349 / 369
Mar 2020

Hi, do you know what the coin to currency conversion is? I always support authors by giving them coins, but I dont really know how much they actually get from the contributions i give.

@Zugaikotsu , If it's ok by you, could you tell me what the coin to currency conversion rate is? From what I see, most chapters could be unlocked with 20-30 coins (Or 1 ad). While Tapas, requires around 20 ads to unlock a single chapter. I also support underrated authors by sending them extra coins, but Im not sure how much they actually earn from it. If your reading this, thank you so much!

Congrat on your comic published on there. I'm trying to get my comic here too.
With the span of 21 eps i only got 7.6k view on webtoons, and you got 77k view with only 6 eps out.
Wow, i hope my comic will do great like you did on webcomicsapp hehe.

I don't mean to discourage you from tipping but, they pretty much have no value since they can be earned for free if you just wait. I have 3000 plus coins in my account and I didn't really do anything.

thank you and I hope yours does well too. btw the stats seem rigged, right off the bat you'll get 30.000 views and 3000 hearts no matter how good or bad quality is your work is. not being mean or anything, it's just a fact, also the traction slows once you are no longer on the list of new comics.

to keep your comic growing I recommend you tell your readers to share your series with their friends.

yes it's a fact that the view will not be huge when it off from being on the new comics list.
But yea, i appreciate any support i can get, since i never get any promote from webtoons in the first place, so.
I think since they're rather new platform, so they will support smol creator like me. It will be hard for smol creator
when the platform is so saturated, then their editor will not give a damn about new comers anymore.

It depends of the title, I guess... some I unlock for this amount you mentioned, and others I have to use gems, that, If I'm not mistaken, you need to purchase them, like lezhin coins... some can even be unlocked by only watching ads, so I think they have a table of titles for each way to unlock depending on popularity and content!

So if a reader donates coins towards your comic, would you earn money or would you just recieve the coins that you got?

from my understanding, they can be used to claim gifts that can be objects of daily use like mouse pads and clocks

12 days later

Hello! I'm planning to submit my comic after i finished the Chapter 3. My question is my comic is Page format not vertical so how many pages can i submit per Chapter? I heard the minimum pages for Page format is 8 pages each while the Vertical format is 25 panels right? How many updates do i submit per month?

I don't know but one person puts only two panels per update so, I think you can upload page by page if you are ok with that.

22 days later

I took a photo of my signature with my phone, then I cropped it then I put the cropped photo in cloud that both my phone and my pc have access then I dragged the cropped photo from cloud to the word document across all the spaces where the signature had to be.

I know the app, I use it a lot, of course I'm a reader and not a creator. They mostly have Manhuas, meaning Chinese Comics, that have a similar format to Webtoons.
The user can read chapters, and keep scrolling down. When a chapter is paid, you can either get the coins you need by paying, or by watching an add, which is what I usually do.
My main problem with the app, is that sometimes they don't pay attention to type when they translate the webcomics, I've seen fan translations that were better than the original content they offer (talking about the same manhua).

They gave me an author website so I can post here, while waiting for approval~