for that matter; I usually only bother to like if the episode was particularly memorable. I should probably be better about it because I enjoy getting that kind of interaction as an author, haha.

On the other hand, it's a little reassuring to remember that there are probably people out there who read your stuff silently and really enjoy it, even if they don't have anything in particular to say about every single update.

You have to put out the kind of energy you want to receive!

I don't leave comments as often as I used to, especially negative ones, unless specifically asked.

However, I understand how much genuine positive comments can encourage creators, so I try to write down my appreciation for the authors

Seeing a comment on my stuff always makes my day, so I try to leave one on other stuff as long as I can actually think of something worthwhile to say. :sweat_02:

I will generally try to leave comments on stories that aren't super popular. If it' a popular story with 200 comments I don't bother because nobody will ever see it anyway, but if there are only a few (or none) I'll try to say something. This depends on what I'm doing when I read the episode though. If I'm at home relaxing (which is usually the time I reserve for novel reading) or reading on my lunch break I will leave comments. If I'm sneaking a peek at my phone at work, though, I usually won't have time to leave a comment, and true to my ADHD, I will forget to go back and leave one later on.

One thing I never, ever do is comment just for the sake of commenting (such as saying "FIRST!"). I always try to say something, whether it be a clever (in my mind) pun, a short anecdote relatable to the episode, expressing concern for a character, or answering questions the creator asks in their own comment.