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Mar 2020

After the site overhaul, I'm more determined than ever to move away from Tapas as my primary site of operation.
I reached out to Webcomicsapp.com and they accepted my submission.
They sent me a contract which had a clause that made me nervous.
It stated that I would be liable for any damages caused by my comic (like making someone's phone explode? I dunno).

I'm kind of suspicious about it but the site seems big and legit.

Does anyone have experience posting there? And if so, how is/was it?

  • created

    Mar '20
  • last reply

    Oct '22
  • 31


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  • 19


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  • 5


While I've not posted there, I can take a guess at that clause.

It's probably there for assurance, like: if your comic somehow damages someone's phone, maybe through a virus or something, than they're not liable for it.

I dunno, someone with more experience can probably talk about it.

You're lucky.... They tried to float a contract at us that was all kinds of wonky. Even though they tried to walk back on it, it made a lot of the members of our group insist we get out of there.

my one friend was on there, said they were going to have it where they can make ANYTHING with your comic, merch, games, animation. and you wouldnt see a single cent of it, i believe

The joke would be on them!

My comic is too mediocre for merchandise.
I can barely get people to read it, let alone buy merchandise!

Along these lines.... There was a laundry list of weird stuff in that first contract they wanted to float by us.

Also all potential disputes would have to be handled in the Hong Kong judicial system. That's a commute !

Edit: To be fair, they tried to revise but it spooked us.

I'm working with them as an exclusive for around 1 year, and it's being great! They pay well and on time (except when the coronavirus started, but I think it was a general concern in China and they couldn't do too much), and they are very understanding of my conditions and are very flexible with deadlines and schedules, what is a win win for me!

Good to hear!
I've been going through the contract again and I think I'll take the plunge.
Thanks for your insight!

welcome! hope you have a good stay there and feel free to ask anything if you need! ^^

that's an odd clause. I wonder if it's more in reference to the kind of content you produce? like they're not responsible if a kid read your mature webcomic when they shouldn't? they don't wanna have to deal with any problems/ "damages" that comes with it? :thinking:

But regardless, reading through the comments from the other thread, i can see that everyone's contract is not exactly the same. They've been very chill with me, and even allowed me to update my contract on my own terms (i thought it went a bit too smoothly, i can't help but wonder if this has anything to do with you guys who peaced out all at once hmm..)

Anyway congrats on being accepted : >
Sometimes a fresh new start is all you need to get motivated again :thumbsup:

Yeah i even signed an exclusive contract with themm, they payed me every month for it. i then asked them if i could get out of the exclusive contract they said yes and still payed me for the months they owed me and dint ask for thier money back.

I think in the end the contract is thier for them if the series was ever a very huge megastare hit and they needed to act on it. They even explained that the clause many people dropped out on was becuase they wanted to use it for pormotion matriels I.e make a trailer with your comic and put it on youtube ect...

That's sort of my understanding of it too.

I liked everyone we dealt with there...it was just a really BAD contract offer and it took us past the negotiation stage and into exit mode. They even left the door open for a return one day.

23 days later

recently they added a way readers can support creators with coins (gifts). I wonder if those gifts can be converted in real money.

They email about the gifts, It's kinda useless. It says here "Coins are currency that readers can get for free, and they can't be exchanged for income. But it still a way readers can show their love and support for works and creators."

to earn something your readers need to give you gems. The coins yeah, they're pretty useless.