33 / 33
Mar 2023

Cocky/Serious vs witty/mischievous

In the current series I'm working on I'M ̶n̶o̶t̶ A SICK BOY! most fun is taking Evan, a playfully mischievous, flirtatious guy who cares little for rules and pairing with/ pitting him against
no-nonsense or egotistic character types. Those who he can't help himself but irritate lol

On the other hand, the aforementioned side of Evan isn't truly seen in early episodes as he behaves more toned down in the home setting & through the eyes of his little brother Owen (Mc).

Enjoy sibling dynamic too: come from same upbringing yet differing personalities can create such interesting outcomes.


Evan's a daring adult who's been a round town while Owen's a sheltered boy who just turned 12 year old. Throughout the series, Owen and Evan are separated from the parents and it gives Owen a chance to see a different side of Evan.

In an upcoming episode, Owen is confused as he watches Evan taunt and aggravate a highly dangerous no-nonsense type opponent (this character is someone they encounter on multiple occasions who seems to know Evan outside the home setting and reveal things that Owen himself would have never known.)

While Evan is naturally reckless , he loves his little brother and does what he can to keep him safe but conflicts do arise as Evan steers off course due to his daring nature. Owen being dependent (due to sheltered upbringing) has no choice but to drag along.

I also enjoy when the mains share differing outlook/growth during the story's situation:
Owen want's to reunite with his parents, he's starts off scared, his acceptance of himself in his 'world's sudden change' is something that happens overtime. Evan however, quickly embraces the change, he is curious to explore the limits of his powers and challenge all odds.

Also love a dynamic that can lead to a bit of role switch between both characters:
The series is supposed to be three seasons, and in final season there is a bit of a role switch. Owen has his trials overtime that push him to become independent & more confident with his powers. There's another important character, one who Evan truly loves but led a complicated relationship with, that character dies while protecting him. This wrecks Evan who goes into a mindless bloody rage ruining the situation even more for himself and his allies. There's a scene where Evan falls to the ground a crying helpless mess and it's Owen who comforts him. Similar to early scenes in the series when Owen felt helpless and Evan comforted him.

In the final battle the brothers reach a point where they better understand each other, retaining what makes each unique but becoming ideal duo. Owen the noble Hero and Evan the playful one.

Actually I love the dynamics between my characters Ellie and Skully, he’s such a grumpy skull, trying to make sure Ellie doesn’t do anything too dumb, but she’s very carefree and ends up in a lot of trouble (mostly because she doesn’t listen to the grumpy skull)

I love seeing relationships (friends or more, I like any) between two apathetic characters that are secretly very psycho, but in a nonchalant way.

It's like they complement each other in their twisted ways, and instead of running away because they're scared, they bring even more madness.

In my novel, the main leads' relationship is kinda like that. There's the apathetic person with bottled anger and the quiet kid with impulsive and self-destructive habits.

I think I just enjoy people getting along with each other. Like people of different backgrounds and interests yet they can still be friends. It’s so wholesome.

I think this is probably why I suck at writing villains because I would rather everyone be friends.

I like old person, young person mentor character dynamics. For example, the movie Karate kid.

I like a really good “I wanted to take revenge against you but then I realized you’re a changed person” arc

@TheLemmaLlama I really really wanted to comment on yours yesterday, but I got busy with some things. I'd love to see all of those dynamics you listed. They would be so interesting. There's a lot of potential that could tapped into with playing around with those kinds of expectations. Introvert and extrovert characters especially. I tend to play it straight with the ones I have, but there's a lot of possibilities if an author did what you said, or say, made the introvert more social and the extrovert more shy.

It took me a few times to grasp the last bullet point, but that would be such an interesting dynamic!

Oh, I'm not sure if I've seen this before in any other work, but I know two of my characters are going to end up exactly like this. Just two completely opposing worldviews and standards that, even with character arcs, are just too different for them to ever get along.

@writerhongpao Whole-heartedly agree that conflict doesn't have to be confined to a single antagonistic character. Villains can be fun, but sometimes struggling against a less concrete problem can do wonders for a plot. That last scenario you mentioned it a tried and true tragedy. It's always interesting seeing where characters like that go. Even if they start opening up and being less cynical, they can never fully be the person they once were.

@stiatent Ohhhhhh! Evan's interactions sound hilarious! And yes! Sibling dynamics are my bread and butter. And as for the spoilered part:


SAME. I love when character dynamics get inverted. Also, Evan and Owen's situation sounds really neat. I really like the concept of Evan being the more reckless type, but being put in a situation where he has to look after someone else. And poor Owen. Being at the mercy of Evan's recklessness while already dealing with a bunch of change can't be easy.

@Legendofgenii Oh, that's always fun!

@Crowv LOLOLOL how chaotic. Love that for her. Skully seems like he has a lot on his hands.

@sgalm1 Even in a more serious situation, there is high comedic potential in that. "Your poisons are so... potent. I like that." "Thanks, and your knives are looking sharp today."

@theyrebothakilogram Narrative foils are always very very good! I particularly like finding ones that aren't quite as obvious, but make sense when you really think about it.

@NickRowler Yeah, that's always fun! There's things that can happen in a story that don't have to involve heavy conflict between two people and still be just as engaging.

@Kalebell A tried and true classic dynamic! There's a lot you can do with it.

@river121693 Ooooooooh! I know I've seen and heard of just taking revenge or "the thirst for revenge corrupts," but that one sounds like it could be really poignant.

High five for the shared love for sibling dynamics & that one inside spoiler :hand_splayed: :smiley:
You got siblings in your cast too? Noticed it made me appreciate childhood sibling memories I would have taken lightly , you ever felt the same writing yours?

Yhep cant wait to dive into those interactions:


this is meant to be a previz for an up-coming interaction, the boys' designs updated quite a bit in actual series tho

I like it when the hero and villain are forced to put aside their grudges and work together and then learn that the other isn't that bad.

@stiatent :hand_splayed: :smiley: Yes! Between the two series I'm working on, I've got four pairs of brothers in the main casts. I meant to ramble about a couple of them in my post, but I haven't quite gotten the time yet (partially because I've been writing notes fleshing out the experiences of one of them.)


Oh, nice pose work! I really like the posing and expression on the one against the wall.

@Hipiticus Oh yeah, I've enjoyed that one quite a few times! When done right, it's really nice. :smile:

@bulgariansumo wow 4 pairs that's awesome, I can imagine the variations of personalities that make each pairing unique :thumbsup: Yea always welcome to ramble, those topics are fun and hope you get needed time to flesh the experiences for them :smiley: As you mention working on two at same time how's that experience bouncing between the two? Focusing on the current series but would love to publish a 2nd, a super short comic series at some point. Also boy on wall is Evan, thanks for loving the expressions, yep was an exercise to get that right XD

Ahhh, I was wondering if that was Evan. :laughing:

Thanks for the well wishes! I didn't get to flesh out those experiences today, but I did finally take some time to ramble about some dynamics in this thread via editing one of my previous posts.

Working on two series at the same time is a juggling act that I haven't quite mastered yet. But since I've had both bouncing around in my head for almost 10 years, I can say that I have the plot beats of at least one of them planned out. :sweat_02: Going from a long-form series to a short one sounds really fun! Good luck!

That's one of my favorite dynamics of all time.

It's a more common one, but there's something I just enjoy about the serious/reserved character pairing up with a goofy or more spontaneous/mischievous character. Romantically or as friends or whatever, it's just fun.

@bulgariansumo yep Evan indeed XD

Love the ramble, and the character designs, beautiful combination of blues, yellow and oranges give a warm and crisp feeling :art:
Leon and Emil are a cute pair of hypemen. Nice dynamic between the sibs Emil and Galhardo, the responsible fatherly captain and lil fun loving brother. That's in line with the dynamic I love, as you say contrast makes really funny. Aiden's hair is awesome and those pairings of best friends that are completely opposite is fun for sure. Your group gonna keep each other entertained up in space for sure :smiley:

Much respect to you being able to publish two, yea sound like a juggling act, the part that prob have me overthinking the most lol Plus side, I imagine it allows you to escape into the next and come back refreshed when producing updates for the og right? Both of yours long term series?
One planned out better than none XD Shows you having fun doing it so ideas are sure to come :smiley: :thumbsup:
Yep the multiple ideas of 10 + years sound super relatable. The short comic shares characters and country from the current series so been using that to feed the temptation XD

@candiedcotton yea true it's common but so much fun :smiley: The spontaneous/ mischievous one you never know what's up his sleeves which probably makes it fun, much to the misfortune of the serious/reserved ones XD
You're right, romance, friendship & all in-between always fun, the series gives the chance to explore the variety
Because of the overall Battle Royale set up, you got a skinny spontaneous amateur and a bunch of buff superpowered hunks, all trying to outdo each other lol

Another character dynamic on the (villian side) started having fun writing is
Trigger Happy Killer vs Slow Artistic Killer


Basically the artistic killer, is intellegent, takes his time, strikes from the shadows, wants to indulge in his victims demise in a theatrical manner. Then comes the Triggerhappy killer, witty, bold faced, and destroys anything that moves. Artistic Killer is pissed, having his plans wrecked, he finds himself unable to defeat his competitor. It evolves into a game of them trying to out do each other.


The main antagonist in my comic series is the artistic killer and the '3rd wheel villian' is the triggerhappy one who serves as a threat to protagonist and antagonist alike.

Thank you so much for the compliments! :smile: Also yeah, both of my series are long-term.

Trigger Happy Killer vs Slow Artistic Killer sounds really funny! The methodical vs the wild card, both good in their craft but with incompatible styles. I can see it also being potentially horrific if another POV character is facing off against both at the same time.


LOLOL I love the idea of a third wheel villain.

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