Yes. I've had subs in the past that liked every episode and series that I created. Then I take a break for like 2 weeks, only to find out they've unsubbed or become completely dead as a follower. Honestly, I would never do that to anybody who's story I subbed to as I choose carefully what stories I decide to follow. It's also strange how some of your most loyal subs switch up on you and disappear.
Long story short, it's tough out here .
Idk, getting random likes from a non-reader is weird for me. It's like the person is saying "hey I like these episodes... but only these ones." It feels like the person is liking so far but then something ruined it for them so they left. Then I can't help but wonder what could it be.
It's different from someone who reads but doesn't like because 1) reads are anonymous (afaik), so I can't check if the same person read all the thing or not, and 2) they could have just realized that the comic overall is not their thing and never come it like it, which is less frustrating than someone who could have been a fan but dropped it.
Fortunately, I have too many subs now to check if the one who liked but didn't sub really didn't sub or if they just subbed a while ago and decided to read later XD
I would love to have a rando like every single episode all at once. I've got 59 of them, that would maybe bump me up to be visible on the front page xD
I don't really care about sub counts all that much, it's cool that people wanna follow my work, but I'm much happier with views and likes. (That's honestly not a shot at my current subscribers. I'm eternally grateful for ya)
On Tapas, I try to be sensitive to the fact that some creators prefer you not subscribe if you're not going to keep up with the story right away, so personally I keep some series on my "radar" rather than my reading list knowing that I never have as much time as I want for reading comics.
As a creator, I don't know - it's just nice that someone enjoyed and acknowledged some episodes. And in the case of "dead subs" it's nice that they considered reading at some point. All readers are different and have various things going on/reasons they want to read something or decide they're not really feeling it anymore. Best not to take it personally :).
That is actually a good thing because it can boost the chance of your story to trending or popular. I still appreciate it unless the intention is insincere (wanting me to reciprocate, no I will not)
There are people who subscribe but never like, there are people who like but never subscribe. Both are not ideal, but you cannot get everything.
We all have our own style of using the site -- best not to read too much into it.
Personally, my natural inclination is to subscribe if I like a story, but then if I'm really engaged in reading it I'm too busy scrolling to the next part to "like" it.... Since joining the forum and reading about how that works with the algorithm, I've become more mindful about it, and will go back to "like" episodes I already scrolled past.
Honestly I do this a lot and it's because I'm in the reading zone and I'll just forget to subscribe. Like I do that a loooottt. Or I'll just read a bunch and think "It's nice but I don't wanna sub and then deal with notifications" and then I just...won't sub. I don't think there's anything nefarious to it.
And if I may, I will add to all what others are saying: that as a non-English speaking reader, I have already tried to follow a series but have unsubscribed because the level of concentration required to enjoy it while having to translate the text into my native language, was too high.
Yeah I'm pretty bad at English!
Finally, all this to say that there are many factors that influence this kind of event. And like the others say, better not try to think about it too much.
All the more so, since this kind of behavior ... which I am not exempt from, is rather common to the social network in general. Clearly, as soon as there are likes, subscriptions and networking options on a website it works like this.
Sometimes I do have that but I'm not really sure if they don't watch my comic after liking every episode since they aren't a subscriber but I thought maybe it's just because they don't like notifications that much? But usually in my case when it happens, and I do get likes in every episodes, its usually from the type readers who love to stack up on chapters/episode and then binge it in one go and liking it in the process. (I'm that type of reader lol ) -- But i don't really think about it too much, because like they say, these likes actually helps with your story's chance of being featured more in the site and such ^^
It's one of the ways the Trending algorithm can take notice. Basically the more interactions there are (likes + comments) on a series, makes it more likely for the algorithm to 'see' a comic. It works the best when someone has a ton of episodes and then multiple people click that like button.
I was mostly joking, because even with 59 episodes it would probably take at least three or more separate clicks on the like button, and comments on every episode to even make a dent on the algorithm.
Sometimes I like the person/art but the story isn't my cup of tea! I'm not going to give them a dead sub, but I'll give them a thumbs up, keep up with what you're doing anyway. It's hard enough to get engagement on Tapas, if it's a new episode day, giving them a like bomb is a nice gesture to keep them trending for a while longer.
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