8 / 37
Feb 2019

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I'm already in love. He is orgeous indeed.
(hmmm, I noticed I 'm no longer subscribed...I corrected that immediately!)

I had problems drawing all my characters XD It's been 15 years and I keep redoing their hair. :sweat:
I want to draw a character who is distinctively the best looking of them all but, to be honest, he looks very average compared with the characters who are already there. I don't know what to do other than pointing out that he is supposed to be good looking :frowning:

Sketching them non stop will be a good habituation excercise, the struggle sometime comes from unfamiliarity.
Also expect the character design aspect is as dynamic as the character itself; as your drawing and style evolves, so does your perception on a character and their aesthetic :smile:

I never have a character that is supposedly be good looking; beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'll let the audience to decide.

This one of my hardest character to draw. Start from his face: cleft chin, elongated face, high cheekbones, distinct eye shape and nose shape. Not to mention I need to get his texture and volume of his hair correct, sometimes I draw his hair less wavy or shorter. As currently I draw him more often, I feel it less difficult to draw him since I made the design.

I feel like my attitude towards my characters is the same! I try not to focus so much on making them pretty. Normally they're not necessarily "beautiful" but can be seen that way depending on the reader.
Although this character needs to look a certain way for his role in the story, so I've got to work outside of my comfort zone. He's probably the first "conventionally attractive" character I've worked with. It's hard work but I guess that's the hustle...

I still have troubles with the consistency of the characters in my comic especially on the earlier Eps. Though with time, I think my hand's getting the hang of it.

This is very common, i think one of the keys here is to draw your character with no expectations, especially if you already have an imagr in your mind of how much handsome he has to look, just draw him with nothing on your mind, at least for me it helps me creating a character a lot!
Another solution could be looking for a reference :smiley: browse some handome men pictures on pinterest, maybe you'll find someone who's close to look like him :3 and you can take inspiration from!
(Though i have to say, he already looks hansome)

For my first chapter and most of my second chapter I struggled to get the right look for my character. I beefed up his proportions a little, so that he'd fit the hero profile. I'm just now getting used drawing my character...

The only OC I have trouble drawing is whichever one I am trying to draw at the current moment

Sometimes I can't draw their eyes the way I wanted.

When one of them supposed to have the kind looking eyes, I might ended up giving them a mocking kind of face if I include the smile. :v

Same. I particularly obsessed with my characters eyes and hardly manage to give them the expression that i want for them :frowning:

I struggle to draw all my OCs consistently... I knew I'd have problems with it which is why they have such crazy different hair designs and hair colors so readers would always know who was who even when I fail to draw them correctly XD

For a long time I tried real hard to make 'pretty' characters in my comic seem pretty.
Then I realized that since being handsome in-universe was they're gimmick and was being played for laughs, I just decided to go the Handsome Squidward route. Started being a lot more fun!
On the other hand, there are some characters who just have hard chin lines for me. A little bothersome when that happens for sure.

It's Eugene for me. Well, Eugene is big guy and the only big guy in all my drawings. So it is very hard to draw him the same every time, it is hard to balance his face for it not to look too childish (because he is older than main heroes and just shouldn't look like big kewpie) and come on how do one draw the shorts on him, I don't know even after 20 times! :grinning:

Man I have problems making certain angles look like how my characters look from the front, of that makes sense? The struggle is real.

Every once in a while I have trouble drawing my characters.

Breasts are hard.

All the time. I have a couple of characters coming up soon who are supposed to be ridiculously attractive but I can’t seem to get them to look right.

The weird part is I can make fanart of one of my fave characters and make him look ridiculously attractive and downright sexy - but when I try to have my own characters like that they just look off. Which is weird to me. Like I just wanna have a guy look masculine and give him long eyelashes and have some sensuality about him.

I think it’s mostly the hair. I always picture my male OCs with short hair but I’m so much better with long hair. Also the fanart I like to draw is of a character with long hair.

Then of course there are certain angles. I have to avoid drawing Priscilla and Cassandra facing the camera because of their noses. They’re exaggeratedly pointy like beak noses so drawing them while they face the camera looks awkward. I have a similar problem with Roxanne, who has more of a hook nose. With Hazel and Annika, well to be blunt I have a hard time drawing noses for black characters while avoiding making it look like a caricature. I ended up going with a buttonish type nose as seen in Steven Universe for characters like Garnet and Amethyst. The hardest part there is that I actually gave them slightly different details on their noses but I can never seem to remember which is which.

Then of course Hazel... Hazel is constantly frustrating because she’s comprised of everything I’m least familiar with drawing: black characters (well she’s mixed but still), curly hair (Afro-like in her case), cheerful, a child, and I actually had to drastically alter her outfits because I wanted her in a more Lolita type outfit but I’m terrible at drawing it. Also I do everything possible to avoid drawing both her eyes. For some reason she looks kind of uncanny to me when I do. When I draw her it’s like I have to pay attention to anatomy since I can’t cover my mistakes with large boobs like I constantly do with Roxanne.

That said drawing smaller boobs is hard for me and I always seem to end up making them bigger than I intend them to be.

This guy, Rod, is and will always be my answer, for this one-shot anyways xD

Having to draw him over and over and over has taught me a lot about things to consider when designing characters in the future :joy:

First off his outfit is full of details that take a lot of time to render, so any panel he appears in typically takes at least twice as long to draw at every phase (pencil, ink, and color)

And the other thing is his hair: when I was designing it, it was A.) more simple (it developed complexity as the pages went along) and B.) I was mostly designing from the 3/4 view. I figured out how to draw it well in the profile view too, but just recently I realized I had no idea how to draw it from the front lmao. Some examples are:

As you can see, I was mostly just cheating and kind of drawing it the same as 3/4 more or less. In a recent page I tried drawing it truly from the front, and idk how I feel about it yet xD

(I think it actually looks pretty okay, but it took until page 35 for me to even try it :joy: )

Honestly its PERSONAL struggle every day remaining consistent. I usually have the most time with "Lyosha". and every once in a while Saveli or Braylin. but I enjoy drawing Braylin the most. :joy::joy::joy: lol he's cute and chubby. with all that being said. I'm not quite sure about his personality. he's pissing ppl off right now. haha!