3 / 43
Nov 2018

Who's here(to digital artists mostly, but traditional media artists also welcome!) still stubbornly draw background conventionally/hand-drawn? xD

The most exciting part of making comic for me is the process, and I really can't imagine doing that using other way. Furthermore my style doesn't mix up well with 3d backgrounds xD and I really want to have that deliberate doodle-ish/ink-ish effect in my work, and watercolor style in color. It's a pain that it takes muuuuuch more time, but the only thing I can hope is that I'd get faster someday ^^; So....who's doing this beside me? Share your thoughts!

PS: maybe I'll reply after I get some sleep, sorry ^^;

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I tried to use things like sketch up for the backgrounds for one of my comics, but I just couldn't get it mesh well with the characters, so with my current comics I draw them by hand or my colorist will sketch out some backgrounds.

Just as well since my comic gets pretty trippy.

I'm doing traditional linework so I fall into the "traditional artists welcome too" category, but even when I do 100% digital I typically hand draw my backgrounds~ I always think that comics that lean too heavily on sketch up and the like start to look a little (or lot-tle) uncanny more often than not xD;; Drawing lines from scratch (even if just during the inking phase) kind of... "guarantees" it'll look good with your style, imo. Further I'm a draftsman in an architecture firm so I 3D model buildings every day for work, it's nice to take a break when I'm home drawing =u=

Here are a few of the "nicer" panels from my comic (the latter 2 are technically spoilers a few weeks out... oh well!)

And this is a quick concept piece I did all digitally for a collab I'm working on atm (this is more of a quick sketch than a final piece though):

I'm all for using tools to speed up your process. But in my case, I'm too dumb to learn even sketchup and it would take a LONG time to get past the learning curve... Plus, I enjoy drawing enviros and giving them their own personality when I can. Here are some of my hand drawn architectural enviros!

EDIT: the forum is cropping them badly... might need to click to see the whole thing!

Yeah I still hand draw all my backgrounds, I really should look into sketch up to save time, but every time I see a webcomic with it horribly thrown in, or with a background looking too 3D or just not matching the art of the characters AT ALL and standing out really badly, I just... don't want to touch it out of fear my comic will be looking awkward like that.

It's not like I'm good at them or enjoy making backgrounds either, it's just... I haven't used alternatives or found alternatives that I like.

I hand-draw backgrounds, although I like drawing natural / organic stuff more often than buildings and interiors, which are a total pain XD. I think I looked into Sketchup once but the fact that you're technically not supposed to use the free version commercially and the paid version is super expensive turned me away. Also I have no experience 3-d modeling and I really don't want to deal with the learning curve right now.

Also, as I'm in a phase where I'm trying to improve rapidly I think it's important that I become more competent at making backgrounds manually before I start relying on the technology even more.

I do a lot of hand drawn/kinda painted backgrounds. Mostly because my art style isn't really neat enough to combine well enough with that sketch-up look XD

Hence, I use a lot of references for those one-shot background panels and leave everything else relatively blank (if not the colors of the surrounding background) XD

I do!

I tried making models in sketch up before for reference but I was like, "this is taking too damn long." Same thing with setting up the perspective grid tool in PS.

So in short I draw backgrounds by hand because I'm lazy. LOL

i keep all my blunderland backgrounds in a file so i can get to them when i need them. if i need something new it just gets added to the catalog

I HATE messing with sketchup. So I don't actually make 3D backdrops. However, I may pull warehouse models to help figure out angles.

But all my backgrounds are hand-drawn.
I just also will only make one detailed backdrop panel and then take it and manipulate and alter for other panels.

These were all manipulated/altered from one main panel.

but I also really enjoy drawing backgrounds even in throwaway doodles

I really hope to learn sketchup someday for a few projects where it would be especially helpful but yeah, I also create all my comics' backgrounds by hand. Like you mentioned, the raw, organic look will complement certain applications and styles so as to present a unique world.

Candour is Going Mad's style is gothic with a rural flare and predominantly greyscale so I try to make my backgrounds' lineart and inking strong.

There's No Such Thing as Jason - I.T.1 has a more urban landscape and the setting is highly psychological based on character carry, so I depend more on background colour and texture styles to best "voice" the scenes.

@travelercomic Your problem with sketchup is exactly the same with me, it's just looks bad with them. It's great that you and your partner agree to do background by hand since your background in the picture looks good with the characters in it, it meshes well and it's beautiful ^^

@Rhonder Ahahah you pointed out my thought really clearly, I agree with you that sometimes sketchup looks horribly wrong especially if the lineart style isn't clean enough. True! It takes more effort but drawing bgs from scratch guarantee your backgrounds will have the same dynamic lines with your characters! Especially if your lineart is more leaning into dynamic style. Ah so you're an architect! No wonder your backgrounds looks neat and beautiful!

@thekinginthesun I see your point xD I can't imagine with your style using with 3d background, maybe a lil bit weird and the one in the picture is really beautiful and matches well with your characters!

@keii4ii I also have no problem using tools to speed up xD but i have used 3d backgrounds and experiment with it, it still turned out not mixing up well xD Also the learning curve is kinda intimidating at first time xD but i definetely seconded you on how drawing them by hand give some kind of therapeutic feeling, it just feels right. Your background loooks so beautiful man I can totally see that you enjoyed drawing it ^^

@Kura Maybe we all should look into sketchup ahahahahah Yes some webcomics looks really wrong with their character style mixed up in together, but I kinda understand that they just don't have that much time to do background manually anymore. Hence, the word, "stubborn" xD

@A_Toad Drawing natural scene really gives you that nice feelings, I know ^^ and ah agree wiht you I'm also scared using sketchup since I haven't bought it yet, and just using the free version xD The learning curve is intimidating esp to folks who haven't much time to do it in the first place xD
Yes, you really have a great point there, that drawings manually really boost your skill, and it's best to use sketchup etc when youre in deadline like, featured creators.

@Jenny-Toons Ahahahahah me tooo me tooo and I can see that your style will have trouble using 3d backgrounds as well because our linearts style are more dynamic xD Sketchup is just a gift for artistS who have clean, kinda one-width lineart style xD
Tho the most painful phase of doing background is looking up for material that fits the mood in the scene xD

@fnflgbtcomics Wow your style looks very nice and the background complement the characters so well I can't imagine you use 3d background for it, especially caves xD. It's beautiful ^^

@joannekwan XD I know that feeling, setting up models is esp painful if you're not really used to sketchup, it's faster to look at photo references but you can't really set the angle to fit the scene, then again I'm also like that xD

@mariusthered Oooh you already saved a bunch of backgrounds to use later, that's clever :smiley:

@hades This! Eventhough i don't use sketchup almost at all sometimes when i'm frustrated with the angles i seek out to sketchup just to give me clear idea how to angle esp with tricky funiture xD, but still draw everything by hand. Ooooh I also copypaste background to other panel but doesn't look as fit as yours! It looks good and matches up so well with your characters. I looove your coloring btw ;;

@phenylketonurics Yes we can't deny the usefulness of sketchup, can we? xD It's just too bad it doesn't complement my style, and I don;t want to switch to clean style since it feels like throwing my soul xD
I see your point, it certainly gives that feeling that can only be achieved by hand, like yours! Esp rural area and nature, in your case, it looks just right using those hand drawn backgrounds ^^

Thanks so much! Yeah, it's a bit harder but in the long run I think it suits my style more. No shade on anyone who uses things like sketchup, I can certainly see the value in it when it's in the right hands.

You're welcome and yes! NO SHADE at all to sketchup users. It just mean they're clever and can work around it to make it works for their comics. I envy them xD

One of the reasons why I started making comics was in hopes to becoming a better artist (which, I have, and still continue to do so).
Although I believe artists should not know how to create everything, It's important for them to learn about space, form, and depth.
Starting out, I dreaded the laborious idea of making backgrounds and instead preferred drawing my characters, then overtime, I grew to love backgrounds, sometimes overdoing it.

I can understand why people use generated backgrounds, but backgrounds helps tel the story and immerses the audience better.

Drawing backgrounds by hand.... is so tough... especially since my G pens would always bleed over the ruler, eventually I switched to using micron pens to do backgrounds, even though they aren't nearly as nice. Here's one of the last backgrounds I drew before switching to digital:

Digital has made drawing backgrounds 1000000000x easier. So I've been able to upgrade my art:

I'm sure a 3D model would help too. I thought it would be nice if I had 3D models for the space ships since they are especially difficult to draw, but digital in itself is already a step down from the organic feel of traditional. How many steps down can we take before it just looks manufactured? I think it's important to give that consideration. I wish I could go back to traditional since it's impossible to get that same look digitally, but I sacrificed it for convenience and a more clean look in the end.

I use 3-d stuff as a foundation for my backgrounds and render over it with lines because I want my backgrounds to blend with my foreground art. There are also scenes where I dont have to use the 3-d resources that I just draw out.