1 / 122
Feb 2018

For a little while this post was circulating around tumblr, and it got me wondering if there was any merit to it.

So what do you guys think?
How much of yourself comes out through your art? Do you tend to draw art that you find attractive or appealing? Is it conscious? Unconscious?

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The only way to test this would be for everyone to post their fullbodies and start naming each others kinks
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hmm...this is harder than I thought...but if I had to guess...maybe a "curvy" figure...eye makeup...and...thighs?
How...how close was that?

This was more like...a series of educated guess based on emphasized details in the drawing but other than that I am just...lost...

Anyone else have a better guess?

If anyone wants to take a crack at me:

i think i know what they mean. basically when someone draws a certain specific style like say, someone who likes to draw tall muscular men with long hair or someone who likes to draw petite big breasted women.
but thing is i have many, many many styles and i have many many different body types to choose from.
my favorite body type? it will always be the easiest of them all, which would be my main character yuyette from my comic "did you water the flowers"
her build is so easy to draw.

now am i attracted to this body type? lol no. and i do not draw this type of build on other characters enough to warrant it to be a 'kink style'.

do i think people have kink styles?
YES. examples: fairy tale, every lady has big boobs, yaoi guys all have big hands and big lips. and all of them are either really skinny or REALLY buff

Interesting, if that's the case then I supposed "kink" wouldn't be so accurate; more so "appealing" in the artist's eyes...

2/3 I don't really care much for make-up.

Yeah, multiple times especially my oc's. I'm more attracted to athletic characters and so I drew some. Also I'm attracted to chubby characters, so yeah, drew some. But majority of the body structure that I make is based off of my own body and face. So if I draw a female character, I'd just turn my face into a more stylized feminine look.
I drew inspiration from anime and cartoons.

Hm....I draw a lot of pretty boys, but I personally find myself more attracted to more masculine men. The only thing that really comes out in my art is that I really really REALLY like men with long hair.

It's a problem....and jewelery apparently.


Maybe they have a bit of a point.

I had to take a moment to think, probably going to be super off:

Mini skirts/legs, the idea of visibly seeing a girls leg and emphasizing the lower area

melancholy male, perhaps men who don't really show much expression and are easy to read

bright/pastel colors, being able to visibly see features of the person easily.

Alternative guesses:
Tall skinny men
party girls

Ah that's interesting!
I tend to like cute clothes on girls so I guess that's why I usually draw them in skirts, hehe!

You're right about more serious guys, and I do find height attractive! Ooh, and I love pastel colors too!

I don't draw, so I can say for certain, but when I read the work of a comic book artist for a while and I see their picture, I get the impression they always draw faces in a way that resembles their own. As an example, Sara Pichelli has this characteristic nose that is totally hers.


I think there's truth to this statement. I guess, if you follow your gut, you end up doing what is more fun for you to draw / what you think is cool. Subconscious kinks can totally be a part of it.

(also, a manga in joke, but I hear people joking about how since Eichiro Oda, the One Piece dude, married his wife, a famous cosplayer, he amped up the fan service in his girls and each one looks the same... the same as his wife. Figure this)

Actually....that's pretty spot on. Darn. I think they're on to something.

I always tell my husband he would totally fit in in a band, so I really must have something about that type of guy. xD

Girls however, I dunno. All girls are pretty great. <3