26 / 69
Aug 2022

I avoid the Discord as well, only posting to put friends' stories on the recommendations channel. I regret the one time I did try to take part in the chat.

That is the most random, unorganized mess I've seen for supposedly well-specified channels. Every single channel is a general off-topic chat. And its like walking into a middle school classroom at that. So @NickRowler when you say you were harassed for that, I will believe you.

And yeah, I forgot to concur with that point about many leaving the forums to go to the Discord chat.

Yeah, I get what you mean; I've talked about some pretty controversial stuff in some comments here that I've seen others get death threats for in other places, but people have been surprisingly understanding ^^;

I can see that tbh; envy is real, and I'm not just saying that in a 'pshhh people suck amirite?' kind of way - I've felt it myself. With me I do feel slightly less comfortable with more successful creators because I'm afraid of looking like I'm only trying to be friends with them to take advantage of them since I see people complaining about 'fake friends' all the time, but idk if I'm just making excuses for what's actually just envy XD

But yeah, these days it looks to me that people here generally respect and look up to you - admittedly because you give good advice but I feel like having the sub count to back it up is also a factor.

Honestly, I hate people sucking up to me and can usually spot it. It's one thing to appreciate my advice and help, but when somebody lays on the flattery too thick I'm a bit like "eugh..." because I hate insincerity, and I know I've pissed off my share of people who said a bunch of nice things about me and then I didn't promote them or subscribe to their comic. I don't give out compliments that I don't really mean, and I don't promote things unless I genuinely think they're good. If people want to subscribe to my comic, well, that's great, thanks! but I shouldn't feel under obligation to sub to theirs, and the same rules apply to them; if I ever sub to your comic or give you a shout-out, you don't owe me anything.

I want people to think of me as just a peer with more experience, mostly just gained through literally being older than a lot of people here, so I've been making comics since last century! 2k subs feels like a lot to people with like 200 or fewer, but you really need about 30k+ to earn a living on the platform, so it's not like I'm incredibly successful or giving up my day job any time soon :sweat_02:. I'm really just somebody who can probably give advice based on having made every mistake in the book at least once and learned the hard way so you don't have to, or as somebody who has finally gained access to the kind of info the industry frustratingly keeps close to the chest and wants to freely distribute it because oh my god, book publishing in my country is SO damned incestuous and full of posh people who just help out their other posh friends and their annoyingly entitled and privileged, talentless kids.

I've got experience and maybe a bit more of an audience, but I'm a completely open book on how I did it, and I'll happily share information and advice with anyone else who wants to succeed, and probably eventually surpass me. :smile_01:

Le gulp. Having a history of foot-in-mouth syndrome, I've been burnt before, so that's exactly the sort of line that makes me worry. I don't exactly have much faith in the accuracy of people's 'insincerity radar' :'D I do get where you're coming from though, not saying it's wrong to dislike being sucked up to, and it definitely sucks that people act like you're obligated to support their work because they supported yours.

I suppose I'll just keep saying whatever and not-get-mad-at-people-for-not-supporting-my-work (I trust that's all you really want anyways), and try not to worry about what people think of me if I haven't done anything objectively blackmaily :'D

And yeah, it's really cool of you and others to make information and resources available to anyone willing to make use of it, so people with potential don't get stuck and have their ideas languish in obscurity because they had no means of realizing them :]

I don't think it's so much understanding as it is they'll just not engage with you if they don't like what you said. Like, I doubt most people here agree with and/or understand my viewpoint on transgressive fiction... At least I assume that based on past experiences. xD But that's how it should be with the internet, if someone doesn't like another person's viewpoint they shouldn't engage. (Unless that person is literally dangerous/doing harm.)

Apart from some small bouts of tension here and there, I really like the community

I’ve never experienced full on bullying from a tapas user, but I’ve experienced stalking and harassment from another author from Webnovel who followed me over to Tapas earlier this year, created an account, and used it to message all my subs and their walls, as well as comment my chapters with vicious messages. It was a mess, and thankfully tapas looked into it. It all stopped after I threatened to sue for slander.

There have been a few times when comic artists asked me for advice on how I reached the subs I have….but I’m not a comic artist! So I never know what to say except the standard “have a catching cover, make connections, etc,” because I can’t help them on their art unless they’d want a rookie critique as a reader or something. Interestingly, novelists have never asked for advice.

I agree, 2-4k subs is a lot, but it only pays for my gasoline lol

Hahaha yeah... it buys me occasional treats like takeaway food and Warhammer minis, but people think that once you have 1000+ subs you're diving into a pool of money like Scrooge McDuck. :sweat_02: I'm like... I know people with 10,000 subs, and all of them need to have some kind of other job outside of their webcomic. The 1k-30k subs region is usually just "solid side hustle" territory, not "at last, I can quit my job!" territory.

I don't know if it's still an issue because I haven't been here in quite a long while (hi to those who remember me), I don't think I have seen harassment of one person, usually when there was harassment it seemed to be unintentional and aimed at certain types of creators like people have mentioned. I know a LOT of people moved away from the forums here because every other day would be a new thread hating on BL comics. That's part of the reason why I stopped posting here as well. That and it's a time sink like most social media. lol

Oh god... yeah, it used to be constant a few years back. Every time one closed, a new thread would open with a title like "Why is BL so popular?" "Why is there so much BL?" and all of them had that same thing of people being like:

"i aM jUsT trYINg to uNDersTaNd whY pEopLE LiKe it So MuCH wHEn it Is bAd. i'M nOT hoMopHObiC!"
But then no matter how often the simple truth was pointed to that "people like it and are reading it" and "people read it on webcomics platforms because print publishers don't supply for the level of demand because they're slow to adapt", they'd never be satisfied.

I'm thankful that there's a lot less of that now. I can live without needing to argue for the existence of queer creators and having the opportunity to find success with LGBTQ+ themed content every week for sure. There's even thankfully less of that "Humph! There's only ONE WAY to be popular on Tapas and it's making gay stuff!" sentiment and the weird conspiracy theories that there was some kind of gay illuminati working behind the scenes of Tapas to push queer content on everyone and hide anything heterosexual.

...wow yeah, the forums were wild back then, huh?

Oh my, I read all the replies here and it makes me thankful I didn't comment much (if at all) back when I joined, I joined around 2014 so I imagine it was probably a mess back then xD

I'm actually super awkward when it comes to internet friends or socializing so the forum always intimidated me, thinking people would attack me for anything I said or just ignore me completely lol I was younger so I was more sensitive to that xD besides the fact I've tried talking to people and it's always been short responses that die out the conversation or people talking to me saying 'Hi, how are you?' and nothing else. Like, I didn't know what they wanted to do by just saying those lines loool

Even on discord, when I attempted to give an opinion that wasn't about the characters romance or shipping, I got ignored really bad XD So I just gave up. I'm actually trying this time to hang around in the forum and see if I can comment on something, it's been a positive experience so I'm telling myself it's okay to comment.

Someone said something about people being intolerant when they weren't from the US, but the awkward experiences I've had were US people :sweat_01: or maybe it was US teen talk that I didn't get? Has anyone experienced going into a chat and people like talking in a roleplaying way and saying nonsense as a way to socialize? With nonsense I mean as in people just saying animeish things to each other and writing things like "throws a cookie and explodes" to give an example lol (and any attempt to talk normally will just be ignored xD)

But I'm finding people here in the forum to be friendly and with interesting opinions, so yeah x'D I'm a friendly person and I love to talk but I turn into an awkward/shy person in the internet so I just end up reading opinions lol

Hm, as for the 'too much BL' thing, it's funny cause I always complain that there's not enough hahah xD You see, I have a thing for reading stories about girls reincarnating into "villains" in other worlds, they are always redeemed cause they're not the villan, but the point is that... there's not even stories about guys experimenting the same and it being a BL >_>

Or hey, even BL stories that are not about the couple. Like, how many stories with complex plotlines have a boy x boy main? I have nothing against cute-romantic BL couples (which are indeed abundant) but I have yet to see shonen or seinen storylines that have a main boy x boy main couple in it u_u or the main simply being gay. It's always guys with harems XD So yeah, I just wanted to comment on that. It may be abundant in one specific area, but there's little to none BL stories that aren't focused in the couple in a kind of slice of life way. (If you know any manwhas or stories that aren't slice of life and have a gay character (man) main do recommend me some pls xD)

And wow, I understand envy exists but like... Aren't people thinking that that's what they'll go through once they get there? I understand the discomfort of seeing people with more subs recommending but, at least to me, them recommending it is alright, them having 1000+ subs won't translate into anything harmful for me, on the contrary, it's discouraging to think that if I get to 1000 I won't be able to promote anymore cause people will look at me badly :S

I think people should stop thinking about pulling others down with them and instead focus on their own stories to reach the subscribers they want, it's just as useless as envying what your neighbor has :cry_01: Like, if you want something work for it, the person with 1000+ subscribed worked hard for it and it's your turn to do it as well.

Also, it's like just one thread, if the forum was full of 1000+ threads promoting then I wouldn't feel ok with it, because Tapas already promotes popular stories on the front page and it would be taking away the opportunity of newcomers to be seen... But yeah, one thread or a few of 1000+ promoting shouldn't be frowned upon, unless you're okay with being treated like that in the future :S

In any case, I just wanted to share this, but as I said, I understand the discomfort but would like to encourage people to focus on the bigger picture and realize this discomfort is going to be redirected to them when they ever pass the 500-1000 subscriber count.

I have like 100 subscribers and from the 100 I rarely get a comment xD I can imagine this being a problem even for larger counts, like having 500 and people not saying much either, so, I don't see what's bad for people wanting to promote themselves (?)

But who knows, since you all are saying the forum is more like mature and cool with people, those threads could be a thing now? I dunno, it would be cool the forum turned into a place where people uplift each other no matter how many subs they have :tapa_pop:

As a reader, I never care about subscribers, I only care about the story being good, the art style and maybe reviews. There's stories with millions of subscribes with really bad reviews on anime-planet for example xD so yeah, it's better to just focus on making a story you can be proud of and show others that can appreciate it for what it is ^^

As others have said here, people still need another job and having 500-1000 subs won't do much for you, so the envy is way more useless in this scenario. Be proud of your story and focus your all on it so others can see how much love it has!

Of course, promote it, but always remember there's an audience for everyone! You never know when your story has that specific plot a reader is looking for :eyebrows:

I'm really happy to read the forum is nicer now and apparently with more mature people around!

Oh and I've gotten bullied not here but on the forum on Deviantart >_> for expressing an opinion that wasn't well received, I had to ask the staff to close the thread and it did scare me off of ever trying again to comment there.

I'm still a bit apprehensive about commenting on the forum but anyways, hope no one got offended from this x'D Just wanted to share my opinion!

Welp for Bl's with senine/shonen plots. :sip:

I got plenty in the back pocket some novels some comics. I can dm the recs

But yeah yes to all of this.

I kinda got sick of the envy people had. I will rember the day some guy blamed novels being added and romance for why his comic was no longer popular... even thou is comic although was not bad was kinda bland for a gag a day comic.

Its was very annoying and was very rampant.

I'll say compared to most places. It's pretty chill

Yess, would love the recs! Thanks a lot :coffee_love:

And yesss, it's like, that guy should just work on his stuff and stop blaming others.

If the site needs something, it'd be something like webtoon canvas, in which recently updated comics show on the top of the genre page, that would help newcomers a lot. I'd say the lack of exposure is the problem not other people with their own stories :sweat_01:

So one needs to do the job of promoting wherever possible and wish for a site update someday lol but yeah envy is just useless and does the person dirty since they're dealing with inferiority issues. Love your story first, pour your all on it, promote it as you can and the effort will surely pay off :smug_01:

Besides, it's cool to think of large numbers but I believe people are not thinking on the fact that large numbers translate to people having more expectations and giving you lots of pressure >_>U So, you need the right frame of mind for that... Having lots of subscribes sound cool but hey, I've read stories of people that went viral for example on instagram and the pressure drove them crazy.

Kind of reminds me of the 'be careful what you're asking for', that's why I encourage people to enjoy the process. You need another job to support yourself, as long as you treat your comic as the hobby you're passionate about, people having more subscribers than you won't bother you.

Besides, people need to realize that subscribers from other people are into different genres too. Those subscribers are specifically attracted to those stories so even if the person lost the subscribers, those readers wouldn't follow you... It just means the person lost the subscribers and you'd be rejoicing over someone else's suffering :sweat_01:

So likeee, people, comic subscribers aren't the same as preferring mcdonalds over wendy's! Comics are widely different! So stop treating it as a competition of fast food franchises xDD

Oh btw, all of this is like for everyone that reads this xD Kinda felt like speaking on a podium lol

I meant, like, US folks aren't super tolerant of viewpoints/cultures outside the US. We, as The United States, like to think our experiences as a country expand to all other countries. So everyone must comply with our social morals and viewpoints... or at least that's what I see a lot of the time online. Especially from kids/teens/young adults who can't comprehend the world past their own borders yet. Lol
Admittedly this is probably true for many countries, but being born and raised in the US that's just where my experiences and observations lie.

This was before Tapas introduced premium comics (Or at least when they first started with it and hadn't cashed in on Korean comic bundles yet.), and before their pay-to-read feature, so the front page wasn't overrun with generic cis/het isekai romance. The tiers on the front page used to only be different themes of free-to-read indie comics, daily popular stuff, and they even had a tiny section for newly updated comics, which everything was mostly BL since it was a popular subgenre at the time... the time before webcomics went full on corporate mode.

Also this may be bias since I had 1k subs when that thread was around, but I also think the butthurt was stupid. I kinda get it since, if I remember right, they just took the away the 'newly updated' tier from the front page and applied Apple's app ban on mature comics so may people were struggling to get seen. Seeing that single thread they couldn't post in probably gave them similar feelings as how Tapas was running the site, but still, the response was out there given all the threads they were able to promote in.
Also yeah, 1k don't do dick. Compared to the almost 2k subs I have now the max likes I get is 40-100, with 600 views on a page. I swear at least half my subs are BL archive bots because all of their reading lists have the same comics, they never engage with anyone and have suspiciously bot-y sounding usernames. Not really upset by it since I have no interest in making money off my comic, but it's something I've noticed.

Even though the forum is kinda dead-ish now compared to how it used to be it's a chill community. The folks that are still here don't really like conflict, so dogpiles are pretty rare nowadays, the most they'll do is report your if they think you're spamming or something.

Also DA (DeviantArt) is a cesspool, I quit that site YEARS ago, and I can imagine you getting shit there since their forum community is pure trash.

Ahh, alright, thanks for explaining, yes that's understandable.

And I see, it does seem like it changed a lot! I did read about the mature thing in another thread I believe, though I think it's a little more forgiving than webtoon for example (it really likes deleting pages and it's really annoying)

Gee, I hope that just updated section comes back sooner or later u_u but well, it might not see the light of day again.

And indeed, the forum over on deviantart is like entering a room full of people wanting to disagree with you XD

Hmm, I'm still on deviantart but the most I do is just upload artworks and my comic pages, since there's people that have followed me for some years, but it does feel like a desert nowadays ú_ù

Ho yeah! Tapas is much more relaxed with their rules. Even though it's been banned on the app they're fine with my comic being on the desktop site, or at least they were when I informed them about it, and that has nudity and a ton of profanity. Lol
Webtoons on the other hand, I had to censor some stuff.

Due to how things have shifted I doubt they'll return that section, the free comics that will be shown won't make they much money so there's not point in having it. That's the one nice thing I have to say about Webtoons, at least they still promote their canvas comics on the front page. Although they don't technically have a mandatory pay-to-read thing like Tapas does, so all their comics are basically free.

I can see that, DA is way too oversaturated. Last time I was there you had to post to groups to get seen because art posts would update so quickly, your work would immediately get buried. I couldn't bother with it so I just abandoned my profile. xD

Yeahh at least webtoons shows its canvas segment and they don't discard it like on Tapas xD

As for DA, hmm, I do send to groups but nowadays I don't expect any new watchers, I'm cool with just uploading stuff and the watchers I have liking or commenting on it haha. Mostly like, since I have a lot of content there I just keep posting out of habit perhaps.

But I can see how it would be discouraging to anyone that just starts there. (I've been there like 10+ years so yeah, at this point is just for maintaining my personal artworks organized haha)

Talking anime rp nonsense is a common thing for sure, and while I can kinda get the whole idea of this kind of convo (spent my share on anime rp forums in 2008-2012), it's a bad experience when nothing except this kind of convo happens :sweat_smile: Doesn't matter if you come into the chat and all people are saying being "good morning, so for breakfast I had... " or "throws cookie and explodes", it's just empty talk of a bunch of people who have nothing to talk about/have nothing to share and are not interested in others.
It's cool and common in chats when everyone knows each other and all the inner jokes, but if there's nothing but those jokes coming from everyone and no one is paying attention to others... Well what's even the point. Tried a couple of those servers to never return :smile:

And to answer the OP's question - nope, I never did. But I do prefer to be on a very neutral side as much as I can.

I've never had any issues or anything, but I rarely post in the forums. I do linger a lot and read stuff a lot, and have for about a year now.

The bigger issue for me is that there's a real lack of solid conversation, it feels. There's a crap ton of threads circling around showing off, trading views/likes/subs/etc., some critique threads... but rarely more. I also have a lot of issues with the critique threads... I've seen some stuff where someone posts asking for critique and it just gets a ton of compliments or pointers so gentle that you can't really figure out what the critique actually is. And it'll be stuff where the anatomy or whatever is just severely in need of work and education.

There is a lot of fluff here, but at the expense of genuine discourse and support, I feel.