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Aug 2024

Yeah, I basically just want an opinion, review, comment, feedback and/or critique of my comic BEYOND the first chapter. It's the one I have the most comments on.

And while I appreciate it, my comic already has 16 chapters. It changed a lot in this months so I want to know what I did improve and what I can get better at. Or any random opinion, it doesn't have to be professional.

You don't even have to read it all, just not only the first chapter.

Here's the link:

And if you want to, you can also read it on GlobalComix:

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 3


  • 319


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Typing this to say your comic is a hidden gem! I totally binged the whole thing and before I knew it, I got to the end. The story was a breath of fresh air for me, I really adored how you're incorporating your culture as the basis of the power systems and as a huge fan of JJBA it gives me the same hype and energy that I get from reading it!

The art has obviously improved, but I think the biggest improvement was your staging (idk what the comic word for this is, but I'm talking about the flow of action and the pacing of the storyboards). It was a little hard to tell what the flow was supposed to be in the beginning but it's certainly improved now. I think my biggest nitpick for the art is that I think there needs to be a happy medium between the sketchiness of the corporea and the clean lines of the rest of the art. Due to the way the corporea are drawn, it doesn't feel finished because the rest of the art consists of hard lines and cell shading. This is completely a nitpick though and I wouldn't hate if you kept the sketchiness of the corporea!

The only other critique I have is that there are slight grammar issues throughout the story, so I'd just make sure that you double check the grammar or have a beta reader before you publish!

Keep up the great work, excited to see more!

Thank you for the feedback @delladz !!

Yeah, with that style I wanted the Anima Corporea to feel outherwordly, not part of the physical world. But I understand how jarring it can look, specially when they DO interact with physical objects. Though I feel I can't change it now without justifying it in the story. But that's a me thing mostly!

The grammar problems were inevitable to me, considering this is my secondary language. One that I´d never written extensively in until I started this comic. And it doesn't help that is also a translation of the original spanish script. I may try writing a chapter in English first and THEN translate it to Spanish.

Other than that, thank you again for reading ALL 16 chapters!

2 months later

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