121 / 133
Jul 2021

3/10. You had me at "maybe the tail is just a log/tree branch" because it issss. It's BL. I guess it's fantasy... Sorta, maybe!

4/10! A very good guess! You're right about the trauma but there's really little rollercoaster of emotions going on in the romance.

I'm so used to seeing rollercoasters in romance that I can't imagine the genre without it :sweat_02:

@tapiyokastudios A special police division in charge of handling magical and supernatural crimes.

I would also guess the main two in the cover may develop a romantic interest towards each other.


They handle various sorts of crimes, but not supernatural. There is no supernatural magic in this comic per se. They are not in a special police division either, just your 'bit above average police officers. The main two characters do develop some relationship, though it is subtle. Nice try @DiegoPalacios

@tapiyokastudios 8/10 close, very close. It's not technically forbidden but it is very, very much frown upon.
@Coati 9/10 He definately has a dark secret... I'm glad you picked up on the fact that she's a princess!

Woooooow! That was pretty close to the actual plot, congrats!
As for your covers, the first might be a coming of age story about a rock who wants to become a master in karate, maybe it's also a comedy?
The second is about a group of mascots who decide to create a club at their highschool that accepts many kinds of other mascots, it might be a story where the characters go through many hijinks together.
The third one it's a retelling of the knights of the round table and other related stories.

Well as I remember "yokai" was a term for supernatural creatures in Japanese, but having the word code gives the feeling of a spy mystery with a dash of supernatural in it.

@Nossumy From the image, I'm going to guess that the book is about a sea lord of some sort, who was quiet for a few years but is now coming to light. They are either super powerful and mighty or are still learning how much/ how to wield the power they have. (o゜▽゜)o☆
Maybe, they're even destined to save a people or destroy em; I dunno, but it looks exciting!

Here's mine!
Happy guessing :)))

To read, click here1

@cyborgmermaid first off, I really like your cover! Second off, I'm going to guess it is about an elven princess and an elf rebel who fall in love? Maybe she isn't even a princess, but a highly esteemed warrior and their romantic encounter had to do with the stars (^・ω・^ )

5/10, the main character is a rock, and it is a comedy.....but the rock is inanimate and is the chosen one to save the world from the forces of evil....

4/10 there are definitively hijinks involved...and it's a club..but they are no kids....and the purpose of the club is a mistery

10/10 perfect guess.

Ohh this is such a cool thread!!

Love your cover art! I would guess yours is about a charming prince who falls in love in love with a maid who maybe is sassy/more to her then meets the eye? Maybe the prince has pined for her for a long time, and she's the only girl he's ever fallen for? Also maybe drama with him suppose to marry a princess or about his family's disapproval?? Also maybe its one of those born in another world stories? Looks really cool tbh! : D

Here is mine as well! Looking forward to any guesses!!

Link here: https://tapas.io/episode/2202785

@K.aixin Thank you for guessing mine!
You've hit the needle right on the head for the base-level plot of the story, so I will give you a 7.5 rating ^ ^
The second prince is actually a promiscuous player who loves her, but cannot have her because he has to assume the responsibility of his late brother and protect his nation and the continent at war, so he takes her as a mistress instead.
There's more to the plot, but yeah, the main genre is the romance between the two, so I have to give it to you!

@K.aixin I'm guessing your's is about a school that breeds evil villains - as the title implies - but more than that, it seems to follow the story of a duo. Maybe they're siblings, maybe they are rivals who want to be the evilest - if that's a word :') - or different houses who seek dominancy (like a harry potter kinda thing).


Ohh nice! Wow, that's a really cool plot! It feels really different from most romance stories I've read, so I really like that. Feels really unique!

Yes!! I'll give you 10/10 on that! :smiley: You pretty much nailed it! It's really cool seeing someones interpretation on my cover. Thank you!!

@Panqiuyan I think yours is about lovers, maybe brothers, who are bedazzled with the female lead. Maybe she is from a mysterious heritage or has a bad reputation that is not true but the general public believes it.