16 / 57
Nov 2019

Yayy, nice thread! :hype_01: here's the comic I'll share:

I've known the author for years (over a decade I think? lol) and I started using Tapas because of her! I know there are a lot of gag comics in this genre out there but this one is my favourite, I really love how the style is simple while also being very expressive and unique, you can see how it changed through the years. The jokes also feel genuine and smart, they can go from exaggerated to subtle!

Yes agree 100%! @amortelito deserves some community award <3

@ratique with Queen of gods can never get too much attentions

@FoxDyeInk Has this comic, it has all I looking after: Great drawing/Art, Humor, Mystery and surprises.

But I will like to set @irene_addler up as well
It is a classic one with a girl as a slave and gets sold to a one there may be like her, but so all changes the man... I do not say more but it steps inside some fantasy and surprise me. A good story is all

You should definitely give out some ink to these comics by @beta1042 and @Samuraiflame respectively. Both are romance stories that play with existing anime plots and twist them on their head with strong character developments, comedy, and wholesome values. If you like your romance comics with a bit more strength to them instead of drama that goes nowhere, these are your types of stores:

So... they’re actually not unlocked for ink yet, but I thought I’d at least promote this novel. It takes a lot to pull me out of just focusing on creating to actually read the works that I’ve subscribed to (all of which truly have caught my eye), but I’ve gotta give a shout out to @An_Alias for Boil Frogs Slowly. Any time I see an update, I drop all to read it. I’m so curious about this plot and how it unfolds.

Also, thank you @michaelson for all the work you put into Tapas. I’m sure it’s not all glitter and joy all the time, but you’re appreciated. You too @ratique for putting us in our places when we need to be checked :grin:

That's really kind.

I haven't read much on here yet, but of the few I have, I definitely think this has potential and deserves some more love and support~

I've picked three that I love! All of them deserve more attention and many inks.


Super original and engaging plot, and I can't get enough of the art style. Every update is exciting tbh.


Another one with gorgeous, unique art! A bold story that's great at tugging at the heartstrings.


Fun setting, fun characters, fun colors, fun style. Very promising, and I look forward to each update.

So so so happy to see this thread here!

^Mita's work on Sabers is something of absolute genius and is immensely fun, stylish, and thought-provoking. He's been working on so hard on this comic for years and the energy he puts into it shows!

^ Underworld Engine is a feast both visually and narratively. I feel like I say that a lot (cause I can't help recommend this comic a lot!) but it's truly just a stunning, engaging piece with atmosphere to immerse yourself in.

(am shouting that @Penni shared my humble little comic, ooh, thank you endlessly, you're platinum gold!!)

Hello! Thanks for enabling my support button.

My story called Fluorescent could sure use some more ink!

I love it since it has all the genres I like in one story and it showcases minorities and LGBTQ+ characters as well.


So a few I like... Well I enjoy Royal because I think it's a fun and interesting take on the magic exists with science worlds, with promise of some good drama coming.

I like Romamates because it makes the whole power thing be there, ut it's like not center of the story the romance is. And the romance is sweet I think. (support not enabled for her's but I don't think she'd complain if ya did it.:wink: )

And honestly, I love this one because yeah is homestuck style but makes the method of story telling its own.

The creators a genuinely friendly person, and I have an admiration to how much time and dedication she puts to making her series. Its one of those series where I ask whether the creator is remembering to take care of themselves cause theres always an update weekly since I first subbed back in 2016.

Because the characters are great and unique

Because, who dont like blue! Blue its great

Ethan, the mc is super duper cute! And magical

Awesome idea!!
Here are a few (I hope it's ok to nominate more than one :shook_01:):


The art is great, the panels flow very smoothly, and it's a fun take on a merman's adventure who ends up getting stuck on land! :smug_01:


It's interesting to see a comic made up of pixel art, I've been enjoying this one so far because of its unique style! :smile_01:


I love Vel's art style and this remake of their old comic looks very promising so far! :hype_01: Vel's characters are always well fleshed out and I'm sure they will be in this reboot too!


v-0-3 is so talented when it comes to drawing robots, some of the panels in this comic are also presented in really creative ways and I love how the artist always manages to make glitches tangible in comic/panel forms through these presentations. :tapa_pop:


Art style is amazing, writing flows very well, paneling is great too, seems like a very promising comic so far! :supicious_stache:


The pacing in this comic is perfect, the art style is lively and fun, it sometimes feels like reading from screenshots of an anime with the artist's unique way of portraying scenes, really neat work! :tapa_pop:

That's awesome :slight_smile: I love that.

What can be said about these comics? The art, the story, character development, Everything is topnotch. :3

(this is a relaunch of their older webcomic. The older one is as beautiful as this comic ;3 )

One of the best love stories I've ever read for a very long time. It's not flashy and it's not the kind of romance you'd expect happening. It's witty, it's cute and I love it.

Im a big fan of vampires, especially when the lore is in depth and interacts with other supernatural creatures. This one is well written with art thats always improving!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I received the ink and was like "I was nominated for something?! What is this about?!"

It may be weird to nominate back BUT... I have to nominate @Azifri's comic, Terra Prima! The characters in it are so strange and engaging. The story is literally out of this world and complex but elegant. There isn't another quite like it!

And I must nominate two of my other favorites!

The Broken Ones has a crazy group of characters with unique back stories in this beautiful fantasy world. GORGEOUS artwork and awesome fight scenes.

Does Phantom Reign even need an explanation?! The concept alone of having readers decide what happens is so much fun and not only that but the world is one of the coolest I've ever read in a webcomic and the ART. Every panel is like a painting!