14 / 21
Sep 2020

Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed reading this, but it seems I can’t give you ink as you haven’t reached the tapas requirements for it yet.

I'll recommend my friend's comic! :slight_smile:

If you don't mind :point_right::point_left: It's still in the first dozen pages (btw, I saw your novel in your description and am looking directly at it)

Thank you for sharing this! The comic is lovely and amazing! :heart:

I don't identify with the q-word (where I live it's mostly used by homophobes who are constantly harassing lesbians), but I am a lesbian making mostly GL comics if that counts^^

Queer in the communities I'm in has been taken back and made to be an inclusive term that covers both peoples sexualities and gender identities. Being a lesbian definitely falls into this category!

Thank you for sharing your content :slight_smile:

Hello, I'm far to have 250 subscribers. But if you like you could try my comic, and give me a little feedback

Your comic is really cute, I think Shaz is going to love it, being engaged to an autistic woman (me). :sweat_02:

This is very adorable! As the musses just said deffo loved it! Will keep you in mind when you hit 250 subs! <3 (or you can apply to the inksgiving thread to get inks for the november event.)

thank you I will keep it in mind, happy to know that Shaz and darthmongoose are in an happy relationship.

Ahh yes, a thread for GL! Thanks for doing this! I'll definitely be checking out everyone else's too. Here's mine:

Hey! I hope you don't mind me sharing my GL novel! It's a really simple and short one, 19 kinda-short parts that will be uploaded within a few weeks,

@shfra13 intersting so far! Look forward to seeing more!

@jmassat this is on my read list! I know it's a completed novel and the cover and description looks adorable! :smiley:

Thank you for checking it out! It means a lot to me :blush:

2 years later

My Superhero Parody Comic features a lesbian MC,, and will eventually get together with her roommate.
But its not a Romantic Comedy, and their relationship won´t be topic.

If you're still interested:

Always in the Art,