8 / 17
Feb 15

I actually put in a little work this year compared to the last two years (which were nixed, lol!)

Here are some cards for (almost) every love-spreading occasion!

For the needy:

For that friend/crush or valued person in your life:

For asking on a first date:

For the gals:

And the guys:

And, finally, for all those who got stood up/ignored:

Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day! (or a good laugh at the very least)

Feel free to share any cards you made for your fans!

Not a set of cards, but I did make this 2 panel illustration for valentine's

It’s not really valentines day related but I wanted to draw something with my characters.

I'm a simple person - I subscribe to anything related to chickens. :sunglasses:
Keep it up!
Happy Valentine's Day!

I love silkie chicken soooo much!
I have painted many of silkie chickens.

Yes, Silkies are fluffy and puffy. How can you not love them?
I've created Silkie chicken OCs before, but I never really thought through their adventure stories.

Silkies... not sure which is cuter... a big fat orange cat... a Shiba inu... or a silkie? :laughing:


Who is the cuteness mogger?

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