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Feb 25

Don't you think that there should be many Saiyan Hybrids in the Dragon Ball Universe, because it makes sense to think that many Saiyans had half Saiyan children with females from other planets when they scouted the universe on Frieza's behalf before Planet Vegeta was destroyed?

I mean since the Saiyans were very assertive and brute they must have made advances towards other females from other worlds while they traveled the universe and went on missions

What do you think?

You're assuming 3 things:
1) that all other species of alien can reproduce with Saiyans (unlikely)
2) that all other species have sexed reproduction, which, again, unlikely to be all of them, some of them could be like mushrooms and have like 36000 biological sexes and reproduce by spores or parthenogenesis or roots...
3) that even if there is a compatible species with males and females, that the females of that species would be weaker than the Saiyans, which, again, not at all a given. There are plenty of species on earth alone where the female of the species is bigger, stronger, more agile or more aggressive than the male, it's actually about a 50/50 in dimorphous earth species on which common sex is bigger.

So, if you want to write your half-saiyan fanfic where there are a bunch of half-saiyan kids around, go ham, but also you don't need anyone else's opinion to write the fanfic, you can just write it. If you're inspired by howin history colonisers tend to pillage and assault the people they colonise, and that assault sometimes results in a baby, you can write that dark story too.

Just, word to the wise, if you're talking about human women, don't call them "females", I get the sense you do that a lot. It's kind of dehumanising, and people, especially women themselves, don't tend to like it.

It's been a while since I read/watch DBZ but from what I remember...

The Saiyans were warriors who were obsessed with being the strongest race. This is somewhat why Frieza felt threatened by them. I would think that they might have had a supremacist way of looking at themselves and wouldn't want to interbreed with other races.

Goku, when he came to earth was originally very aggressive. As a baby, he fell and hit his head, which lead to a change in his personality. Thus why he is more empathetic. He cares about other people in a way that others in his race did not.

Of course they're always an extra Saiyan somewhere. Lots of fanfics been done about it.