29 / 29
Jan 12

Aight, so done some research into prices and what I have canonically established within Trespasser.

The only writing price within the text of the story is this one, 50fl for Kyara to park her Hovercycle for a full day.

So looking into parking costs for one of the major cities in my area, I found this:

Knowing she had to be back by sundown in this chapter, and sometime before noon, let's assume she was out for roughly 10 hours. Using the rate listed about that would amount to €17,20 in parking fees.

Now we have established a conversion rate! between € and fl, namely €1 = 1,45 fl.

A Big Mac in area costs this:

Then, assuming a 1:1 ratio between parking and Big Macs, a Big Mac would cost Kyara a whopping 8,72fl

The one issue being that McDonalds doesn't exist on n-084/T some 5000 years into our future :laughing:

Defining Daecon takes place in present day Canada. A Big Mac combo is around $12 Canadian.

Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days takes place in Canada too, but the time span ranges from 1984 to 2000. A Big Mac combo cost $3.85 in 1999. I wouldn’t have known what one cost in 1984 because I was a kid and never would have been able to afford one, but I do remember getting McD’s gift certificates in my Halloween bag, and with a dollar gift certificate you could get a plain burger, a small fries, and a small pop. The burger was a quarter, and for another dime you could get a cheeseburger. I distinctly remember thinking “Who the hell would pay ten cents for a slice of cheese?!?!?”

AngHell dela Blackpill could arguably be urban fantasy if you consider angels and demons to be fantasy creatures.

It's set in an unnamed big city somewhere in North America (USA or Canada... you the reader are free to speculate all you want) with occasional flashbacks to certain periods in history.

So with that said...

Before 1758 (supposedly the year when hamburger was invented)... non existent so far. ADB flashbacked to the late 16th century when Spain had control of Manila but still had to fight rebel chieftains who refuse to submit to Spain.

Have a planned Flashback to the 1890s to 1900s (last days of Spanish occupation and transition to American occupation)... and hamburger cost 5 cents during that time. So big mac would probably be 8 to 10 cents :laughing:

And since this comic is set in the modern era (2020s...) it's $5.29 USD for the sandwich and $9.29 for the meal :laughing:

Hmmm interesting.

My story is a dystopic world. There are 2 major cities that have proper currencies: Aeroz and Asenya

Asenya has "Faction Creds". So 4 different currencies with varying economic value. I guess each would pay differently for a Big Mac. But on average it should cost 100 Faction Creds.

Aeroz has Aztranz. Now this place has a thriving economy. So a Big Mac can sell for as cheap as 2 Aztranz.

Guys, my comic’s economy is so funky. What would happen to the economy of an island that’s closed off from the rest of the world and the only imports are random things that get washed up? Is a big mac even possible to exist?

Two 100% beef patties (Yeah they have some kind of cow-like animal)
Pasteurized process American cheese (Yes. They definitely have cheese, not American, but there is cheese.)
Shredded lettuce (idk… maybe we can substitute some random leaves?)
Pickle slices (yes. There is actually an episode where they eat pickles lol)
Minced onions (mmmm idk)
Big Mac sauce, a Thousand Island-type dressing (nope)
Three-slice sesame-seed bun (yes bread is life)
Tomato (definitely no tomatoes)

In short it’s impossible to make a big mac in my comic’s economy so its price is $∞ I WIN!!!!
I’ve never thought about my comic’s currency before. It’s literally not relevant :skull: Mev just steals everything she would want to buy and Ian’s too rich to ever think about money.

Also I’ve never had a big mac so 🤷

I eat McDonalds- I just havent eaten a Big Mac in the last almost 30 years...I [really] hate the taste of that sauce.

I mainly just do double cheeseburgers there...if I do get a taste for a beefier burger then I'll eat double quarter pounder with cheese; short of lately though I havent eaten McDonalds in some weeks

So would you say the minimum wage would be the same as in your area?
I'm realizing we need labor to Big Wac ratios to figure out which fictional economy is truly broken here

Another past price. The fantasy continues--

Oo and another one

Wow that sounds like a big difference! Unless Creds to Aztranz is like yen to dollars or smth
What's the minimum wage here?

Between the imports and price, I wish your economy a very get well soon

I'm not sure whether the actual price for your Big Wac should be 0 or infinity, but you can have this anyway

30 years? That must be some really bad sauce

This is interesting! I only have a WIP right now and I haven’t really thought about the economy yet, but here we go:

So first of all, the setting is important. The story takes place in a union of 6 countries called the Alliance of Thendia, which is similar to the European Union. All participating countries therefore share a currency called the Thendian Amaru, which is worth slightly more than one dollar. However, each country also has its own currency, that is mostly used in more rural areas. Prices in each country also vary.

Then, there is the problem of Big Macs, because there aren’t really any Big Macs or fast food chains in this world. So I’ll just use the fast food item that comes closest to a Big Mac, which is the giant Flamecrisp Dumpling from Hellalunia. There, it costs about 3 to 4 Thendian Amaru (depending on where you are) or 7 Sparks (Hellalunian currency).

Then again, prices tend to vary extremely. In Kheltra, for example, you could get a Flamecrisp Dumpling for whooping 18 Thendian Amaru (about 20 dollars) or “2 half moons and a waning moon” because the coins there have moon phases on them. In Khozt on the other hand, a Flamecrisp Dumpling would cost only half an Amaru or 16 Timetinkles, but you wouldn’t really have a way to find out what’s really in this dumpling, making it at least as sketchy as an actual Big Mac, if not worse.

Another weird thing is that in some areas, anything can be used as currency. In Mirdan, the seaside villages often use seashells. In Lambunia, remote villages sometimes use flower petals preserved by magic. Some areas even use blood as currency (though this happens mostly in communities with a high Hidden Red rate and is generally looked down upon).

And of course there is magic so you could theoretically produce your own currency, but this is highly illegal (however, in some areas, people just don’t care).

I wager that within the city state of Oasis there wouldn't be an officially established minimum wage. I mean, they use literal child labour in factories after all (ie, how Zack lost his arm)

The other society within Trespasser, namely that of the Bunthas, doesn't even use money to begin with. A whole "each to their need and ability" sort of deal.

So for the Big Macs, in Oasis you'd have a clearly exploited underclass making them for the wealthier circles of society, while with the Bunthas it's Big Macs for all who want 'em :thinking:

7~9 Tant coins, or 1 Copp coin which is moderately affordable in my fantasy currency,
and just about the cost of a cheap imported sea-based fish, a cat folk's meal :kissing_cat:.

wooh! interesting question for the almighty Big Mac :hamburger:

let me first give the value for currency in my fantasy world:

  • 1 copper coin is 25$ real world dollars = 1000 copper coins is 1 silver coin

  • 1 silver coin is 50$ real world dollars = 1000 silver coins is 1 gold coin

  • 1 gold coin is 150$ real world dollars = 5,000 gold coins is 1 raw uncut diamond, 24 karats

  • 10,000 gold coins is 1,500,000$ real world dollars = 1 raw Dragonium Ore

  • 15,000 gold coins is 2,250,000$ real world dollars = 1 raw Meteorite Ore

  • 25,000 gold coins is 3,750,000$ real world dollars = 1 forged Meteordragon Metal

  • 50,000 gold coins is 7,500,000$ real world dollars = 1 raw Black diamond


*** now lets break down the cost for ingredients and miscellaneous charges

  • burger buns - 1 silver coins and 20 copper coins

  • cheese - 2 silver coins and 5 copper coins

  • tomatoes - 3 copper coins

  • lettuce - 2 copper coins

  • pickles - 2 copper coins

  • onions - 3 copper coins

  • Thousand Island-type dressing a.k.a "special sauce" - 3 silver coins and 50 copper coins

  • Beef Patty - 10 silver coins and 65 copper coins

see, simple! :yum:

Wait- if 1 copper is worth $25, wouldn’t 1000 copper be worth $25000 not $50? Is the value decreasing when you have more?
My reading comprehension could be failing me…

Now this sounds like a functioning economy! Multiple even!

I love that the price would change in the same currency based on location too.

I bet a Filet O Fish would do well there

¥480 or 16.25 lei? Do you have 2 countries based on Romania and Japan or 1 country that's both?

Thanks to mobile games these prices didn't even look weird to me. They definitely read like microtransaction prices lol
"Grind for 1000 copper coins for 1 silver coin or buy 1 silver coin for the cost of 2 copper!"

16 silver and 150 copper or $4,550?

"Hiroshi and the Neon Ninjas" takes place in Japan, whereas "Maria the Vampire Princess" takes place in Romania.

It depends heavily in what year it takes place.

Thirley Peak is just 2021 so it would be whatever a Big Mac costs in 2021

Hawk and Flo Adventures is the year XX99. By then there's Physical digital Holograms everywhere so certain things are much cheaper to buy. A Macduncan's smiley Meal is the equivalent of $3.00

Phantom Force 3000 has no Big macs.

29 days later

Atm in Sketchy Business they are average price in Texas USA, but because the villain less who takes over HATES most fast food chains they'll be basically impossible to find and people will probably be charging 20 to 30 dollars a piece for them